"I'm glad you could join us today, White Owl," said Dr Sands. "My associates and I are excited that you're here, and we're really looking forward to getting your take on this new project." Dr Sands was a man of medium build, with dark brown hair and a thick beard. He walked quickly down the linoleum tile of the research facility, his dark loafers clicking softly on the floor. We stopped in front of a door with a frosted glass pane.
"I'm just grateful you invited me Dr Sands," I said. "I'm always interested in seeing devices that might help me out of a job." Sands opened the door, and I could see several computer terminals, monitor screens and in the center of the room, a thick wooden armchair stood with a metal helmet in the seat.
I took the scene in and quipped, "Looks like something from a Bugs Bunny cartoon."
Sands looked non plussed. "It may LOOK humorous, but I assure you it's the best virtual reality device we can afford."
"So how does VR help the police, or me for that matter?" I asked, studying the layout.
"Oh the VR is to help recreate a Hogan's Alley type of scenario right now. We can program in a variety of scenarios, and in training the officers, help them sharpen skills in determining who's a criminal versus an innocent. Additional uses could be to enhance memory recollection for witnesses.
I stopped him here. "It sounds a bit like the AudioSynchrometer Professor Stowe was working on."
Sands turned at me, surprised. "We used some of Stowe's notes," he admitted. "But I didn't think he'd gotten to a test phase. The poor man seems to have made a fantastic recovery, though he's lost his research grants. Such a pity, to have his own device used on him like that."
I nodded grimly. I thought about Techno, and how his own mind had been completely erased by the AudioSynchrometer. While it had been tragic, the AudioSynchrometer had protected my identity by deleting Techno's brain. "As I recall, the AudioSynchrometer was designed as a teaching tool, but there were some serious flaws to it."
"Strictly speaking, this is a completely different device," said Dr Sands. "Instead of being able to plant or erase memories, all this does is provide memory enhancement and works on developing reflexs and decisions." I nodded.
"Would you care to try it out?" asked Sands.
I hesitated a moment, but this was why I was here. "All right. Will it take long?"
"Oh no, we can do this in thrty minutes or so. If you'll sit here?"
I sat in the leather chair and watched as Sands settled the helmet on my head. He adjusted the helmet until it felt snug. "Is that comfortable?" he asked.
"Just great!" I said. "What's the scnario?"
"Lets just do something simple," said Sands. He stepped to the control panel and twisted a few dials. From the corner of my eye, I could see Sands at the panel but all of a sudden, downtown Queen City appeared. I stood at the corner of the Fountain, and could hear the rush of water as it spashed in the basin.
In the helmet, I heard Sands say, "Go ahead and interact White Owl. If you want to fly, the VR will compensate. But we are using you and several others to calibrate the device.
I looked to my left, and could see people standing and milling down Central Avenue. I took off, and watched the crowd move down and away from me. I headed up Central to Fifth, amazed at the detail of the simulation, down to Happy Harry's Hot Dog cart. I cut around Fifth and headed west, watching as the city unspooled beneath me.
As I climbed higher, I noticed a subtle change as the buildings and features of the city became less distinct. I made a mental note to alert Dr Sands to this flaw. I think it was only because I had years of being at bird's eye level that I would have noticed it in the first place.
"This is definitely cool," I said. "Is there more that it can do?"
"Wait for it White Owl," chuckled Sands.
I passed the museum center, then headed toward Broadway, and the theaters. But on Sycamore, I heard a police siren wailing and banked that way. At Sycamore and Broadway I saw police cars, lights flashing as a robbery was occuring at the Fifth Federal Bank. One policeman was down, and another was exchanging bullets with the robbers. They were pinned down at the door, and I could see hostages in the bank.
I swooped around to the back of the robbery, and pulled a smoke grenade from my belt. The glint of the steel ball caught one robber's attention and he turned. Startled, he fired two bullets from a snub nosed .38 at me. Two bullets blazed past on either side, and I smelled the acrid ozone as the hurtled by. With a bit more confidence, he lined up a third shot. I saw a muzzle flash, and flet something thud into my breast. I put my palm against my chest . A flattened lead slug lay there, its inertia spent.
Angered, I dropped the smoke grenade and the plaza in front of Fifth Federal became a blanket of dark fog. Amidst the sputtering and coughing, I dropped a net ball, and scooped up the robbers, pulling them into the air. I swung out over the plaza and dropped them in front of the SWAT van.
Captain Don Winslow, pushing a shock of sandy hair from his forehead and smoking his perpetual Laramie stepped over. "Nice work, White Owl," he said in his broad Kentucky drawl.
"I believe these are yours," I said, waving a hand at the net full of bank robbers.
"Yeah, yeah, you bag 'em and I get stuck with all the paperwork." The not-quite Winslow smiled broadly in an eerie imitation of the original and I felt a shudder running down my spine.
"Seriously, you did well, good lookin'! Why don't you take the rest of the day off," suggested Winslow. I realized then that he wasn't the real deal My relationship with Winslow is professional and perhaps paternalistic, but he's never been one to stress how I look.
"All right, that's enough for now White Owl," I heard in head, almost like a telepathic summons. I placed my hands on either side of my head and pushed the VR helmet free. The sunny Queen City morning melted away to the flourescent lighting of Dr Sands' laboratory.
I took a deep breath, feeling like I was coming out of a long slumber. "Welcome back," said Dr Sands, standing next to me. I looked over at him. Did he seem taller; more substantial somehow? I put it down to confidence in his demonstraion.
"How was it?" he asked a bit nervously.
