The middle two weeks of March were always interesting times in Queen City. The city was still chilly as winter's last throes slowly relaxed their stranglehold. Hope was building in the baseball fans, the river would generally rise and flood the stadiums and the Spaide's International Circus came to town. This year, the circus was actually playing a two week stand , though I had been carefully avoiding it. Ever since I was a little girl, clowns frightened me and I was unwilling to place myself in a situation where my fears could run rampant.
Instead, I had been busy with work and with a string of unsolved robberies. One of them involved a daring afternoon smash and grab, in the store window of Gailliot Jewelers. The Window had been smashed and the displays of diamonds had been cleaned out in a hurry. The daring part was it had happened as the Circus parade had come through town. No one remembered seeing anything, as they were all entranced by the parade.
What made it more surprising was that Gailliot was located facing the street, yes; but on the second floor of a busy bank. Yet no one, inside or out hand seen anything.
Another surprising robbery had occurred a few days later at the Davidson and Dopf Auction house. The firm was planning a new auction of art and fabrics; specifically tapestries and rare rugs. But the locked warehouse was opened one morning to find several rare rugs gone, apparently through an open skylight.
"I can't understand it Owl," said Lieutenant Winslow. "How in the world do these things happen?"
I smiled. "What about an Orangutan?" Winslow shot me a puzzled look.
Blushing, I continued. "In the Poe story, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, spectacular crimes are committed by a raging ape.
Winslow put out his Laramie then scowled. "I don't think we've got a monkey on these cases Owl. I don't even know if they're related. All I know is I got two unsolved crimes with a fantastic nature. You seem to get to the bottom of them better than I can."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I replied. "I'll look into it."
I flew home and slept, waking only because the telephone was so insistent.
"Athena Nikos, I think" I answered.
"Hey sis! You're coming with me tonight to the circus!" Diana's voice was pitched with excitement. I repressed a shudder.
"Isn't there anything else I can do instead?" I asked.
"Oh come on Theena! I came home for Spring Break, and I managed to score tickets for my girls and me. But I need another chaperone to keep them in line."
I should mention that Diana had been a youth softball coach in the inner city before she went to Zenith for school. Apparently, she'd continued to keep in touch with what she referred to as "her " girls. I drew a deep breath and said OK. After all, it was for a good cause.
"Great, I'll see you in an hour," she said. "And don't worry, Theena. I'll make sure the clowns don't bite." The phone clicked dead and I sat in my bed stroking Daisy, who was demanding both petting and breakfast. Deciding she'd rather eat than be adored, the cat raced me to the kitchen and yowled plainly at her empty dish.
I fed the cat, then showered and slipped into some jeans and a sweater. I ate some breakfast and was ready to go when Diana showed up driving a large van. I climbed in and we went through the old Germantown section of Queen City, accumulating teenaged girls with every stop. Around noon, we stopped at a Goldline restaurant, and Diana and I fed twelve very hungry girls.
"Next stop, the circus!" shouted Diana, and we got back into the van. The matinee show was fantastic, and I marveled at the skills of the aerialists, and the other acrobats. We were far enough back that the clowns capering in the ring didn't seem to bother me much. But I noticed someone moving out of the corner of my eye as the spotlight followed him down. I jumped when I saw a short clown in a tattered yellow costume shambling toward me.
I shrieked, and slipped down into my chair hoping he'd pass by. The clown moved on down the stairs, then stopped. He turned back and waved at me. Timidly I waved back. The clown came back and stretched out a hand for me to shake it. I took it with trembling hands. The clown's hand came off in mind and I screamed. The clown rolled like he was laughing silently and I could hear the audience laughing hysterically around me. With a meek smile, I returned the hand to the clown. He tipped his pointy hat at me, then went on toward the floor.
I sulked back into the chair at the Colosseum and faked interest for the clowns, and the horse riders and the motorcycle riders in the cage. But when Clive St James was announced, I perked up. Clive was a large animal trainer with a fantastic show. He was skilled with his whip, bringing lions and tigers into skillful formations of pyramids, jumping them through hoops, and being tame enough for him to place his head into the mouth of a lion.
