Have you ever felt you were being watched? Most of the time, you're tilting at shadows; or your imagination is being overly active. But for two months following my adventure with the Guild of Heroes, I was vaguely aware of being watched.
It wasn't really anything I could put my finger on. And it certainly wasn't a constant surveillance. Nevertheless, I was beginning to find small bits of evidence. Bootprints on a snowy rooftop across from the STAR Labs, where I'd defused a hostage situation; the whirring of a camera as I deposited a group of juveniles into the custody of Lieutenant Winslow. These things were beginning to add up.
So I was more than ready tonight. A cold snap was riffling through Queen City, with a biting wind off the Ohio in the downtown section. I was freezing. But I spotted her. The woman moved with catlike grace in and out of the shadows surrounding the Atlas tower. I shivered as she soundlessly climbed the fire escape, ducking into the fifth floor, where the Sherry diamond exchange was located. Fifteen minutes later, true to form, the Tigress emerged out the same window, with a small backpack bulging with uncut gems.
She sat on the ledge of the fire escape, as if testing the wind. Satisfied, she swing down to street level where a subtle Miata awaited her. Of course, I was waiting too. "Going somewhere? Didn't your mother teach you it wasn't nice to take things that weren't yours?"
Tigress got into a crouch, holding her hands out in a martial arts pose. She lunged at me, claws high, and I felt her nails slice into my NuSilk costume, leaving a streak of shredded material behind.
"Hey, these suits aren't free," I wailed, thinking I needed a set of claws like hers. Tigress laughed, her long, blonde hair framing her tanned face. She dove at me again, and I dodged, watching her tumble into the heavy dumpsters behind the Atlas building. With a quick speed, I palmed two special silvery balls from my belt pouches and threw. A perfect cast and a net ball exploded over Tigress, trapping her, with a heavily weighted net. She snarled at me, as I approached, then dropped silently to the ground, as a gas ball was exploded in her face.
But the second throw was even more accurate, and thrown almost blindly. I think the Golden Archer was even more surprised than Tigress. "Well well, what's this? The Guild is keeping an eye on me? What's the matter? Were you afraid I'd catch all the bad guys for you? Looking for a few pointers?"
I admit it, I was being more than a bit arrogant.
The Golden Archer squirmed a bit, and I could see her trying to formulate an answer. "Well. you are an unknown still, White Owl. We're looking to be certain you're on our side. And well," she paused, trying to frame the words correctly, " it's a background check. I'm not supposed to reveal this, but your name has been submitted to the Guild as a potential member. We follow that up with several visits by members to insure we're getting a bona fide superhero, and not a plant or impostor or someone who just got lucky once or twice."
I was fuming. "What makes you think I even WANT to be in your Guild?" I saw Winslow's headlights painting my silhouette on the wall in the alley.
"You OK Owl?" he asked.
"I'm fine," I replied.
"You catch TWO?"
"No just Tigress, this one is...well different." Winslow came up behind me and I heard a low whistle of admiration.
"Wow, the Golden Archer. I didn't think she ever left Midway. Better be careful White Owl, or she'll have the Guild on you." He excused himself and took Tigress into custody, with a chuckle.
The Archer smiled. "There's one compelling reason to work with the Guild; it brings a sizable backup to your side." She continued as I extricated her from the netting. "The other upside is access to the Guild record base, which is extensive. We have files on everyone from the Aardvark to Zymurgy, the brewing bandit. You don't have to work without complete information. And several of us have other skills we lend to the Guild as well. For instance, Scirocco is a police forensics and ballistics expert, and the Dark Hunter has centuries of mystic knowledge. Areas you might not feel comfortable in, you could share and get help."
"At the cost of my identity," I said. "Wouldn't I be giving that up? Or my free time? I remember Danger Woman talking about monitor duty."
