"TransAmerican Flight 61 to Waynesville will be boarding at Gate 7 in concourse A. Please have your boarding pass ready for collection and thank you for flying TransAmerican." I shrugged my purse and messenger bag onto my shoulder and followed the long line of people toward the gate. I wasn't paying a lot of attention, so I jumped slightly when I heard a pleasant baritone voice behind me.
"Mooo!" it said. I whirled and saw a well built man, athletically built in a Grayson Statue University letter jacket. I noticed his twinkling green eyes and the mischevious look on his face.
"I beg your pardon?" I asked.
"Ever notice how people in a line look like cattle?" he said in a mocking tone. "Cattle being shipped across the country." I lifted an eyebrow and gave him a gentle smirk.
"Greg Day, sports memorabilia collector," he said with a mock bow. "I'm on my way back to Waynesville for the alumni banquet. I'm the chairman of the alumni association, you know."
I took his proffered hand and shook it. "Athena Nikos, resident archaeologist and sports fan at the Queen City Museum of Natural History. I'm the guest lecturer for the Palmer lectures for MesoAmerican studies at Grayson State. So I may be seeing you on campus?"
"Oh yeah, you'll see me. I don't think you'll have any problem finding me. After all I'm a big man on campus!"
I boarded the plane, and found my seat along the left side of the plane. I sat in a window seat. A moment later, Greg sat in the aisle seat next to me. "What a coincidence," he said. "We're seat mates." He settled in, and we spent the next hour and a half talking about sports collectibles and my recent work in Aztec Mexico.
Greg wanted to know more about the Tlatchtli court I had helped uncover, and was suitably impressed with my knowledge of the noble game. I opened the messenger bag and showed him the sphere of hardened rubber which was a key element in my first lecture.
"You better be careful with that Athena," he warned. "Waynesville is a haven to some very shady characters. Watch your step."
"Oh I'll be careful," I said. "But isn't there someone in Waynesville assisting the police with those criminals? I mean Queen City has the VALOR team. I thought that Dynaman was in Waynesville."
"DYNAMAN!" Greg Day's voice caused a few heads to turn in our direction. He caught his breath and lowered his voice. "Dynaman! Great Gridirons! He's nothing but a pasty faced bookworm with incredible luck. He's lucky he's not been tried for child endangerment and contributing to the deliquency of minors. Do you know he's had several children as sidekicks?"
I nodded. "But I don't think Dynaman is all that bad. He serves a great need there in Waynesville."
"Sounds to me like someone is star struck."
I nodded and turned back to my book. Day chatted with the attendants and before we knew it, we were landing at Pennyworth Field. I stood up to leave, and realized Greg was gone, with my Tlachtli ball. I looked through the airport for him, but didn't see him. However I was met by a pretty blonde co-ed.
"Dr Nikos? I'm Clara Dain, your student quide for the week. We're a bit short of guest space, with the alumni association this week, but one of our professors has a guest house he's made available. I'm going to drive you out there, OK?"
"Who is this professor?" I asked.
"Oh he's my advisor. Dr Adam North." I flinched. North was a renaissance man. He was wealthy and a dedicated scientist as well. Though he was head of the physics department at Grayson State, he was a generalist scientist as well, having posted papers on medicine, chemistry and yes, even archaeology. We'd butted heads through a few journals, and he was NOT someone I was remotely interested in meeting. Still, Mother raised me to be polite when someone did me a courtesy.
"Will he be meeting us tonight?" I asked Clara.
"Oh no ma'am. I doubt you'll see much of Dr North. He's busy with a lot of crucial experiments this week, and working on a new project for the military as well. But I'll be there to take you to the banquet tonight."
Clara left me at a guest cottage on a large estate. The "cottage" was larger than the mayor's house in Queen City! I wandered into the cottage and found the bedroom, a study and a large sitting room. I sat down with a good book and read for a few hours, until it was almost time for the welcoming banquet.
"Mooo!" it said. I whirled and saw a well built man, athletically built in a Grayson Statue University letter jacket. I noticed his twinkling green eyes and the mischevious look on his face.
"I beg your pardon?" I asked.
"Ever notice how people in a line look like cattle?" he said in a mocking tone. "Cattle being shipped across the country." I lifted an eyebrow and gave him a gentle smirk.
"Greg Day, sports memorabilia collector," he said with a mock bow. "I'm on my way back to Waynesville for the alumni banquet. I'm the chairman of the alumni association, you know."
I took his proffered hand and shook it. "Athena Nikos, resident archaeologist and sports fan at the Queen City Museum of Natural History. I'm the guest lecturer for the Palmer lectures for MesoAmerican studies at Grayson State. So I may be seeing you on campus?"