A second animal trainer worked with smaller primates including chimpanzees. Her chimps formed pyramids, scrambled up the ladders to the high wire and performed amazing leaps from the wires to the trapeze.
"As you can see, chimpanzees are natural acrobats," said the ringmaster. "Maree has done a wonderful job with these intelligent creatures, and they just love her." As he spoke, the chimpanzees scrambled back to their trainer and together they took a bow. The show was about to end then , but there was a loud trumpeting.
The Ringmaster looked around and opened his mouth to close the show again but a trumpeting noise issued forth again. I couldn't help myself and joined the crowd in a laugh. The ringmaster looked around again and spotted a sad looking tramp clown.
The tramp clown was wearing an undersized black suit and a broken hat. His oversized shoes had holes in them and a bright green bandanna dangled from his breast pocket. He leaned wearily on a broom, and pointed behind him. Emmilene the Elephant stood there, brandishing a broom in her trunk. The ringmaster nodded.
"Thanks Harry! Folks, Hapless Harry here has reminded us to be good citizens and clean up around our seats before we leave. And Emmilene has agreed to help with her part." The spotlight fell on the elephant and clown and they did a sweeping routine around the ring. While they swept, I saw several of the performers standing large barrels around the ring.
Harry turned and with a shocked look, he pointed at the barrels. Emmilene nodded her trunk, then handed Harry the broom. She walked to the first barrel and put her foot onto it. Harry nodded and the elephant crushed the barrel. Harry applauded then went to sit on the next one. Emmilene beat him to it and Harry fell onto the crushed can and sawdust. The crowd roared.
Harry stood and looked Emmilene in the eye as the moved toward the next barrel. He pointed to the barrel and shook his head. Emmilene nodded in agreement, then squashed the barrel. A spray of water shot out, soaking Harry. He wiped water out of his eyes with the green Bandana, then set it on a barrel. Emmilene avoided that barrel. But when Harry moved again, he left the bandanna behind.
This routine went on for another few minutes until all but one barrel was crushed. The last barrel had the green bandanna on it. Harry removed the bandanna and Emmilene was about to squash it. Harry dropped to his knees to beg Emmilene to leave that barrel alone. Emmilene stopped, trumpeted and upended the barrel. The tiny little clown in yellow rolled out, throwing confetti and blowing a horn. The crowd roared in approval and the show ended.
I blinked out the sunlight as we left the Colosseum and made our way to the van. It was a bright but chilly afternoon in Queen City, and I shuddered a bit. I drew my arms around me and felt that my sterling silver crucifix wasn't around my neck. "My necklace!" I said.
"Are you sure you had it sis?" asked Diana.
"I never take it off, you know that," I said. "Mother gave it to me for my confirmation. Go ahead and take the girls home--I can catch the bus." Diana looked like she was about to protest, but I said, "Go. This might take some time. I'll see you for church tomorrow though, before you go back to Zenith."
Diana and her protégés left and I retraced my steps back to the section where we'd been sitting. I was surprised how quickly the Colosseum had been cleared out, and how quiet it was in the building. I spotted a short man, and realized it was the clown who'd given me such a fright earlier. "Excuse me," I said.
The man stopped. "Hiya!" he said in a friendly voice. "Sorry about that scare earlier, but you was good for a laugh to the rest of the crowd. "
My face flushed but I smiled despite it. "Thank you--you did give me a bit of a fright though. My name is Athena and I was wondering where I might locate the lost and found?"
"Call me Stinky," he said. "An' the boss' office would be the lost an' found. Its down here by da ticket office." Stinky led the way and I followed after him. I met the ringmaster and the 24 hour man in the office.
"Certainly Ms Nikos," said Mr Spaide, the ringmaster. "Someone found the necklace earlier and turned it in. Good to see there's still honest people in this world."