"That's something we're still working on," said the Archer. It's not cast in stone yet. And it really is an honor to be nominated; and more thrilling to be admitted." She unslung her quiver and bow, dropping it into a rather non-descript rental car. "Think it over," she said, "we'll be in touch."
I returned home late, and the warm bath had the effect of both relaxing me and drawing the chill from my bones. I collapsed into bed, with Daisy curled up under my right arm, purring loudly.
The following morning, I was back at the museum, watching the crowds for the recently opened exhibit swell. "You've done good work," said a deep voice behind me. I turned around, startled. A well built man with sandy brown hair and pleasant face smiled at me behind wire rim glasses.
"I'm Virgil Coleman," he said proffering a hand. "Your curator told me who set the exhibit and where to find you. I must say I'm impressed."
"Athena Nikos," I said, giving his hand a firm squeeze. "But why are you so interested in this particular exhibit? It's not really the best effort of Thracian artifacts."
"Perhaps not, but I like to see my investments turn out well," he smiled. "Maybe I should have added, Virgil Coleman, of Victory Investments." I melted at that.
"A patron," I said. "I need to thank you for funding my work, and that of Drs. Jones and Leonides." Coleman waved a hand.
"It's nothing," he said. "I was trained to do good wherever I could, and expanding our knowledge of the past is part of it." Coleman drew a deep breath.
"Actually, Ms Nikos, I'm here to discuss a business offer with you. But I know this isn't the time and place. Could I take you out tonight?" He smiled a winning smile and I caved.
"All right, Mr Coleman. I'd be glad to have dinner with you." I gave him my address.
"I'll be there at eight," he said.
That night I was pacing at seven fifty-five. Dressed in my little black dress, I was having difficulty keeping Daisy from rubbing against me and she sulked off to sit atop the hutch of my computer desk. Frustrated, I stepped out to the hallway and looked at the elevator, trying to see if the numbers were moving up or down. The clock in the kitchen read eight when I stepped back into the apartment. "He's running late," I muttered. But a sharp rapping on my patio door made me jump.
Now I live on the fifth floor of my building. There is no access to the patio except THROUGH my apartment. Warily, I stepped to the patio door, with a heavy Aztec stonecarving in my hand. I opened the door and stared into the eyes of...
"Captain Valiant?" I said, awestruck. "What are you doing here?"
He smiled. "Did you forget our date?" he asked. He ran his hand through his hair and a moment later, he stood with a different hairstyle and a familiar pair of wire rim glasses.
"Virgil Coleman is Captain Valiant," he said. He apprised my outfit. "You look terrific Athena, but I was hoping you'd wear that little white number I've seen you in before."
I gasped. Then I got control of myself, and smiled. "It will just be a moment," I said crossing to the stairs to my loft room. "No peeking with those super powers of yours."
He affected a wounded pose. "Madam, I am a professional! When I peek, it's in the line of duty." I blew him a kiss, then bounded up the stairs. I returned about five minutes later, pulling my gloves over my hands and observing Captain Valiant losing a staredown contest with Daisy.
I petted my cat, letting her know he was all right. She purred but didn't get down from the hutch. We stepped onto the patio and I latched the door behind me. "Can you fly to Guild HQ?" I shook my head remembering that coming home from the last visit had taken three hours.
"Then how about the STAR tower downtown? I'll race you." He jumped into the air, and I was hot behind him, zipping past at the last moment, beating him to the tower by a second or two.
"You let me win!" I protested.
"Maybe I did, but you'll never prove it!" he said, landing next to me.
"So why are we here?" I asked. "Are you going to offer me a job with STAR?"
"No," he said. "STAR allows us to use their rooftops for our teleporters, in exchange for their being able to examine any alien technology we can turn over to them. So far I think the exchange is working in their favor." He led me to an apparently empty corner of the rooftop. At his approach, the stealth screen dropped and I saw a highly technological setup. Valiant set a few controls then motioned me in.