"Oh yeah, you'll see me. I don't think you'll have any problem finding me. After all I'm a big man on campus!"
I boarded the plane, and found my seat along the left side of the plane. I sat in a window seat. A moment later, Greg sat in the aisle seat next to me. "What a coincidence," he said. "We're seat mates." He settled in, and we spent the next hour and a half talking about sports collectibles and my recent work in Aztec Mexico.
Greg wanted to know more about the Tlatchtli court I had helped uncover, and was suitably impressed with my knowledge of the noble game. I opened the messenger bag and showed him the sphere of hardened rubber which was a key element in my first lecture.
"You better be careful with that Athena," he warned. "Waynesville is a haven to some very shady characters. Watch your step."
"Oh I'll be careful," I said. "But isn't there someone in Waynesville assisting the police with those criminals? I mean Queen City has the VALOR team. I thought that Dynaman was in Waynesville."
"DYNAMAN!" Greg Day's voice caused a few heads to turn in our direction. He caught his breath and lowered his voice. "Dynaman! Great Gridirons! He's nothing but a pasty faced bookworm with incredible luck. He's lucky he's not been tried for child endangerment and contributing to the deliquency of minors. Do you know he's had several children as sidekicks?"
I nodded. "But I don't think Dynaman is all that bad. He serves a great need there in Waynesville."
"Sounds to me like someone is star struck."
I nodded and turned back to my book. Day chatted with the attendants and before we knew it, we were landing at Pennyworth Field. I stood up to leave, and realized Greg was gone, with my Tlachtli ball. I looked through the airport for him, but didn't see him. However I was met by a pretty blonde co-ed.
"Dr Nikos? I'm Clara Dain, your student quide for the week. We're a bit short of guest space, with the alumni association this week, but one of our professors has a guest house he's made available. I'm going to drive you out there, OK?"
"Who is this professor?" I asked.
"Oh he's my advisor. Dr Adam North." I flinched. North was a renaissance man. He was wealthy and a dedicated scientist as well. Though he was head of the physics department at Grayson State, he was a generalist scientist as well, having posted papers on medicine, chemistry and yes, even archaeology. We'd butted heads through a few journals, and he was NOT someone I was remotely interested in meeting. Still, Mother raised me to be polite when someone did me a courtesy.
"Will he be meeting us tonight?" I asked Clara.
"Oh no ma'am. I doubt you'll see much of Dr North. He's busy with a lot of crucial experiments this week, and working on a new project for the military as well. But I'll be there to take you to the banquet tonight."
Clara left me at a guest cottage on a large estate. The "cottage" was larger than the mayor's house in Queen City! I wandered into the cottage and found the bedroom, a study and a large sitting room. I sat down with a good book and read for a few hours, until it was almost time for the welcoming banquet.
The room was warm and despite the seriousness of the occasion, Adam North was distracted. He ran a hand through his sandy hair, and pushed the glasses back up on his nose. Despite the heat, Dr North was was wearing a tweed jacket with patched sleeves and had the stereotypical crooked tie knotted at his neck. The jacket was slightly larger than needed, and concealed rock hard muscle underneath. Similarly, the glasses on the professor's nose held only plate glass lenses. The effect was convincing--no one would mistake the brilliant, yet absent minded professor with his other identity.
North looked up, aware that the conference room had grown silent in his reverie. To his left, Dr Nakari from the Bureau of Metahuman Affairs coughed politely. "We're very impressed vy your proposal Professor North," he said. The other representatives from the military and justice brances of the government nodded in agreement.
"This new alloy Moenchium could be the most powerful metal yet, Doctor, yet it's so light. Are you certain it's as strong as you say?"
North nodded politely. "Well, according to the numbers, it seems to be. That's what the tests we're scheduling will be determining."
"How easy is Moenchium to work? Is is cast or rolled or what?"
"Well, its easily shaped, molded and so forth. In its liquid state, its very malleable. But once it's hardened, it holds its shape perfectly and is almost as hard as diamond." Dr Nakari nodded, then turned to a general at the table.
"What do you think General Briggs?"
"If it does everything Dr North says it can do, then I feel the Joint Chiefs will be VERY interested. Doctor, you're going to have to be very careful. I'm going to send one of my men out to watch the tests later this week, be looking for him, a Colonel Kane. Will you have time for him?"
"I always have time for the government and its agencies sir," said North with true enthusiasm.
North stood and shook all the hands round the room. He stumbled backward but caught himself, then said again to Briggs, "I look forward to seeing Colonel Kane, general. Good day to you all gentlemen."
He left the conference room and was immediately met by Barbara O'Hara, the bursar for Grayson State. Her long legs were well formed, almost like a dancer's and a shoulder length cut of thick red hair topped her head, matching her Irish temperament.