I took the chain and thanked him. "It IS good to see that," I said. "Thank you Mr Spaide. I had a most enjoyable afternoon.
"Then you should come back for our night show," he said. It's the last show here in Queen City. We break down tonight afterwards and move on to Louisville, then St Louis, then Keystone."
"Sounds like a busy life."
"Not if the circus is in your blood." he said. I thanked him again and went out of the office. I had gotten turned around though and walked into the arena without thinking about it. Inside I saw Stinky arguing with someone.
"You better not be holding out on me clown. I saw that necklace. Solid sterling with rubies."
"I told you! The dame came back for it! I don't know how she knew it was gone." I heard a sharp crack and Stinky jumped back a foot. I pressed into the wall and listened in.
"You fool! She could ruin our entire operation! Fortunately we're leaving tonight--there won't be any way for her to follow up. You got lucky this time Stinky, so I'm going to let you live!"
I'd heard enough. I slipped into the empty ladies room and changed rapidly. I hid my purse in a loose ceiling tile, then flew out into the empty hallways of the arena and dove toward the ring. Stinky was slouching away, and around the ring, I could see various acts doing final touch ups and practices. I swooped low and grabbed the small man by his wrists and began to lift him.
"What?" he said. Then Stinky called out "HEY RUBE!!" All around the ring the performers broke what they were doing and followed after me. I turned to see what was going on and Stinky bit my arm through my NuSilk glove.
"Owwww!" I said, dropping the clown toward the sawdust. I large man in a leopard skin positioned himself under Stinky and caught him; I recognized the strongman. I angled around and clotheslined myself on the highwire. I tumbled breathless to the safety net and felt powerful hands pulling my legs through the thick netting.
I heard a soft BOOM as the cannon fired and the Amazing Marshall flew across the rings, crashing with his thick helmet into my stomach. I saw stars, then I saw nothing.
I woke up with a foul stench in my nose. My mouth was dry, and I couldn't close my lips--I saw the tip of a green cloth in my mouth. I heard chains rattling and saw my wrists were chained though a floor staple. The odor was the smell of a menagerie and I realized I had been locked into an animal cage, out of sight of the public. My muffled calls for help and any loud poundings would no doubt be construed as an animal with a bad attitude.
I pulled on the chains, trying to ascertain how strong they were, when I heard a sharp, snide voice behind me.
"The chain was designed to be strong enough to hold Emmiline, White Owl. I would be willing to bet it would constrain you." Startled, I turned to see Clive St John leaning in the opening of the cage.
"You're a loose end now, my dear. I don't quite know how you tumbled on to my little burglary and resale scheme, but now you've seen it, you'll have to go." I gave him what I hoped would be a questioning look, urging him to elaborate.
"We have some time before you die, so I suppose I'll indulge your curiosity," St John said. "The Circus is a dying thing. The animal rights people are already making it hard for me to do my job, and the costs for veterinary bills and animal fodder are ridiculous!. So I engaged my small friends to help earn their keep. We'd burglarize a few items in Queen City, say, and sell them in Keystone, after the heat died down. And in all this time, you're the only one to have figured it out. Stinky messed up, and your little friend no doubt tipped you off."
"Good," I thought. "St John hasn't figured out who I am."
"I detest loose ends, White Owl, so I've prepared a glorious end for you. That fool Harry will get the blame and I'll get rid of both you and Stinky." St John opened a small leather pouch and I saw a large bottle of some liquid and a hypodermic needle.
"I'm going to use Emmiline to do you in, White Owl. You're going into a barrel tonight." My eyes grew wide and I pulled back, trying to avoid Clive St John. He grabbed my upper arm and I swung my leg, kicking him in the crotch. St John winced but stood his ground.
"I've a nice, strong codpiece, White Owl. Now hold still." I felt a sharp pinch, then felt the warm liquid oozing into my arm.