"It's safe," he said. "I've added you to the matrix, and I'm traveling with you." He squeezed into the tube and I saw a flash of light. When my eyes adjusted again, the dark February night of Queen City had given way to the warm glow of the Guild headquarters.
"I know I promised you dinner," he said. "So if you'll walk this way?" I followed Valiant through the trophy room, marveling at all the weaponry, helmets, masks and costumes of the various villains the Guild members had defeated. We stopped before an ornate double door and Valiant opened the door into a dark room. "Go ahead Owl, I'll get the lights."
I stepped in, wary once again, when I heard "SURPRISE!!" The lights came on and I saw a huge banner reading, "Welcome White Owl!" Danger Woman came up and grasped one hand, leading me to a seat at a huge table. I saw a stylized Owl carved into the seat and opened my mouth in awe.
"The Guild voted last night, White Owl," gushed Danger Woman. "I'm so excited."
"That's enough Danger Woman," said Dark Hunter, emerging (as usual) from the shadows. "We wouldn't want to deprive the Captain of his moment in the sun."
Valiant cleared his throat. "The Captain was unable to attend tonight Dark Hunter, so he asked Scirocco and me to do the honors." A dark woman in a dark green bodysuit with long dark hair stood next to Captain Valiant. I recognized her as Scirocco, the speedster. She held up a document and began reading in a beautiful, slightly accented voice.
"The Guild of Superheroes hereby elects White Owl to membership for life with all the privileges and gratuities, including the wearing of the signal device and passcodes for the Headquarters, its library, laboratories, databases, teleporters and souvenir rooms.
"It is further resolved that White Owl shall receive a special commendation for her expert assistance in resolving an alien attack and freeing key members of the Guild prior to her induction."
The room lit in cheers. "Welcome to the Guild, White Owl!" echoed several voices. Captain Valiant leaned into me and spoke softly, "This is why several members have been observing you. But your capturing the Golden Archer last night was the clincher for the vote. And this is the business proposition I meant this morning." He flashed his warm smile, and I couldn't be angry. The Guild spared no expense, and dinner was served for all of us, on fine china by robot waiters.
Throughout the night I was introduced to the various members of the Guild; at least those who were in attendance. Some I'd known previously, others only by reputation, I felt honored, and perhaps a little humbled by these paragons.
The night drew on, and finally, I stood up. "Thank you all, this has been quite an honor. I certainly hope to be able to live up to your welcome and your high standards. But even birds of prey like myself need to sleep. Especially as some of us are not independently wealthy." I saw several nods and I heard several "Good Nights" as I headed toward the transporter. Valiant followed me and reset the controls.
"Do you mind if I say my goodnights here?" he asked. "It's not really good form to not see one's date home."
"It's all right Mr Coleman. You know where I live, and I'm so tired, I doubt I'd be inviting you in for a nightcap." He nodded and turned me to face him. "Be careful out there White Owl. I...I think I'm starting to fall for you."
I blushed. "It's all right Cap. I was thinking the same thing." I stood on my tiptoes and grabbed his neck, pulling him close. I kissed him deeply, reveling in the warmth of his body.
We broke the kiss, and with a flustered look and a contented smile, Captain Valiant set the controls. I saw the bright flash of light again, and I stepped out onto the rooftop at STAR labs in Queen City. I was about to jump into the sky for home, when I saw the rooftop access port open. A long trail of ice led into the doorway.
"That's odd," I said. I glided to the ice, then followed the trail into the building. The sixteenth floor had been turned into a mockup of the north pole. Two guards, their bodies twisted into icy mannequins, stood silently in front of the experimental pharmacy. The locked door was open. I dove into the pharmacy and shouted, "Hold it right there."
But there was no one there. Too late I realized someone had heard me and was ready. I heard a loud humming and felt a shaft of supercold air hit my back.
I tried to turn, but the very air around me was freezing. My arms and legs refused to move and I felt myself becoming another ice mannequin like the guards. In a desperate move, I tried to reach my belt buckle, stopping just inches from my new signaling device.