"Exhilarating," I replied honestly. "It was truly remarkable. I almost felt like I was in Queen City." I gave him a wry smile and Dr Sands chuckled.
"One point though," I asked, still smiling. "You weren't trying to kill me were you? What would have happened if the bullet had penetrated, rather than flattening against my body armor?"
Sands deflected my question by giving me an appraising eye. "I didn't know you wore body armor," he said. "How do you hide it under that skimpy uniform?"
"That's my little secret," I replied. "But what about my question?"
Sands shrugged. "Assuming the safety protocols are in place, then no, you woulnd't have been hurt. This is a teaching tool, not a killing device White Owl."
Satisfied by the answer I nodded. "Well thank you Dr Sands. It was a truly interesting afternoon. If we're done here, I'll see myself out. See you soon!" I turned and walked out the door and down the hall. A moment later, I was in the darkening streets of Queen City. The streetlights were just coming on. I leapt into the air, flying toward my Victory Park home. I planned to feed Daisy, then begin my evening patrol. I was going to head toward River's Edge and check out the Evo Rocker concert security, then on to patrol the rest of the city.
I banked over Germantown, on my way home and spotted the flashes of gunplay near the Kleine Koenig brewery. "No rest for the weary," I muttered, turning to go tackle the issue.
"I'm just grateful you invited me Dr Sands," I said. "I'm always interested in seeing devices that might help me out of a job." Sands opened the door, and I could see several computer terminals, monitor screens and in the center of the room, a thick wooden armchair stood with a metal helmet in the seat.
I took the scene in and quipped, "Looks like something from a Bugs Bunny cartoon."
Sands looked non plussed. "It may LOOK humorous, but I assure you it's the best virtual reality device we can afford."
"So how does VR help the police, or me for that matter?" I asked, studying the layout.
"Oh the VR is to help recreate a Hogan's Alley type of scenario right now. We can program in a variety of scenarios, and in training the officers, help them sharpen skills in determining who's a criminal versus an innocent. Additional uses could be to enhance memory recollection for witnesses.
I stopped him here. "It sounds a bit like the AudioSynchrometer Professor Stowe was working on."
Sands turned at me, surprised. "We used some of Stowe's notes," he admitted. "But I didn't think he'd gotten to a test phase. The poor man seems to have made a fantastic recovery, though he's lost his research grants. Such a pity, to have his own device used on him like that."
I nodded grimly. I thought about Techno, and how his own mind had been completely erased by the AudioSynchrometer. While it had been tragic, the AudioSynchrometer had protected my identity by deleting Techno's brain. "As I recall, the AudioSynchrometer was designed as a teaching tool, but there were some serious flaws to it."
"Strictly speaking, this is a completely different device," said Dr Sands. "Instead of being able to plant or erase memories, all this does is provide memory enhancement and works on developing reflexs and decisions." I nodded.
"Would you care to try it out?" asked Sands.
I hesitated a moment, but this was why I was here. "All right. Will it take long?"
"Oh no, we can do this in thrty minutes or so. If you'll sit here?"
I sat in the leather chair and watched as Sands settled the helmet on my head. He adjusted the helmet until it felt snug. "Is that comfortable?" he asked.
"Just great!" I said. "What's the scnario?"
"Lets just do something simple," said Sands. He stepped to the control panel and twisted a few dials. From the corner of my eye, I could see Sands at the panel but all of a sudden, downtown Queen City appeared. I stood at the corner of the Fountain, and could hear the rush of water as it spashed in the basin.
In the helmet, I heard Sands say, "Go ahead and interact White Owl. If you want to fly, the VR will compensate. But we are using you and several others to calibrate the device.
I looked to my left, and could see people standing and milling down Central Avenue. I took off, and watched the crowd move down and away from me. I headed up Central to Fifth, amazed at the detail of the simulation, down to Happy Harry's Hot Dog cart. I cut around Fifth and headed west, watching as the city unspooled beneath me.
As I climbed higher, I noticed a subtle change as the buildings and features of the city became less distinct. I made a mental note to alert Dr Sands to this flaw. I think it was only because I had years of being at bird's eye level that I would have noticed it in the first place.
"This is definitely cool," I said. "Is there more that it can do?"
"Wait for it White Owl," chuckled Sands.
I passed the museum center, then headed toward Broadway, and the theaters. But on Sycamore, I heard a police siren wailing and banked that way. At Sycamore and Broadway I saw police cars, lights flashing as a robbery was occuring at the Fifth Federal Bank. One policeman was down, and another was exchanging bullets with the robbers. They were pinned down at the door, and I could see hostages in the bank.
I swooped around to the back of the robbery, and pulled a smoke grenade from my belt. The glint of the steel ball caught one robber's attention and he turned. Startled, he fired two bullets from a snub nosed .38 at me. Two bullets blazed past on either side, and I smelled the acrid ozone as the hurtled by. With a bit more confidence, he lined up a third shot. I saw a muzzle flash, and flet something thud into my breast. I put my palm against my chest . A flattened lead slug lay there, its inertia spent.
Angered, I dropped the smoke grenade and the plaza in front of Fifth Federal became a blanket of dark fog. Amidst the sputtering and coughing, I dropped a net ball, and scooped up the robbers, pulling them into the air. I swung out over the plaza and dropped them in front of the SWAT van.
Captain Don Winslow, pushing a shock of sandy hair from his forehead and smoking his perpetual Laramie stepped over. "Nice work, White Owl," he said in his broad Kentucky drawl.
"I believe these are yours," I said, waving a hand at the net full of bank robbers.