"There," he said. "That should hold you for several hours." I could feel my heart racing and my eyes fluttered. My body went limp and I fought to stay awake. St John undid the staple, leaving my hands chained and lifted me like a kitten. I slumped into his chest, barely conscious. He poured me into one of the big metal barrels for the closing act and I saw the lid come down tight over me.
I don't remember how long I was out. But I was aware of being moved, and I realized that the show's end was coming up. Through the metal wall, I could feel the reverberation of the ringmaster's microphone. I heard the crowd's roar as Emmaline and Harry did their routine. But I couldn't make out how far they were along in the show, nor where my barrel was placed. I squirmed in the barrel, trying to brace my feet against the sides. But I was wedged in, and it was hard to get bearings. I finally managed to get my feet to the top of the barrel and pressed against it, just as something pressed down from the top.
I felt sweat breaking out on my brow as I resisted the weight on the lid. I heard a trumpet, as Emmiline got confused. After all, this wasn't a part of her acct. I felt the lid's weight get lighter as she stepped back and I kicked the lid Fr. The barrel fell over and I rolled it, came to my feet and ran with the barrel still over my head. The crowd roared, and I ran toward the wall, throwing the barrel off, and snapping the chains.
From the corner of my eye, I saw St John, growing pale at the sight of me., I jumped out, swooped toward him and caught him by the collar of his shirt. St John flailed as I held him in the air, then dropped him into the net. As he sat up, he saw several police officers pointing guns at him.
The crowd roared as Emmiline freed Stinky. I grabbed him and tossed him to the police as well. "I'll be down to see Lt Winslow in a short while," I said flipping a wave to the audience and flying out of the arena. The circus was over in Queen City.
Three hours later I was in Winslow's office, filing a report and pressing charges.
"We found the tapestries and jewelry in St Johns' and Stinky's mobile homes," said Winslow. "Add the attempted murder and I think St John's going away for a long time."
"I guess I was right, wasn't I lieutenant?" I asked.
"I don't think so, " said Winslow.
"What do you mean?"
"There wasn't an orangutan anywhere. Chimpanzees, lions, elephants, to be sure, but no orangutans."
"Great," I said. "I've got clowns to the left of me, a joker to the right and I'm stuck in the middle with you."
We laughed about that, then I flew home to call Diana and feed Daisy.
The End...
Instead, I had been busy with work and with a string of unsolved robberies. One of them involved a daring afternoon smash and grab, in the store window of Gailliot Jewelers. The Window had been smashed and the displays of diamonds had been cleaned out in a hurry. The daring part was it had happened as the Circus parade had come through town. No one remembered seeing anything, as they were all entranced by the parade.
What made it more surprising was that Gailliot was located facing the street, yes; but on the second floor of a busy bank. Yet no one, inside or out hand seen anything.
Another surprising robbery had occurred a few days later at the Davidson and Dopf Auction house. The firm was planning a new auction of art and fabrics; specifically tapestries and rare rugs. But the locked warehouse was opened one morning to find several rare rugs gone, apparently through an open skylight.
"I can't understand it Owl," said Lieutenant Winslow. "How in the world do these things happen?"
I smiled. "What about an Orangutan?" Winslow shot me a puzzled look.
Blushing, I continued. "In the Poe story, The Murders in the Rue Morgue, spectacular crimes are committed by a raging ape.
Winslow put out his Laramie then scowled. "I don't think we've got a monkey on these cases Owl. I don't even know if they're related. All I know is I got two unsolved crimes with a fantastic nature. You seem to get to the bottom of them better than I can."
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I replied. "I'll look into it."
I flew home and slept, waking only because the telephone was so insistent.
"Athena Nikos, I think" I answered.
"Hey sis! You're coming with me tonight to the circus!" Diana's voice was pitched with excitement. I repressed a shudder.
"Isn't there anything else I can do instead?" I asked.
"Oh come on Theena! I came home for Spring Break, and I managed to score tickets for my girls and me. But I need another chaperone to keep them in line."
I should mention that Diana had been a youth softball coach in the inner city before she went to Zenith for school. Apparently, she'd continued to keep in touch with what she referred to as "her " girls. I drew a deep breath and said OK. After all, it was for a good cause.