Encased in the ice, I could still see the room around me. A chubby man in a tight blue suit stepped in front of me. "You must be White Owl," he said. "I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Frosty Fred, and you're new name is bait."
He pointed a small gun at my waist and melted through the ice to my belt buckle. With a deft touch, he activated my signaling device. "There, that should bring that Scarlet Buffoon to your rescue."
"Captain Valiant has a fatal weakness, White Owl. The planet he came from was much like Earth, but closer to its own sun. As a result, this planet is cool to him. And extreme cold, polar cold or even space cold is like poison to him. Not many people know this though; just Valiant, a few scientists at STAR Labs and now you and me.
"But I owe him for arresting me several years back. I was one of those scientists at STAR, and I tried to patent some alien technology the Guild had brought us. When I found out I couldn't patent, I stole the technology, developing my Icer. But Captain Valiant and the Guild put an end to me."
I remembered the Icer. I had seen it in the trophy room. But the model Fred held seemed more compact and powerful. Frosty Fred cocked his head and melted back into a dark corner. I could see the familiar silver and scarlet costume of Captain Valiant slowly wading into the iced over sixteenth floor. Carefully, he was melting the ice with several warm breaths. He looked at me though, and the guards, then stopped short.
"White Owl!" he said in alarm. He crossed the floor and raised a fist to smash through the ice. From behind though, Fred sighted him in the Icer and fired.
The Icer forced Valiant to his knees. Groaning in pain, the mighty hero trembled, struggling to bring his superpowers on line.
"Remember me, Captain Idiot?" gloated Frosty Fred as Captain Valiant slowed to a stop; then began icing over himself. "I knew you couldn't resist a damsel in distress."
Captain Valiant stopped moving as Frosty Fred stood over him, his back to me. Fred kept pointing the Icer at Captain Valiant, adding layer after layer of ice to the downed hero. "Soon, even your gallant heart will stop beating, and I shall have my revenge. And your new ladyfriend will be forced to watch before she dies too. How does it feel Valiant, knowing that in the end you couldn't even save yourself?"
Fred's gloating was cut short though. The small hole he'd carved in my own ice had widened a bit with my efforts, and with my own Olympian strength I'd broken through the ice. A large chunk hit the villain in the back of the head, severing the cable to his cryonics pack.
"What? How? NOOooooo!!!!" shouted Frosty Fred as he froze solid under the forces of his own Icer. I couldn't stop. I grabbed a handful of flares from my pouch and dropped them under the guards and Captain Valiant. I called the QCPD and the FDQC to take charge of Frosty Fred and the guards respectively. But by the time they arrived I was gone, and so was Valiant.
"I thought you said I wasn't going to be invited in for a...a...ACHOO!!! A nightcap," said Captain Valiant, wrapped in my thickest comforter. I snuggled up to him and ran my hands against his chest. His body was warm next to mine, and I felt his powerful arms gently cradle me in an embrace.
"Well you WERE cold, and I thought you could use some chicken soup and warmth. Your costume needed to be cleaned and dried, and I don't hear you protesting overly much at the special attention you're receiving. Besides, there is a proverb 'If two lie down together, then they can have warmth; but how can one be warm alone?' "
"I doubt your priest would agree with that sentiment, but I like it," he said, snuggling closer. "You realize, that Frosty Fred carries grudges don't you?"
I nodded. "I figured I was putting on a target when I first donned the costume. But if it protects the innocents, I'm all for it."
"That's the reason I voted for you," said Captain Valiant.
"Just what was the vote?" I asked.
"Well, we never really tell. It might cause trouble in the ranks."
"Come on, just between us?"
Valiant smiled. "Believe it or not, it was unanimous. And before you ask, there are several others who've had that honor." He shivered again. "What was that about two keeping warm, again?"