"Yeah, yeah, you bag 'em and I get stuck with all the paperwork." The not-quite Winslow smiled broadly in an eerie imitation of the original and I felt a shudder running down my spine.
"Seriously, you did well, good lookin'! Why don't you take the rest of the day off," suggested Winslow. I realized then that he wasn't the real deal My relationship with Winslow is professional and perhaps paternalistic, but he's never been one to stress how I look.
"All right, that's enough for now White Owl," I heard in head, almost like a telepathic summons. I placed my hands on either side of my head and pushed the VR helmet free. The sunny Queen City morning melted away to the flourescent lighting of Dr Sands' laboratory.
I took a deep breath, feeling like I was coming out of a long slumber. "Welcome back," said Dr Sands, standing next to me. I looked over at him. Did he seem taller; more substantial somehow? I put it down to confidence in his demonstraion.
"How was it?" he asked a bit nervously.
"Exhilarating," I replied honestly. "It was truly remarkable. I almost felt like I was in Queen City." I gave him a wry smile and Dr Sands chuckled.
"One point though," I asked, still smiling. "You weren't trying to kill me were you? What would have happened if the bullet had penetrated, rather than flattening against my body armor?"
Sands deflected my question by giving me an appraising eye. "I didn't know you wore body armor," he said. "How do you hide it under that skimpy uniform?"
"That's my little secret," I replied. "But what about my question?"
Sands shrugged. "Assuming the safety protocols are in place, then no, you woulnd't have been hurt. This is a teaching tool, not a killing device White Owl."
Satisfied by the answer I nodded. "Well thank you Dr Sands. It was a truly interesting afternoon. If we're done here, I'll see myself out. See you soon!" I turned and walked out the door and down the hall. A moment later, I was in the darkening streets of Queen City. The streetlights were just coming on. I leapt into the air, flying toward my Victory Park home. I planned to feed Daisy, then begin my evening patrol. I was going to head toward River's Edge and check out the Evo Rocker concert security, then on to patrol the rest of the city.
I banked over Germantown, on my way home and spotted the flashes of gunplay near the Kleine Koenig brewery. "No rest for the weary," I muttered, turning to go tackle the issue.
I flew into the brewery, shocked at the firefight going on. The gunmen were in their car, trying to get out, and shooting it out with brewery security and the police. This could only end badly I knew. I scanned the area, and located one of the brewery delivery trucks near the loading dock. Apparently the firefight had distracted the loading crews; the docks were empty.
I swooped down underneath the truck, then with some effort, I lifted it on my back and shoulders, flying it slowly toward the robbers. I hovered for a moment over the robbers' car, and watched as they scrambled into the lot. I dropped the truck at that point, watching in satisfaction as the car just crumpled beneath the weight of the truck.
"We'll take it from here, White Owl," said the police officer behind the wheel of the black and white. I flew back into the night, curious how I had managed to lift a delivery truck. Normally I would have difficultly even picking up a full sized car.
I flexed my muscles and headed toward Victory Park; after all , Daisy could be VERY demanding. But somehow I found myself in the theater district. Just ahead of me was the contemporary arts center. I was startled by a blaze breaking out in the building. The flame was in at the 20th century art section and threatened to destroy a traveling collection of art by Liechtenstein, Duchamp, Mondrian and others. Realizing I had to act, I dove through the glass skylight on top of the art center and tried to roll. Somehow my body refused to bend and I crashed miserably to the floor.
"I guess that truck stunt took a lot out of me," I muttered, picking myself up. The blaze hadn't hit this floor yet. Working quickly, I made my way to the floor where the fire was, and swiftly moved paintings and sculptures, sending them to the museum trucks that had backed up, and assisting the museum workers who were trying to move the art with me.
On one trip though, I looked out the window and saw a giant red salamander closing in, attempting to add to the conflagration. Was it one of Hellfire's devilish minions? I couldn't be sure. But the salamander was apparently apparently attending to the hatching of its young, for several smaller salamanders crawled nearby; along with a small clutch of white and orange eggs. Their shrill shrieking and flashing red eyes indicated a great danger to the city. I leapt from the window and attacked the largest salamander, wishing desperately that the fire department would arrive.
In the headquarters of the Superhero Guild, the Troubalert klaxons began sounding. Scirocco looked up from her four hands of bridge and looked at the screen, the afterimages blurring back into one heroine.
"Its a request from White Owl," she said, thumbing the alert. She sent dispatches to Captain Valiant and Danger Woman to assist with a large disturbance. Scirocco brought up the monitor and saw a large robot wrecking fire trucks in downtown Queen City.
"That's odd," said the sexy speedster. "The request came from White Owl's transmitter, but she's not on scene. And the lock on the transmitter doesn't show anyone nearby." Scirocco toggled the dispatch key again. "I hope the Dark Hunter is available," she said.
Danger Woman focused on the giant robot. She opened her mouth to use her "karaoke" powers to sonically shatter the giant robot. But an iron fist slapped her like a mosquito and Danger Woman tumbled back into the curb, upsetting a garbage can. The robot stepped closer, attempting to squash Danger Woman like an ant, but the plucky songbird of Justice felt a pair of powerful arms lifting her out of the way. They flew away from the robot, but its arms lurched out faster than thought and snagged the Stalwart of Order from the air. Captain Valiant gasped, dropping Danger Woman.
The intrepid heroine fell, but Danger Woman used her microphone to lasso a nearby gargoyle as she gracefully swung down the cord and into the street. She turned just in time to see Captain Valiant flying backward at her. The powerful hero struck Danger Woman in the side, knocking them both to the ground. A gas grenade dropped next to them, filling the air with a strong anaesthetic and leaving Danger Woman and Captain Valiant unconscious on the ground near city hall.
