The car beeped twice, and Hao Chin sighed, realizing that the hoped for rendezvous had still not occured. He put his hand on the handle of his car and felt a sharp object about his neck.
"On your kness Hao Chin, or I'll let Daliyah turn you into dog food." Chin dropped to his knees, his fingers interlaced behind his head.
A dark oriental woman reached into his pocket, and pulled out his wallet and passport. Studying it, she said, "I'm Yukiko, Lauren's top lieutenant. She sent me to meet you and to hear your offer."
Despite his submissive pose, Hao Chin held his ground. "No, I will not deal with mere intermediaries or minions."
He felt the knife at his throat again, as Yukiko crouched in front of him. He lithe body exuded the grace of a dancer, or perhaps a skilled martial artist, and Hao Chin realized she could take his head off without much effort. "Don't go calling names Mon," he heard in a heavily accented voice.
"I am afraid Daliyah doesn't have much patience with intolerance, Mr. Chin," said Yukiko. And in don't have mch patience, period. Once more, the offer?"
"No!" said Chin. ""My request was simple. And my orders from my patron were explicit. I am to deal with Lauren O'Rourke, alone. Failing that, then death would be welcome to my honor."
A black Mecedes turned on its headlamps, and the door opened. "A'right Chin, ye got y'r meeting. I'm Lauren O'Rourke." The slender, elegant redhead was dressed in a cream colored linen pantsuit, with a green silk blouse underneath setting off her emerald eyes. A cream colored fedora was perched at a Sinatraesque angle on top of her head, completing the look. Confidence exuded from her like an exquisite perfume.
"No, no, don't get up on my account," said Lauren, a soft Celtic lilt matching her fey features. "And we O'Rourke's have the Sight,; so I'll know if you're trying to pull a fast one. " She dismissed her guards and nodded toward the Mercedes.
"Supposin' I treat this as a business meeting, then. Would you be amenable to a late seafood dinner?" asked Lauren.
"I suppose so, provided you call me again," deadpanned Chin.
Lauren tittered politely at the lame joke, and thirty minutes later, both Lauren and Chin were seated in a private room at Mantooth's Fine Seafood Restaurant. After the waiter brought the food, the doors were shut and the two of them enjoyed a bit of privacy as Yukiko and and Daliyah provided security just outside the door.
"I thought people in your profession preferred eating pasta," said Hao Chin, as he sliced into a large salmon steak.
"You have me confused with the bloody Italians," replied Lauren, nibbling daintily on shrimp scampi. "We Irish eat anythin' and are glad of it."
"My apologies, I meant no offense."
"None taken," said Lauren. She waited a moment while the wineglasses were refilled, then said. "Now down to business. What brings an importer like you halfway around the world. It must be something unique if you can't find it in Singapore."
Chin wiped his face with a napkin and nodded. "Very rare, indeed. In fact, one of a kind. You might even say a rara avis."
"You're importin' bloody BIRDS?" Lauren sounded incredulous. "An' just what sort of unique bird calls Queen City home?"
"My buyer requests a predatory bird. One which you have as much reason to see gone as I do to see acquired. An Owl."
Lauren's elfin face did a poor job of masking her surprise. "You want my help in capturin' that beaked busybody?" Tossing her head back, Lauren convulsed in laughter.
"Oh Laddie," she said eventually, wiping a tear from her eye. "I'd be DELIGHTED to help you acquire this item. Hell, I may even do it gratis!" At this, Lauren's lieutenants gasped. She waved at the two of them.
"Don't worry lassies. I haven't addled my wits yet," said Lauren. Turning back to Hao Chin, she added, "So what's in it for me, besides gettin' rid of the Hooter, I mean?"
Chin took a pen and small notebook from his pocket, then scribbled a number on it. He slid the folded paper to his hostess, then sat back with a satisfied smile on his face. Lauren took up the paper and studied it carefully. "Is this your offer? Or is this a joke?"
Chin frowned, "That's my offer."
"That's a joke," Lauren replied, wadding up the slip of paper and burning it in the ashtray. "I take all the risks, lay out all the capital for a capture AND containment system, prepare the acquisition for transport, and YOU get all the reward? Not bloody likely at this price. I'd go into the hole on this one. I think you can do better. I'll give you just one more chance."
Chin looked worried. Trembling, he picked up his pad and scrutinized the numbers again. "Just a moment ago, you said you were willing to do this for free," he protested.
"That was me heart talkin'. But where these contracts are concerned, I stifle the little bastard an' listen to me brain. Now are you going to write? or am I going to walk out and never call you again?"
Chin began to write with Yukiko standing over one shoulder. He was about to slide the pad back when Lauren said, "Add another zero."
"You can't be serious!" protested Chin.
"I'm always serious when I talk money," said Lauren. "And I want half now and half on delivery. And I want to know who the buyer is. After all, someone wants to buy a superheroine, he must think he's pretty hot stuff."
"I will agree to half now and half on delivery," said Chin. "But I will not tell you who the buyer is. After all, you might try to undercut me and offer him a better deal. Now I can transfer the money early tomorrow morning if you'd like?"
Lauren opened a cell phone and pressed one button, "Not necessary. Hold on a minute." She spoke into the phone. "Hello Leticia? Its me, be prepared for a large transfer." Lauren rattled off a long series of numbers. Then she handed the phone to Chin.
"This is Leticia, my Bahamian banker. She's willing to arrange a transfer now. And I'll sign any paperwork in the meanwhile?"
"Oh no, no paperwork, Ms O'Rourke," said Chin. "I trust you'll stick to the terms discussed. And there should be soomething special just for you upon sucessful completion? Call it a bonus."
Chin turned to the telephone, then scribbled something down and handed the confirmation to Lauren. Lauren nodded then spoke to Chin again, "I'll contact you in three weeks to arrange the transfer on my end. I trust that will be sufficient time?"
Chin agreed. "I will be travelling around the country, working on a few other acquisitions. Your Western styles appeals to many in my markets. You have my contact information?" Lauren nodded and Chin stood and bowed, then showed himself out.
Once the door closed Yukiko said, "I do not trust him."
"You'd be a right foo to do so," agreed Lauren. "But the money is good an' if it rids us of the White Chicken, then so much the better." She stood and stretched, her taut form exciting both Yukiko and Daliyah. Fully aware of the reactions she elicited, Lauren turned back to the two women and said, "Get the Council together. We need to make plans to cook the Grey Goose!"
(to be continued)
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