I laughed and curled myself into his chest. "Just count on me for that," I said. There was a thud on the bed, and Daisy curled up with us both.
The End.
It wasn't really anything I could put my finger on. And it certainly wasn't a constant surveillance. Nevertheless, I was beginning to find small bits of evidence. Bootprints on a snowy rooftop across from the STAR Labs, where I'd defused a hostage situation; the whirring of a camera as I deposited a group of juveniles into the custody of Lieutenant Winslow. These things were beginning to add up.
So I was more than ready tonight. A cold snap was riffling through Queen City, with a biting wind off the Ohio in the downtown section. I was freezing. But I spotted her. The woman moved with catlike grace in and out of the shadows surrounding the Atlas tower. I shivered as she soundlessly climbed the fire escape, ducking into the fifth floor, where the Sherry diamond exchange was located. Fifteen minutes later, true to form, the Tigress emerged out the same window, with a small backpack bulging with uncut gems.
She sat on the ledge of the fire escape, as if testing the wind. Satisfied, she swing down to street level where a subtle Miata awaited her. Of course, I was waiting too. "Going somewhere? Didn't your mother teach you it wasn't nice to take things that weren't yours?"
Tigress got into a crouch, holding her hands out in a martial arts pose. She lunged at me, claws high, and I felt her nails slice into my NuSilk costume, leaving a streak of shredded material behind.
"Hey, these suits aren't free," I wailed, thinking I needed a set of claws like hers. Tigress laughed, her long, blonde hair framing her tanned face. She dove at me again, and I dodged, watching her tumble into the heavy dumpsters behind the Atlas building. With a quick speed, I palmed two special silvery balls from my belt pouches and threw. A perfect cast and a net ball exploded over Tigress, trapping her, with a heavily weighted net. She snarled at me, as I approached, then dropped silently to the ground, as a gas ball was exploded in her face.
But the second throw was even more accurate, and thrown almost blindly. I think the Golden Archer was even more surprised than Tigress. "Well well, what's this? The Guild is keeping an eye on me? What's the matter? Were you afraid I'd catch all the bad guys for you? Looking for a few pointers?"
I admit it, I was being more than a bit arrogant.
The Golden Archer squirmed a bit, and I could see her trying to formulate an answer. "Well. you are an unknown still, White Owl. We're looking to be certain you're on our side. And well," she paused, trying to frame the words correctly, " it's a background check. I'm not supposed to reveal this, but your name has been submitted to the Guild as a potential member. We follow that up with several visits by members to insure we're getting a bona fide superhero, and not a plant or impostor or someone who just got lucky once or twice."
I was fuming. "What makes you think I even WANT to be in your Guild?" I saw Winslow's headlights painting my silhouette on the wall in the alley.
"You OK Owl?" he asked.
"I'm fine," I replied.
"You catch TWO?"
"No just Tigress, this one is...well different." Winslow came up behind me and I heard a low whistle of admiration.
"Wow, the Golden Archer. I didn't think she ever left Midway. Better be careful White Owl, or she'll have the Guild on you." He excused himself and took Tigress into custody, with a chuckle.
The Archer smiled. "There's one compelling reason to work with the Guild; it brings a sizable backup to your side." She continued as I extricated her from the netting. "The other upside is access to the Guild record base, which is extensive. We have files on everyone from the Aardvark to Zymurgy, the brewing bandit. You don't have to work without complete information. And several of us have other skills we lend to the Guild as well. For instance, Scirocco is a police forensics and ballistics expert, and the Dark Hunter has centuries of mystic knowledge. Areas you might not feel comfortable in, you could share and get help."
"At the cost of my identity," I said. "Wouldn't I be giving that up? Or my free time? I remember Danger Woman talking about monitor duty."
"That's something we're still working on," said the Archer. It's not cast in stone yet. And it really is an honor to be nominated; and more thrilling to be admitted." She unslung her quiver and bow, dropping it into a rather non-descript rental car. "Think it over," she said, "we'll be in touch."