As if Hellfire weren't enough, I suddenly felt a powerful vibration against my back. In the shadows, I saw a feminine form and I knew at once who had caused me to tremble...Quiver! She'd been at the Iron Mountain Women's Prison, and I was uncertain how she'd gotten free. But I knew she was capable of manufacturing all sorts of wave energy and needed to be put down quickly.
But as I moved to end the battle, I learned Quiver was working with Bloodhawk. I redoubled my effort, knowing I had to be fast and accurate to take them both down. It was at times like this I missed my talons. But ever since that awful night in St Matthew's, I'd given up anything patently lethal.
"Subject's blood pressure, adrenaline levels and heartrate are all accelerated, Dr Sands. Her EEG is showing both strong alpha and beta wave energy too."
Sands smiled broadly at his assistant. "Just as I planned. Using the basics of Stowe's audiosynchrometer and your enhancements to the helmet, I've placed White Owl into a reality she will never escape. Moreover I've pressed her unwitting brain into my services. And did you see what she's done? She destroyed a police cruiser, the fire department and even her own friends! We're unstoppable!"
"Great work, Dr Sands," said his assistant.
"Oh please Mat," said Sands, pulling off his fake beard and smiling his dazzling showman's smile. "Call me by my real name, Professor Somnos, the master of suggestion!" He clanced down at the leather chair where White Owl still sat restrained, the VR helmet still firmly in place on her head.
"That's it my little pretty," he cooed at his unhearing captive. "Keep on dreaming. Soon Queen City will buckle and the city will be completely open to my suggestions....and my demands.
I swooped down underneath the truck, then with some effort, I lifted it on my back and shoulders, flying it slowly toward the robbers. I hovered for a moment over the robbers' car, and watched as they scrambled into the lot. I dropped the truck at that point, watching in satisfaction as the car just crumpled beneath the weight of the truck.
"We'll take it from here, White Owl," said the police officer behind the wheel of the black and white. I flew back into the night, curious how I had managed to lift a delivery truck. Normally I would have difficultly even picking up a full sized car.
I flexed my muscles and headed toward Victory Park; after all , Daisy could be VERY demanding. But somehow I found myself in the theater district. Just ahead of me was the contemporary arts center. I was startled by a blaze breaking out in the building. The flame was in at the 20th century art section and threatened to destroy a traveling collection of art by Liechtenstein, Duchamp, Mondrian and others. Realizing I had to act, I dove through the glass skylight on top of the art center and tried to roll. Somehow my body refused to bend and I crashed miserably to the floor.
"I guess that truck stunt took a lot out of me," I muttered, picking myself up. The blaze hadn't hit this floor yet. Working quickly, I made my way to the floor where the fire was, and swiftly moved paintings and sculptures, sending them to the museum trucks that had backed up, and assisting the museum workers who were trying to move the art with me.
On one trip though, I looked out the window and saw a giant red salamander closing in, attempting to add to the conflagration. Was it one of Hellfire's devilish minions? I couldn't be sure. But the salamander was apparently apparently attending to the hatching of its young, for several smaller salamanders crawled nearby; along with a small clutch of white and orange eggs. Their shrill shrieking and flashing red eyes indicated a great danger to the city. I leapt from the window and attacked the largest salamander, wishing desperately that the fire department would arrive.
In the headquarters of the Superhero Guild, the Troubalert klaxons began sounding. Scirocco looked up from her four hands of bridge and looked at the screen, the afterimages blurring back into one heroine.
"Its a request from White Owl," she said, thumbing the alert. She sent dispatches to Captain Valiant and Danger Woman to assist with a large disturbance. Scirocco brought up the monitor and saw a large robot wrecking fire trucks in downtown Queen City.
"That's odd," said the sexy speedster. "The request came from White Owl's transmitter, but she's not on scene. And the lock on the transmitter doesn't show anyone nearby." Scirocco toggled the dispatch key again. "I hope the Dark Hunter is available," she said.
Danger Woman focused on the giant robot. She opened her mouth to use her "karaoke" powers to sonically shatter the giant robot. But an iron fist slapped her like a mosquito and Danger Woman tumbled back into the curb, upsetting a garbage can. The robot stepped closer, attempting to squash Danger Woman like an ant, but the plucky songbird of Justice felt a pair of powerful arms lifting her out of the way. They flew away from the robot, but its arms lurched out faster than thought and snagged the Stalwart of Order from the air. Captain Valiant gasped, dropping Danger Woman.
The intrepid heroine fell, but Danger Woman used her microphone to lasso a nearby gargoyle as she gracefully swung down the cord and into the street. She turned just in time to see Captain Valiant flying backward at her. The powerful hero struck Danger Woman in the side, knocking them both to the ground. A gas grenade dropped next to them, filling the air with a strong anaesthetic and leaving Danger Woman and Captain Valiant unconscious on the ground near city hall.
As if Hellfire weren't enough, I suddenly felt a powerful vibration against my back. In the shadows, I saw a feminine form and I knew at once who had caused me to tremble...Quiver! She'd been at the Iron Mountain Women's Prison, and I was uncertain how she'd gotten free. But I knew she was capable of manufacturing all sorts of wave energy and needed to be put down quickly.
But as I moved to end the battle, I learned Quiver was working with Bloodhawk. I redoubled my effort, knowing I had to be fast and accurate to take them both down. It was at times like this I missed my talons. But ever since that awful night in St Matthew's, I'd given up anything patently lethal.