"Great, I'll see you in an hour," she said. "And don't worry, Theena. I'll make sure the clowns don't bite." The phone clicked dead and I sat in my bed stroking Daisy, who was demanding both petting and breakfast. Deciding she'd rather eat than be adored, the cat raced me to the kitchen and yowled plainly at her empty dish.
I fed the cat, then showered and slipped into some jeans and a sweater. I ate some breakfast and was ready to go when Diana showed up driving a large van. I climbed in and we went through the old Germantown section of Queen City, accumulating teenaged girls with every stop. Around noon, we stopped at a Goldline restaurant, and Diana and I fed twelve very hungry girls.
"Next stop, the circus!" shouted Diana, and we got back into the van. The matinee show was fantastic, and I marveled at the skills of the aerialists, and the other acrobats. We were far enough back that the clowns capering in the ring didn't seem to bother me much. But I noticed someone moving out of the corner of my eye as the spotlight followed him down. I jumped when I saw a short clown in a tattered yellow costume shambling toward me.
I shrieked, and slipped down into my chair hoping he'd pass by. The clown moved on down the stairs, then stopped. He turned back and waved at me. Timidly I waved back. The clown came back and stretched out a hand for me to shake it. I took it with trembling hands. The clown's hand came off in mind and I screamed. The clown rolled like he was laughing silently and I could hear the audience laughing hysterically around me. With a meek smile, I returned the hand to the clown. He tipped his pointy hat at me, then went on toward the floor.
I sulked back into the chair at the Colosseum and faked interest for the clowns, and the horse riders and the motorcycle riders in the cage. But when Clive St James was announced, I perked up. Clive was a large animal trainer with a fantastic show. He was skilled with his whip, bringing lions and tigers into skillful formations of pyramids, jumping them through hoops, and being tame enough for him to place his head into the mouth of a lion.
A second animal trainer worked with smaller primates including chimpanzees. Her chimps formed pyramids, scrambled up the ladders to the high wire and performed amazing leaps from the wires to the trapeze.
"As you can see, chimpanzees are natural acrobats," said the ringmaster. "Maree has done a wonderful job with these intelligent creatures, and they just love her." As he spoke, the chimpanzees scrambled back to their trainer and together they took a bow. The show was about to end then , but there was a loud trumpeting.
The Ringmaster looked around and opened his mouth to close the show again but a trumpeting noise issued forth again. I couldn't help myself and joined the crowd in a laugh. The ringmaster looked around again and spotted a sad looking tramp clown.
The tramp clown was wearing an undersized black suit and a broken hat. His oversized shoes had holes in them and a bright green bandanna dangled from his breast pocket. He leaned wearily on a broom, and pointed behind him. Emmilene the Elephant stood there, brandishing a broom in her trunk. The ringmaster nodded.
"Thanks Harry! Folks, Hapless Harry here has reminded us to be good citizens and clean up around our seats before we leave. And Emmilene has agreed to help with her part." The spotlight fell on the elephant and clown and they did a sweeping routine around the ring. While they swept, I saw several of the performers standing large barrels around the ring.
Harry turned and with a shocked look, he pointed at the barrels. Emmilene nodded her trunk, then handed Harry the broom. She walked to the first barrel and put her foot onto it. Harry nodded and the elephant crushed the barrel. Harry applauded then went to sit on the next one. Emmilene beat him to it and Harry fell onto the crushed can and sawdust. The crowd roared.
Harry stood and looked Emmilene in the eye as the moved toward the next barrel. He pointed to the barrel and shook his head. Emmilene nodded in agreement, then squashed the barrel. A spray of water shot out, soaking Harry. He wiped water out of his eyes with the green Bandana, then set it on a barrel. Emmilene avoided that barrel. But when Harry moved again, he left the bandanna behind.