I returned home late, and the warm bath had the effect of both relaxing me and drawing the chill from my bones. I collapsed into bed, with Daisy curled up under my right arm, purring loudly.
The following morning, I was back at the museum, watching the crowds for the recently opened exhibit swell. "You've done good work," said a deep voice behind me. I turned around, startled. A well built man with sandy brown hair and pleasant face smiled at me behind wire rim glasses.
"I'm Virgil Coleman," he said proffering a hand. "Your curator told me who set the exhibit and where to find you. I must say I'm impressed."
"Athena Nikos," I said, giving his hand a firm squeeze. "But why are you so interested in this particular exhibit? It's not really the best effort of Thracian artifacts."
"Perhaps not, but I like to see my investments turn out well," he smiled. "Maybe I should have added, Virgil Coleman, of Victory Investments." I melted at that.
"A patron," I said. "I need to thank you for funding my work, and that of Drs. Jones and Leonides." Coleman waved a hand.
"It's nothing," he said. "I was trained to do good wherever I could, and expanding our knowledge of the past is part of it." Coleman drew a deep breath.
"Actually, Ms Nikos, I'm here to discuss a business offer with you. But I know this isn't the time and place. Could I take you out tonight?" He smiled a winning smile and I caved.
"All right, Mr Coleman. I'd be glad to have dinner with you." I gave him my address.
"I'll be there at eight," he said.
That night I was pacing at seven fifty-five. Dressed in my little black dress, I was having difficulty keeping Daisy from rubbing against me and she sulked off to sit atop the hutch of my computer desk. Frustrated, I stepped out to the hallway and looked at the elevator, trying to see if the numbers were moving up or down. The clock in the kitchen read eight when I stepped back into the apartment. "He's running late," I muttered. But a sharp rapping on my patio door made me jump.
Now I live on the fifth floor of my building. There is no access to the patio except THROUGH my apartment. Warily, I stepped to the patio door, with a heavy Aztec stonecarving in my hand. I opened the door and stared into the eyes of...
"Captain Valiant?" I said, awestruck. "What are you doing here?"
He smiled. "Did you forget our date?" he asked. He ran his hand through his hair and a moment later, he stood with a different hairstyle and a familiar pair of wire rim glasses.
"Virgil Coleman is Captain Valiant," he said. He apprised my outfit. "You look terrific Athena, but I was hoping you'd wear that little white number I've seen you in before."
I gasped. Then I got control of myself, and smiled. "It will just be a moment," I said crossing to the stairs to my loft room. "No peeking with those super powers of yours."
He affected a wounded pose. "Madam, I am a professional! When I peek, it's in the line of duty." I blew him a kiss, then bounded up the stairs. I returned about five minutes later, pulling my gloves over my hands and observing Captain Valiant losing a staredown contest with Daisy.
I petted my cat, letting her know he was all right. She purred but didn't get down from the hutch. We stepped onto the patio and I latched the door behind me. "Can you fly to Guild HQ?" I shook my head remembering that coming home from the last visit had taken three hours.
"Then how about the STAR tower downtown? I'll race you." He jumped into the air, and I was hot behind him, zipping past at the last moment, beating him to the tower by a second or two.
"You let me win!" I protested.
"Maybe I did, but you'll never prove it!" he said, landing next to me.
"So why are we here?" I asked. "Are you going to offer me a job with STAR?"
"No," he said. "STAR allows us to use their rooftops for our teleporters, in exchange for their being able to examine any alien technology we can turn over to them. So far I think the exchange is working in their favor." He led me to an apparently empty corner of the rooftop. At his approach, the stealth screen dropped and I saw a highly technological setup. Valiant set a few controls then motioned me in.
"It's safe," he said. "I've added you to the matrix, and I'm traveling with you." He squeezed into the tube and I saw a flash of light. When my eyes adjusted again, the dark February night of Queen City had given way to the warm glow of the Guild headquarters.