"Subject's blood pressure, adrenaline levels and heartrate are all accelerated, Dr Sands. Her EEG is showing both strong alpha and beta wave energy too."
Sands smiled broadly at his assistant. "Just as I planned. Using the basics of Stowe's audiosynchrometer and your enhancements to the helmet, I've placed White Owl into a reality she will never escape. Moreover I've pressed her unwitting brain into my services. And did you see what she's done? She destroyed a police cruiser, the fire department and even her own friends! We're unstoppable!"
"Great work, Dr Sands," said his assistant.
"Oh please Mat," said Sands, pulling off his fake beard and smiling his dazzling showman's smile. "Call me by my real name, Professor Somnos, the master of suggestion!" He clanced down at the leather chair where White Owl still sat restrained, the VR helmet still firmly in place on her head.
"That's it my little pretty," he cooed at his unhearing captive. "Keep on dreaming. Soon Queen City will buckle and the city will be completely open to my suggestions....and my demands.
The night continued to drag slowly. I was certain someone had stopped Artemis in her tracks as she lead her chariot through the inky night. I was equally certain that all the doors had been discarded from the prisons and asylums as Queen City plunged from crisis to crisis.
I lost all sense of time. Though it seemed like days since I'd bid Professor Sands good afternoon, I was positive that only a few hours had passed, hadn't they?
"It's been THREE DAYS!!" Captain Winslow angrily stubbed out a cigarette and turned back from the rooftop railing at One Police Plaza. His dark brown eyes glared at Captain Valiant and Danger Woman. "And you're telling me that your precious Guild has found no way to stop the giant robot that's been wrecking my city, my men and my cars! And to top it all off, you tell me White Owl is missing."
He ran his hand through his thinning brown hair, then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out another Laramie. He flicked the butane lighter and jumped back when a sonic trill caused it to shatter. "Jehoshaphat!" he shouted.
With a pixie-like smile on her face, Danger Woman said, "You really shouldn't smoke, Captain; it will stress out your heart." She put a hand over her own heart to emphasize. "And I should know."
Despite her impudent nature, Winslow smiled. "You almost sound like her," he said wistfully. He crushed the pack and stuck it back into his pocket.
Captain Valiant uncrossed his arms and leaned over the railing with Winslow. "It isn't that we aren't trying to find White Owl, Captain. Dark Hunter says she's on this plane but he's unable to locate her physical location."
"I thought he could see anything."
"Most people do, and the Hunter likes to cultivate that belief. But the truth is, he's limited to the planes he can walk. He's definitely a mystic and he can sense her presence within the 20 mile radius of Queen City. She's alive."
"But he can't give us the street number," Winslow furrowed his brow. "And a street to street search could take weeks, to say nothing of the possibility of her being killed or moved.
Danger Woman spoke up, "Ohio. I could help. I can check with my animal friends!"
"I don't think a squirrel's testimony will hold up in court," protested Winslow.
"Well I think it's a great idea Danger Woman," said Captain Valiant, shooting a withering glance at Winslow. "The animal grapevine has helped us out more times than I care to count." Smiling, Danger Woman strolled across the rooftop, to begin speaking with some pigeons roosting in the sunshine.
"Captain, have you noticed anything unusual about that giant robot?" asked Valiant, sotto voce.
"You mean aside from destroying the city at will?" Winslow thought a moment, then his eyes narrowed. "You've seen it too, haven't you? I thought the robot's fighting moves seemed so familiar."
Valiant nodded. "Every martial artist learns the same combinations, but each one brings something of his or her own style to the combat, making their moves unique. Study them long enough, and even in disguise, those moves reveal the true identity. You find whoever is controlling that robot, and I guarantee you'll find White Owl."
"We don't know enough about the robot, except it seems to come from the riverside areas down near the West End."
"What's down that way?"
"Warehouses, abandoned factories. When this was a booming river town that area hummed. Even after we added rail it was still busy. Now it's not as productive and a lot of buildings are closed. You don't think..."
"No, White Owl's not down there," Valiant said. "That would be too obvious." But I'll bet we find the robot there."
"What about White Owl?"
Captain Valiant leaped over the side of the building and began to fly. "I have a lead I need to follow up with. In the meantime, see what Danger Woman has found out."
Winslow shook his head, and muttered, "Squirrels..."
Captain Valiant made his way to the unused reservoir in Victory Park. Landing near an out of the way tool shed and slipped unnoticed inside. A moment later, Virgil Coleman stepped into the evening. He adjusted his Gems ball cap and glasses, then strode confidently toward the five story apartment building he knew as White Owl's.
He slipped quietly up the stairs to the fifth floor, and rattled the doorknob until the tumblers shot loose. As he stepped into the room he was promptly greeted by a lonely Daisy. She meowed plaintively, but began purring loudly as Virgil chucked her chin. "Hello old girl," he said. rubbing Daisy's soft fur. Virgil could see that Daisy's food bowl was full and the water dish seemed recently filled as well. Otherwise though, the apartment showed no sign of recent occupation.
"I wonder is someones been checking in?" Coleman knew Athena had family in town; but he had no way of contacting them, nor would he risk her identity if he did. Aside from a few cat shaped wrinkles on the comforter, the bed seemed unslept in, the shower was dry, and all seemed undisturbed.
Coleman felt the hackles on the back of his neck rising. He turned but could see no one. A quick glance through the apartment with his superior vision showed no one. He shrugged, then closed and made sure the door was locked behind him. He crossed the living room to the patio where he'd first invited White Owl to join the Guild. But as he got halfway to the sun room, his belt buckle beeped in alarm.