This routine went on for another few minutes until all but one barrel was crushed. The last barrel had the green bandanna on it. Harry removed the bandanna and Emmilene was about to squash it. Harry dropped to his knees to beg Emmilene to leave that barrel alone. Emmilene stopped, trumpeted and upended the barrel. The tiny little clown in yellow rolled out, throwing confetti and blowing a horn. The crowd roared in approval and the show ended.
I blinked out the sunlight as we left the Colosseum and made our way to the van. It was a bright but chilly afternoon in Queen City, and I shuddered a bit. I drew my arms around me and felt that my sterling silver crucifix wasn't around my neck. "My necklace!" I said.
"Are you sure you had it sis?" asked Diana.
"I never take it off, you know that," I said. "Mother gave it to me for my confirmation. Go ahead and take the girls home--I can catch the bus." Diana looked like she was about to protest, but I said, "Go. This might take some time. I'll see you for church tomorrow though, before you go back to Zenith."
Diana and her protégés left and I retraced my steps back to the section where we'd been sitting. I was surprised how quickly the Colosseum had been cleared out, and how quiet it was in the building. I spotted a short man, and realized it was the clown who'd given me such a fright earlier. "Excuse me," I said.
The man stopped. "Hiya!" he said in a friendly voice. "Sorry about that scare earlier, but you was good for a laugh to the rest of the crowd. "
My face flushed but I smiled despite it. "Thank you--you did give me a bit of a fright though. My name is Athena and I was wondering where I might locate the lost and found?"
"Call me Stinky," he said. "An' the boss' office would be the lost an' found. Its down here by da ticket office." Stinky led the way and I followed after him. I met the ringmaster and the 24 hour man in the office.
"Certainly Ms Nikos," said Mr Spaide, the ringmaster. "Someone found the necklace earlier and turned it in. Good to see there's still honest people in this world."
I took the chain and thanked him. "It IS good to see that," I said. "Thank you Mr Spaide. I had a most enjoyable afternoon.
"Then you should come back for our night show," he said. It's the last show here in Queen City. We break down tonight afterwards and move on to Louisville, then St Louis, then Keystone."
"Sounds like a busy life."
"Not if the circus is in your blood." he said. I thanked him again and went out of the office. I had gotten turned around though and walked into the arena without thinking about it. Inside I saw Stinky arguing with someone.
"You better not be holding out on me clown. I saw that necklace. Solid sterling with rubies."
"I told you! The dame came back for it! I don't know how she knew it was gone." I heard a sharp crack and Stinky jumped back a foot. I pressed into the wall and listened in.
"You fool! She could ruin our entire operation! Fortunately we're leaving tonight--there won't be any way for her to follow up. You got lucky this time Stinky, so I'm going to let you live!"
I'd heard enough. I slipped into the empty ladies room and changed rapidly. I hid my purse in a loose ceiling tile, then flew out into the empty hallways of the arena and dove toward the ring. Stinky was slouching away, and around the ring, I could see various acts doing final touch ups and practices. I swooped low and grabbed the small man by his wrists and began to lift him.
"What?" he said. Then Stinky called out "HEY RUBE!!" All around the ring the performers broke what they were doing and followed after me. I turned to see what was going on and Stinky bit my arm through my NuSilk glove.
"Owwww!" I said, dropping the clown toward the sawdust. I large man in a leopard skin positioned himself under Stinky and caught him; I recognized the strongman. I angled around and clotheslined myself on the highwire. I tumbled breathless to the safety net and felt powerful hands pulling my legs through the thick netting.
I heard a soft BOOM as the cannon fired and the Amazing Marshall flew across the rings, crashing with his thick helmet into my stomach. I saw stars, then I saw nothing.
I woke up with a foul stench in my nose. My mouth was dry, and I couldn't close my lips--I saw the tip of a green cloth in my mouth. I heard chains rattling and saw my wrists were chained though a floor staple. The odor was the smell of a menagerie and I realized I had been locked into an animal cage, out of sight of the public. My muffled calls for help and any loud poundings would no doubt be construed as an animal with a bad attitude.