"I know I promised you dinner," he said. "So if you'll walk this way?" I followed Valiant through the trophy room, marveling at all the weaponry, helmets, masks and costumes of the various villains the Guild members had defeated. We stopped before an ornate double door and Valiant opened the door into a dark room. "Go ahead Owl, I'll get the lights."
I stepped in, wary once again, when I heard "SURPRISE!!" The lights came on and I saw a huge banner reading, "Welcome White Owl!" Danger Woman came up and grasped one hand, leading me to a seat at a huge table. I saw a stylized Owl carved into the seat and opened my mouth in awe.
"The Guild voted last night, White Owl," gushed Danger Woman. "I'm so excited."
"That's enough Danger Woman," said Dark Hunter, emerging (as usual) from the shadows. "We wouldn't want to deprive the Captain of his moment in the sun."
Valiant cleared his throat. "The Captain was unable to attend tonight Dark Hunter, so he asked Scirocco and me to do the honors." A dark woman in a dark green bodysuit with long dark hair stood next to Captain Valiant. I recognized her as Scirocco, the speedster. She held up a document and began reading in a beautiful, slightly accented voice.
"The Guild of Superheroes hereby elects White Owl to membership for life with all the privileges and gratuities, including the wearing of the signal device and passcodes for the Headquarters, its library, laboratories, databases, teleporters and souvenir rooms.
"It is further resolved that White Owl shall receive a special commendation for her expert assistance in resolving an alien attack and freeing key members of the Guild prior to her induction."
The room lit in cheers. "Welcome to the Guild, White Owl!" echoed several voices. Captain Valiant leaned into me and spoke softly, "This is why several members have been observing you. But your capturing the Golden Archer last night was the clincher for the vote. And this is the business proposition I meant this morning." He flashed his warm smile, and I couldn't be angry. The Guild spared no expense, and dinner was served for all of us, on fine china by robot waiters.
Throughout the night I was introduced to the various members of the Guild; at least those who were in attendance. Some I'd known previously, others only by reputation, I felt honored, and perhaps a little humbled by these paragons.
The night drew on, and finally, I stood up. "Thank you all, this has been quite an honor. I certainly hope to be able to live up to your welcome and your high standards. But even birds of prey like myself need to sleep. Especially as some of us are not independently wealthy." I saw several nods and I heard several "Good Nights" as I headed toward the transporter. Valiant followed me and reset the controls.
"Do you mind if I say my goodnights here?" he asked. "It's not really good form to not see one's date home."
"It's all right Mr Coleman. You know where I live, and I'm so tired, I doubt I'd be inviting you in for a nightcap." He nodded and turned me to face him. "Be careful out there White Owl. I...I think I'm starting to fall for you."
I blushed. "It's all right Cap. I was thinking the same thing." I stood on my tiptoes and grabbed his neck, pulling him close. I kissed him deeply, reveling in the warmth of his body.
We broke the kiss, and with a flustered look and a contented smile, Captain Valiant set the controls. I saw the bright flash of light again, and I stepped out onto the rooftop at STAR labs in Queen City. I was about to jump into the sky for home, when I saw the rooftop access port open. A long trail of ice led into the doorway.
"That's odd," I said. I glided to the ice, then followed the trail into the building. The sixteenth floor had been turned into a mockup of the north pole. Two guards, their bodies twisted into icy mannequins, stood silently in front of the experimental pharmacy. The locked door was open. I dove into the pharmacy and shouted, "Hold it right there."
But there was no one there. Too late I realized someone had heard me and was ready. I heard a loud humming and felt a shaft of supercold air hit my back.
I tried to turn, but the very air around me was freezing. My arms and legs refused to move and I felt myself becoming another ice mannequin like the guards. In a desperate move, I tried to reach my belt buckle, stopping just inches from my new signaling device.
