"First time?" asked the young girl in the tight silver Scirocco costume. I smiled at her and nodded.
"I thought so," she said, tossing off a healthy laugh. "My name is Miranda. If you don't mind my saying though, you seem a bit old for a costume player."
"Well," I stammered. "I'm Athena. I've always been fascinated by superheroes; but more on the fringe of my mind. But then one showed up in my home town recently and..."
"You're from Queen City?" she asked. I nodded.
"You have a good start on a White Owl costume," she said. "But the judges will look for detail and flash. How well do PORTRAY her? What little details are you missing?"
"What do you mean," I asked, suddenly self conscious that someone was studying me that intently. She stepped back a moment and and spread her arms.
"Look here," she said. "Scirocco is dazzling and fast. Its hard to get all the details of her costume right? But I've captured the silvery spandex, the little speed lines, and and here..." She pointed to her belt. "Most cosplayers show this as a solid blue band. But Scirocco has a sense of humor. As you see its a lightning bolt--or a..."
"A blue streak," I finished. I remembered Scirocco mentioning it to me when she mentored me during monitor duty. It was indeed a small detail, and I was impressed that this young woman had picked up on it. I found myself wishing some of the grad students I worked with on digs were as meticulous.
"Now take your costume," she continued. "White Owl has this all white leotard, like yours. But it's bulletproof. Yours is made of some silky fiber, so its not all that authentic. And I think you could have done more with your hair, to make it look like hers. But still its a fantastic start."
Miranda spotted another friend and said, "See you at the contest, Athena!" I smiled and waved as well. Two older teenage boys spotted me and said, "Smile White Owl!" I struck a tae kwon do pose and smiled. They laughed and shot a snapshot.
I was feeling excited. I hadn't realized looking like...well me...could be so different. I mean, I AM White Owl. And I am Athena too. But usually in this costume, well, Athena was left behind--it was almost like another aspect of myself jumped out. But it felt weird to be Athena and in costume.
I almost missed Virgil's show, but I stood in the background and listened to his talk. It was solid, gracious, warm and heartfelt. Virgil...Captain Valiant, was well received but the crowd was respectful. He posed for a picture or two on stage, then signed autographs for a long time. I saw the autograph rules... No more than two items, no personalizations, no skin. Seemed to make perfect sense to me. I paid the extra $10 and slipped into line. We moves swiftly forward and fifteen minutes later, I saw Virgil look up at me.
"Hi! Can I get a photo?" I asked. "I understand we're an item." I dangled a digital camera and smiled.
"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't. White Owl is a very jealous woman, as I'm sure you've heard." He took my photo and signed in a strong hand, "Heroically yours, Captain Valiant." I smiled and thanked him then made my way to the main ballroom for the costume contest.
What a sea of heroes villains and other assorted people there were in that room! I spotted at least ten White Owls, not counting myself, a few Sciroccos (Miranda's was the best costume) Pink Pussycats, Frosty Freds, Buffoons, and in the strangest twist, men and women dressed in some very stylish (and revealing) versions of Captain Valiant's outfit. The MC was funny and the judges tried hard to keep the contest moving. Several of the costumed people had acts and moves that coincided with their costumes. I looked up and down the line, and spotted one White Owl with blond hair, another with curly reddish hair. The woman with the curls looked familiar, then I placed her as having been at the dinner club the previous night with the Gentleman Bandit.
I kept my eye on her through the contest. She was several places ahead of me, and when she got on stage she announced, "I am White Owl, the worst heroine in the Guild. I get captured and have to wait for someone to get me free...and no one really likes me. Captain Valiant just thinks I'm easy." The voice and cadence were Midwestern and I suddenly realized...
"Melody!" I shouted, before I could stop myself. The girl on stage stopped and looked in my direction. She shrieked when she saw me then flung herself off stage, running out of the ballroom. I took off after her, at a sprint; but by the time I got to the door, she had been swallowed up in a heavy convention crowd.
I stayed away from the contest after that. I didn't want anyone to identify me, or to give away my identity. Later that night, back in his penthouse, I told Virgil what had happened.
"Are you sure it was Melody?" he asked, concern in his voice.
"Absolutely," I said. "Every gesture, every nuance in her voice screamed Melody to me. I'm afraid I gave myself away by calling her name."
"But did she see your id tag? Or anything like that?"
I shook my head. "I don't think so. I didn't spot her until we were in line at the contest, and she was several places ahead of me." I pummeled my forehead with my knuckles. "I should have realized last night, but her carriage was so different."
"Don't go there Athena," he said. "Remember, there is no such thing as 'what might have been.'"
I smiled at him. "I know. And thanks."
"Care to patrol with me tonight?" he asked.
"I don't think I should. I already have Melody suspecting I'm in town. It wouldn't do to confirm her suspicions. I'll just stay here with Sterling, if you don't mind."
Virgil nodded and a moment later he was gone. Sterling and I sat together in the study, playing chess and talking. Sterling was good at both.
The next morning, Virgil drove me to the airport, and saw me to the security area where we said our goodbyes. "Don't be surprised if I show up next weekend, cara mia," said Virgil. "Now that you know my deep dark secret, I can browse the Queen City Supercon for more collectibles. I got a really good deal on Techno's hoverdisk. Maybe I can get his Visor next."
"That's not funny!" I said. I kissed him and went through security, with no problems. I boarded my plane and flew west, depressed and concerned. But the flight was uneventful and Daisy was glad to see me when I walked through the door. She chased me to the kitchen, and I put down a can of food for her. She took two bites and purred, then rubbed my legs in gratitude.
Monday found me back at the museum, and to the surprise of Director Chatterjee, I stayed all week, even volunteering to help with the class from the Riverside Academy. The week went fast, and crime seemed to be standing still. I couldn't find any word about Melody. All the chatter in the streets dealt more with the Buffoon or the Glow Worm.
On Tuesday, I met with Josh briefly, and accepted the invitation. Or in his terminology, confirmed my appearance. By Thursday I was exhausted and dropped into bed early, wondering if Virgil was going to come. The answer to that was found Friday morning in an e-mail.
"Athena. I have had an unexpected business matter come up and will be unable to attend. I'm sure you'll wow the crowd, and it will be out of this world. Call me Monday or Tuesday and let me know how it went. Virgil"
I guessed (then confirmed with the Guild) that Captain Valiant was off planet for the weekend. I steeled my nerve and prayed for the best.
(to be continued)
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