I pulled on the chains, trying to ascertain how strong they were, when I heard a sharp, snide voice behind me.
"The chain was designed to be strong enough to hold Emmiline, White Owl. I would be willing to bet it would constrain you." Startled, I turned to see Clive St John leaning in the opening of the cage.
"You're a loose end now, my dear. I don't quite know how you tumbled on to my little burglary and resale scheme, but now you've seen it, you'll have to go." I gave him what I hoped would be a questioning look, urging him to elaborate.
"We have some time before you die, so I suppose I'll indulge your curiosity," St John said. "The Circus is a dying thing. The animal rights people are already making it hard for me to do my job, and the costs for veterinary bills and animal fodder are ridiculous!. So I engaged my small friends to help earn their keep. We'd burglarize a few items in Queen City, say, and sell them in Keystone, after the heat died down. And in all this time, you're the only one to have figured it out. Stinky messed up, and your little friend no doubt tipped you off."
"Good," I thought. "St John hasn't figured out who I am."
"I detest loose ends, White Owl, so I've prepared a glorious end for you. That fool Harry will get the blame and I'll get rid of both you and Stinky." St John opened a small leather pouch and I saw a large bottle of some liquid and a hypodermic needle.
"I'm going to use Emmiline to do you in, White Owl. You're going into a barrel tonight." My eyes grew wide and I pulled back, trying to avoid Clive St John. He grabbed my upper arm and I swung my leg, kicking him in the crotch. St John winced but stood his ground.
"I've a nice, strong codpiece, White Owl. Now hold still." I felt a sharp pinch, then felt the warm liquid oozing into my arm.
"There," he said. "That should hold you for several hours." I could feel my heart racing and my eyes fluttered. My body went limp and I fought to stay awake. St John undid the staple, leaving my hands chained and lifted me like a kitten. I slumped into his chest, barely conscious. He poured me into one of the big metal barrels for the closing act and I saw the lid come down tight over me.
I don't remember how long I was out. But I was aware of being moved, and I realized that the show's end was coming up. Through the metal wall, I could feel the reverberation of the ringmaster's microphone. I heard the crowd's roar as Emmaline and Harry did their routine. But I couldn't make out how far they were along in the show, nor where my barrel was placed. I squirmed in the barrel, trying to brace my feet against the sides. But I was wedged in, and it was hard to get bearings. I finally managed to get my feet to the top of the barrel and pressed against it, just as something pressed down from the top.
I felt sweat breaking out on my brow as I resisted the weight on the lid. I heard a trumpet, as Emmiline got confused. After all, this wasn't a part of her acct. I felt the lid's weight get lighter as she stepped back and I kicked the lid Fr. The barrel fell over and I rolled it, came to my feet and ran with the barrel still over my head. The crowd roared, and I ran toward the wall, throwing the barrel off, and snapping the chains.
From the corner of my eye, I saw St John, growing pale at the sight of me., I jumped out, swooped toward him and caught him by the collar of his shirt. St John flailed as I held him in the air, then dropped him into the net. As he sat up, he saw several police officers pointing guns at him.
The crowd roared as Emmiline freed Stinky. I grabbed him and tossed him to the police as well. "I'll be down to see Lt Winslow in a short while," I said flipping a wave to the audience and flying out of the arena. The circus was over in Queen City.
Three hours later I was in Winslow's office, filing a report and pressing charges.
"We found the tapestries and jewelry in St Johns' and Stinky's mobile homes," said Winslow. "Add the attempted murder and I think St John's going away for a long time."
"I guess I was right, wasn't I lieutenant?" I asked.
"I don't think so, " said Winslow.
"What do you mean?"
"There wasn't an orangutan anywhere. Chimpanzees, lions, elephants, to be sure, but no orangutans."
"Great," I said. "I've got clowns to the left of me, a joker to the right and I'm stuck in the middle with you."
We laughed about that, then I flew home to call Diana and feed Daisy.
The End...
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