Danger Woman was calling, the robot was back and threatening to destroy the suspension bridge between Queen City and St Matthews. "Thunderation," he said, changing with a practiced ease and eye blurring motion into the familiar scarlet and gold uniform. He rushed through the patio and into the night faster than most eyes could follow. But there was a set of eyes watching.
As Captain Valiant approached the bridge, he saw the rampaging robot had grown even larger, now standing roughly eighty feet tall with both feet planted firmly in the river. The robot's arms were spanning the two stanchions of the bridge, shaking it furiously. Beneath, the deck pitched and rocked; pieces of asphalt flying into the river. One large chunk narrowly missed a tow barge as it moved Pennsylvania coal downriver to St Louis.
"Get the river cleared!" shouted Captain Valiant. "Close it down NOW!" He could see Winslow scrambling and arguing with the Coast Guard commander as they worked to get a blockade into place.
A delicate figure in a dark blue tunic and tights stood on the decking of the bridge, bravely holding onto a support line. Danger Woman drew a deep breath and her hypersonic shockwave hit the robot. The metal chest plates on the robot buckled.
Angrily the robot turned to smash the blue insect, but Captain Valiant blazed by, wrenching the left arm from the shoulder of the robot. Metal screamed as it sheared away and the robot pinwheeled into the river, striking its head on the decking below. Captain Valiant dove into the water immediately behind the robot and swooped under it, bringing it to the surface at a rapid clip. The water pressure further served to wreck the robot's body; shearing off a leg to match the arm.
Valiant set the robot on the empty playing field at Cobra's stadium. He pulled the head free from the body and shouted into the interior, "Where is she!?!"
Mat studied the tranquil face of Dr Somnos' prisoner with interest. Something about the gentle, rhythmic breathing; the soft white silk leotard rising and falling stirred his memory. There was something achingly familiar about this White Owl; he was almost certain there had been some contact with her somewhere, sometime long ago. Her face seemed kind; perhaps she'd been a friend of his before...before...he couldn't remember.
A feminine figure in a gold and black armor landed noiselessly on the roof top. The new fibroalloy was durable, but light and the young woman smiled. Her heads up display indicated three people inside, one female. Stinger shook her head; the life signs on the woman were regular, but weak.
She crossed the rooftop of the small building, finding the air intake ducts and dropping several gas pellets into the air supply. "Hold on White Owl," she muttered. "It will be over soon."
In my never ending night, I found myself captured and chained between two pillars. I raged, trying to break free as Quiver pounded me with powerful shockwaves. The pain was excruciating; I felt my chest caving in. Then Quarrel, her archer brother, fired a flaming bolt; hitting my shoulder and I felt my entire left side go numb. I drooped to the side, falling, falling.....
Mat felt warm, and a bit of anger rising as he studied the dials, and witnessed the destruction of the giant robot. "Professor Somnos! The subject's heart rate is increasing, becoming very erratic but definitely stronger!: His voice was tinged with anxiety.
Glancing up from the monitor, Somnos replied, "Of course it is. We've never smoothed out the feedback circuits. When that big red idiot destroyed the robot, the feedback into White Owl must've been overwhelming!" He raced across the floor, twisting dials and throwing switches, trying to counter the feedback pouring into his most unwilling subject.
"Help me, you fool. How do we shut this down without killing her?" Somnos' voice was also overly anxious.
"How should I know?" asked Mat.
"Because you DESIGNED it," shouted Somnos.
"I thought you said some guy named Techno did that."
"You ARE Techno, or WERE! She erased your memory!"
Mat looked at Somnos, confusion in his eyes, and he began pounding the sides of his head. "I can't remember!!!!" Then he pushed the big red button marked :RESET SIMULATION.
I saw bright lights above me, and a familiar face...Valiant? No...it was Quiver and Quarrel. I broke free of them and shot away from them, finding myself back at Fountain Plaza. I flew past the Fifth Federal bank, and realized how indistinct everything looked at this angle....almost like...
Like Sands's virtual reality setup! I was still trapped! Putting my hands up I reached for the helmet and the VR feed, unable to distinguish if I was actually moving my hands or not.
Somnos looked at the VR chair and shouted with horror. "She's breaking free Mat! Do something." Mat smiled gamely at the Professor.
"I don't think so, sir," he said. "You've pushed her, provoked her and made her do unspeakable things. I for one want to see what she does to you. Mat broke from the room, grabbing a sheaf of diagrams as he ran. He paused long enough to see an angry vision in white rising on steady legs and crossing the floor.
"SOMNOS!" I shouted. "I should have suspected, you weasel!" The lanky professor stepped back, babbling in fear. I should never have had that much influence over him, but he actually cringed as I drew near. I didn't have the heart to beat him down, and he surrendered, bawling like a small child.
I turned to get his assistant, but noticed he was gone, along with the sheaf of papers and the VR helmet.
The weekly meeting of the Guild was lively, to be sure. I got ribbed well by the whole host of heroes, though Valiant and Danger Woman were a little less mean about the roast. Later, Val and I were alone in the trophy room.
"I wish I could have stopped them both," I said.
"I wish it didn't happen," said Valiant.
"I just feel so dumb. Maybe I'm not the avatar of wisdom."
"Did I ever tell you about the time Moragana sent me to the Ice Age? I walked right into her spell that time. We all make mistakes Athena, the trick is to grow from the ones you survive. And you DID manage to save yourself."
"Yes, but I'm not sure how. Something caused Somnos to panic."