Encased in the ice, I could still see the room around me. A chubby man in a tight blue suit stepped in front of me. "You must be White Owl," he said. "I'm pleased to meet you. My name is Frosty Fred, and you're new name is bait."
He pointed a small gun at my waist and melted through the ice to my belt buckle. With a deft touch, he activated my signaling device. "There, that should bring that Scarlet Buffoon to your rescue."
"Captain Valiant has a fatal weakness, White Owl. The planet he came from was much like Earth, but closer to its own sun. As a result, this planet is cool to him. And extreme cold, polar cold or even space cold is like poison to him. Not many people know this though; just Valiant, a few scientists at STAR Labs and now you and me.
"But I owe him for arresting me several years back. I was one of those scientists at STAR, and I tried to patent some alien technology the Guild had brought us. When I found out I couldn't patent, I stole the technology, developing my Icer. But Captain Valiant and the Guild put an end to me."
I remembered the Icer. I had seen it in the trophy room. But the model Fred held seemed more compact and powerful. Frosty Fred cocked his head and melted back into a dark corner. I could see the familiar silver and scarlet costume of Captain Valiant slowly wading into the iced over sixteenth floor. Carefully, he was melting the ice with several warm breaths. He looked at me though, and the guards, then stopped short.
"White Owl!" he said in alarm. He crossed the floor and raised a fist to smash through the ice. From behind though, Fred sighted him in the Icer and fired.
The Icer forced Valiant to his knees. Groaning in pain, the mighty hero trembled, struggling to bring his superpowers on line.
"Remember me, Captain Idiot?" gloated Frosty Fred as Captain Valiant slowed to a stop; then began icing over himself. "I knew you couldn't resist a damsel in distress."
Captain Valiant stopped moving as Frosty Fred stood over him, his back to me. Fred kept pointing the Icer at Captain Valiant, adding layer after layer of ice to the downed hero. "Soon, even your gallant heart will stop beating, and I shall have my revenge. And your new ladyfriend will be forced to watch before she dies too. How does it feel Valiant, knowing that in the end you couldn't even save yourself?"
Fred's gloating was cut short though. The small hole he'd carved in my own ice had widened a bit with my efforts, and with my own Olympian strength I'd broken through the ice. A large chunk hit the villain in the back of the head, severing the cable to his cryonics pack.
"What? How? NOOooooo!!!!" shouted Frosty Fred as he froze solid under the forces of his own Icer. I couldn't stop. I grabbed a handful of flares from my pouch and dropped them under the guards and Captain Valiant. I called the QCPD and the FDQC to take charge of Frosty Fred and the guards respectively. But by the time they arrived I was gone, and so was Valiant.
"I thought you said I wasn't going to be invited in for a...a...ACHOO!!! A nightcap," said Captain Valiant, wrapped in my thickest comforter. I snuggled up to him and ran my hands against his chest. His body was warm next to mine, and I felt his powerful arms gently cradle me in an embrace.
"Well you WERE cold, and I thought you could use some chicken soup and warmth. Your costume needed to be cleaned and dried, and I don't hear you protesting overly much at the special attention you're receiving. Besides, there is a proverb 'If two lie down together, then they can have warmth; but how can one be warm alone?' "
"I doubt your priest would agree with that sentiment, but I like it," he said, snuggling closer. "You realize, that Frosty Fred carries grudges don't you?"
I nodded. "I figured I was putting on a target when I first donned the costume. But if it protects the innocents, I'm all for it."
"That's the reason I voted for you," said Captain Valiant.
"Just what was the vote?" I asked.
"Well, we never really tell. It might cause trouble in the ranks."
"Come on, just between us?"
Valiant smiled. "Believe it or not, it was unanimous. And before you ask, there are several others who've had that honor." He shivered again. "What was that about two keeping warm, again?"
I laughed and curled myself into his chest. "Just count on me for that," I said. There was a thud on the bed, and Daisy curled up with us both.
The End.
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