"Dark Hunter said he couldn't find anything."
"No offense, but Dark Hunter couldn't find his hat after the dinner tonight. And it was on his head." Val laughed, a merry tone.
"No," I continued. "There was something or someone else there. And I have a feeling there was someone at the apartment too."
"Well, I wouldn't worry too much Owl, whoever it is seems to be on your side, if not at your back."
I nodded. "I just would like to be able to thank them."
"And how would you start?" asked Val, with a twinkle in his eye.
"Like this," I said, drawing the world's most powerful man into my arms and kissing him deeply. What follows after that is really no one else's business.
The End...
I lost all sense of time. Though it seemed like days since I'd bid Professor Sands good afternoon, I was positive that only a few hours had passed, hadn't they?
"It's been THREE DAYS!!" Captain Winslow angrily stubbed out a cigarette and turned back from the rooftop railing at One Police Plaza. His dark brown eyes glared at Captain Valiant and Danger Woman. "And you're telling me that your precious Guild has found no way to stop the giant robot that's been wrecking my city, my men and my cars! And to top it all off, you tell me White Owl is missing."
He ran his hand through his thinning brown hair, then reached into his coat pocket and pulled out another Laramie. He flicked the butane lighter and jumped back when a sonic trill caused it to shatter. "Jehoshaphat!" he shouted.
With a pixie-like smile on her face, Danger Woman said, "You really shouldn't smoke, Captain; it will stress out your heart." She put a hand over her own heart to emphasize. "And I should know."
Despite her impudent nature, Winslow smiled. "You almost sound like her," he said wistfully. He crushed the pack and stuck it back into his pocket.
Captain Valiant uncrossed his arms and leaned over the railing with Winslow. "It isn't that we aren't trying to find White Owl, Captain. Dark Hunter says she's on this plane but he's unable to locate her physical location."
"I thought he could see anything."
"Most people do, and the Hunter likes to cultivate that belief. But the truth is, he's limited to the planes he can walk. He's definitely a mystic and he can sense her presence within the 20 mile radius of Queen City. She's alive."
"But he can't give us the street number," Winslow furrowed his brow. "And a street to street search could take weeks, to say nothing of the possibility of her being killed or moved.
Danger Woman spoke up, "Ohio. I could help. I can check with my animal friends!"
"I don't think a squirrel's testimony will hold up in court," protested Winslow.
"Well I think it's a great idea Danger Woman," said Captain Valiant, shooting a withering glance at Winslow. "The animal grapevine has helped us out more times than I care to count." Smiling, Danger Woman strolled across the rooftop, to begin speaking with some pigeons roosting in the sunshine.
"Captain, have you noticed anything unusual about that giant robot?" asked Valiant, sotto voce.
"You mean aside from destroying the city at will?" Winslow thought a moment, then his eyes narrowed. "You've seen it too, haven't you? I thought the robot's fighting moves seemed so familiar."
Valiant nodded. "Every martial artist learns the same combinations, but each one brings something of his or her own style to the combat, making their moves unique. Study them long enough, and even in disguise, those moves reveal the true identity. You find whoever is controlling that robot, and I guarantee you'll find White Owl."
"We don't know enough about the robot, except it seems to come from the riverside areas down near the West End."
"What's down that way?"
"Warehouses, abandoned factories. When this was a booming river town that area hummed. Even after we added rail it was still busy. Now it's not as productive and a lot of buildings are closed. You don't think..."
"No, White Owl's not down there," Valiant said. "That would be too obvious." But I'll bet we find the robot there."
"What about White Owl?"
Captain Valiant leaped over the side of the building and began to fly. "I have a lead I need to follow up with. In the meantime, see what Danger Woman has found out."
Winslow shook his head, and muttered, "Squirrels..."
Captain Valiant made his way to the unused reservoir in Victory Park. Landing near an out of the way tool shed and slipped unnoticed inside. A moment later, Virgil Coleman stepped into the evening. He adjusted his Gems ball cap and glasses, then strode confidently toward the five story apartment building he knew as White Owl's.
He slipped quietly up the stairs to the fifth floor, and rattled the doorknob until the tumblers shot loose. As he stepped into the room he was promptly greeted by a lonely Daisy. She meowed plaintively, but began purring loudly as Virgil chucked her chin. "Hello old girl," he said. rubbing Daisy's soft fur. Virgil could see that Daisy's food bowl was full and the water dish seemed recently filled as well. Otherwise though, the apartment showed no sign of recent occupation.
"I wonder is someones been checking in?" Coleman knew Athena had family in town; but he had no way of contacting them, nor would he risk her identity if he did. Aside from a few cat shaped wrinkles on the comforter, the bed seemed unslept in, the shower was dry, and all seemed undisturbed.
Coleman felt the hackles on the back of his neck rising. He turned but could see no one. A quick glance through the apartment with his superior vision showed no one. He shrugged, then closed and made sure the door was locked behind him. He crossed the living room to the patio where he'd first invited White Owl to join the Guild. But as he got halfway to the sun room, his belt buckle beeped in alarm.
Danger Woman was calling, the robot was back and threatening to destroy the suspension bridge between Queen City and St Matthews. "Thunderation," he said, changing with a practiced ease and eye blurring motion into the familiar scarlet and gold uniform. He rushed through the patio and into the night faster than most eyes could follow. But there was a set of eyes watching.
As Captain Valiant approached the bridge, he saw the rampaging robot had grown even larger, now standing roughly eighty feet tall with both feet planted firmly in the river. The robot's arms were spanning the two stanchions of the bridge, shaking it furiously. Beneath, the deck pitched and rocked; pieces of asphalt flying into the river. One large chunk narrowly missed a tow barge as it moved Pennsylvania coal downriver to St Louis.
"Get the river cleared!" shouted Captain Valiant. "Close it down NOW!" He could see Winslow scrambling and arguing with the Coast Guard commander as they worked to get a blockade into place.
A delicate figure in a dark blue tunic and tights stood on the decking of the bridge, bravely holding onto a support line. Danger Woman drew a deep breath and her hypersonic shockwave hit the robot. The metal chest plates on the robot buckled.
Angrily the robot turned to smash the blue insect, but Captain Valiant blazed by, wrenching the left arm from the shoulder of the robot. Metal screamed as it sheared away and the robot pinwheeled into the river, striking its head on the decking below. Captain Valiant dove into the water immediately behind the robot and swooped under it, bringing it to the surface at a rapid clip. The water pressure further served to wreck the robot's body; shearing off a leg to match the arm.
Valiant set the robot on the empty playing field at Cobra's stadium. He pulled the head free from the body and shouted into the interior, "Where is she!?!"
Mat studied the tranquil face of Dr Somnos' prisoner with interest. Something about the gentle, rhythmic breathing; the soft white silk leotard rising and falling stirred his memory. There was something achingly familiar about this White Owl; he was almost certain there had been some contact with her somewhere, sometime long ago. Her face seemed kind; perhaps she'd been a friend of his before...before...he couldn't remember.
A feminine figure in a gold and black armor landed noiselessly on the roof top. The new fibroalloy was durable, but light and the young woman smiled. Her heads up display indicated three people inside, one female. Stinger shook her head; the life signs on the woman were regular, but weak.
She crossed the rooftop of the small building, finding the air intake ducts and dropping several gas pellets into the air supply. "Hold on White Owl," she muttered. "It will be over soon."
In my never ending night, I found myself captured and chained between two pillars. I raged, trying to break free as Quiver pounded me with powerful shockwaves. The pain was excruciating; I felt my chest caving in. Then Quarrel, her archer brother, fired a flaming bolt; hitting my shoulder and I felt my entire left side go numb. I drooped to the side, falling, falling.....
Mat felt warm, and a bit of anger rising as he studied the dials, and witnessed the destruction of the giant robot. "Professor Somnos! The subject's heart rate is increasing, becoming very erratic but definitely stronger!: His voice was tinged with anxiety.
Glancing up from the monitor, Somnos replied, "Of course it is. We've never smoothed out the feedback circuits. When that big red idiot destroyed the robot, the feedback into White Owl must've been overwhelming!" He raced across the floor, twisting dials and throwing switches, trying to counter the feedback pouring into his most unwilling subject.
"Help me, you fool. How do we shut this down without killing her?" Somnos' voice was also overly anxious.
"How should I know?" asked Mat.
"Because you DESIGNED it," shouted Somnos.
"I thought you said some guy named Techno did that."
"You ARE Techno, or WERE! She erased your memory!"
Mat looked at Somnos, confusion in his eyes, and he began pounding the sides of his head. "I can't remember!!!!" Then he pushed the big red button marked :RESET SIMULATION.
I saw bright lights above me, and a familiar face...Valiant? No...it was Quiver and Quarrel. I broke free of them and shot away from them, finding myself back at Fountain Plaza. I flew past the Fifth Federal bank, and realized how indistinct everything looked at this angle....almost like...
Like Sands's virtual reality setup! I was still trapped! Putting my hands up I reached for the helmet and the VR feed, unable to distinguish if I was actually moving my hands or not.
Somnos looked at the VR chair and shouted with horror. "She's breaking free Mat! Do something." Mat smiled gamely at the Professor.
"I don't think so, sir," he said. "You've pushed her, provoked her and made her do unspeakable things. I for one want to see what she does to you. Mat broke from the room, grabbing a sheaf of diagrams as he ran. He paused long enough to see an angry vision in white rising on steady legs and crossing the floor.
"SOMNOS!" I shouted. "I should have suspected, you weasel!" The lanky professor stepped back, babbling in fear. I should never have had that much influence over him, but he actually cringed as I drew near. I didn't have the heart to beat him down, and he surrendered, bawling like a small child.
I turned to get his assistant, but noticed he was gone, along with the sheaf of papers and the VR helmet.
The weekly meeting of the Guild was lively, to be sure. I got ribbed well by the whole host of heroes, though Valiant and Danger Woman were a little less mean about the roast. Later, Val and I were alone in the trophy room.
"I wish I could have stopped them both," I said.
"I wish it didn't happen," said Valiant.
"I just feel so dumb. Maybe I'm not the avatar of wisdom."
"Did I ever tell you about the time Moragana sent me to the Ice Age? I walked right into her spell that time. We all make mistakes Athena, the trick is to grow from the ones you survive. And you DID manage to save yourself."
"Yes, but I'm not sure how. Something caused Somnos to panic."
"Dark Hunter said he couldn't find anything."
"No offense, but Dark Hunter couldn't find his hat after the dinner tonight. And it was on his head." Val laughed, a merry tone.
"No," I continued. "There was something or someone else there. And I have a feeling there was someone at the apartment too."
"Well, I wouldn't worry too much Owl, whoever it is seems to be on your side, if not at your back."
I nodded. "I just would like to be able to thank them."
"And how would you start?" asked Val, with a twinkle in his eye.
"Like this," I said, drawing the world's most powerful man into my arms and kissing him deeply. What follows after that is really no one else's business.
The End...