"Well? What did they say?" she asked eagerly.
"They're going forward at thsi point, Ms O'Hara," said Professor North. "More prestige for me, I guess."
North looked up, aware that the conference room had grown silent in his reverie. To his left, Dr Nakari from the Bureau of Metahuman Affairs coughed politely. "We're very impressed vy your proposal Professor North," he said. The other representatives from the military and justice brances of the government nodded in agreement.
"This new alloy Moenchium could be the most powerful metal yet, Doctor, yet it's so light. Are you certain it's as strong as you say?"
North nodded politely. "Well, according to the numbers, it seems to be. That's what the tests we're scheduling will be determining."
"How easy is Moenchium to work? Is is cast or rolled or what?"
"Well, its easily shaped, molded and so forth. In its liquid state, its very malleable. But once it's hardened, it holds its shape perfectly and is almost as hard as diamond." Dr Nakari nodded, then turned to a general at the table.
"What do you think General Briggs?"
"If it does everything Dr North says it can do, then I feel the Joint Chiefs will be VERY interested. Doctor, you're going to have to be very careful. I'm going to send one of my men out to watch the tests later this week, be looking for him, a Colonel Kane. Will you have time for him?"
"I always have time for the government and its agencies sir," said North with true enthusiasm.
North stood and shook all the hands round the room. He stumbled backward but caught himself, then said again to Briggs, "I look forward to seeing Colonel Kane, general. Good day to you all gentlemen."
He left the conference room and was immediately met by Barbara O'Hara, the bursar for Grayson State. Her long legs were well formed, almost like a dancer's and a shoulder length cut of thick red hair topped her head, matching her Irish temperament.
"Well? What did they say?" she asked eagerly.
"They're going forward at thsi point, Ms O'Hara," said Professor North. "More prestige for me, I guess."
"And more money for Grayson State. Honestly Adam, I keep telling you to call me Barbara." Her voice dropped and she added, "Why don't you let me buy you dinner tonight, to celebrate?"
Professor North grew red. Barbara O'Hara was definitely a good looking woman, with a husky voice and curvaceous body that he admired. But his other life left little time for sexual pleasures. And he'd recieved an Interpol bulletin this afternoon about possible criminal activity in Waynesville, possibly tied to the Letterman.
"Gosh...Bar Bar...Ms O'Hara, I'd love to but..."
"No buts North. You're coming with me." She took him by his arm and stopped. Her hand traced the sinews of his biceps and she gasped in astonishment. "What have you been doing? Taking steroids?"
"N-no, you should know me better than that Ms O'Hara. I've just been working out a bit is all. I'm trying to get in shape for next summer's conference schedule--some of those exotic locations are a tough hike." He smiled weakly, pushing his glasses back up his nose.
Barbara O'Hara frowned, the kind of frown that said she wasn't sure she believed his story. She dragged his arm forward and North only somewhat reluctantly followed. As they reached the parking lot, Adam's cell phone beeped with a text message note.
He flipped it up and studied it.
"Barbara, I'm afraid I've got to take a raincheck. One of my experiments is about to hit a critical point, and I don't think Clara can handle it--in fact, she's going to be busy later taking Dr Nikos to the welcoming dinner."
Barbara suspected he was trying to pull a fast one on her, but she relented. "All right Adam, keep being mysterious. I'll take that rain check though." She pulled a card out of her purse. "I know you have my office phone, but this is MY cell number. Don't keep me waiting more than 48 hours, OK?" She gave him a peck on the cheek and Dr North felt himself getting hard as she sashayed out of view. He crossed the parking lot to the lab, and entered into his office.
A secret panel in his office lead to a changing room, and within minutes of the page, Dynaman roared toward Waynesville on his Dynabike.
It was a typical welcoming banquet. Dinner consisted of some sort of chicken and sauce concoction with steamed veggies and iced tea. To someone used to eating either my family's chili or whatever meal I could grab on the fly, it was wonderful. I was wearing my all purpose black skirt, with my white leotard and black jacket on the top end. Yes, the leotard was part of my costume, but I didn't think anyone would make that connection.
I smiled at Clara, who was sitting toward the back of the dining room. She waved, meekly. I was glad I insisted she be allowed to stay, it was nice to see one friendly face in the crowd. As a rule, I tend to avoid fundraisers and receptions; one reason I became an archaeologist and writer. Still, Lynn at the Museum and Byron, my publisher still insisted on them. Fortunately, I made it through the evening without TOO much problem, aside from...
"I'm very interesting in your MesoAmerican studies, Athena," said Dr Alan Bravard, my host and the main archaeology professor at Grayson State. Alan and I had studied under Dr Jones at the University of Chicago, though he'd moved on for graduate studies elsewhere. He was trying to be a bit more than familiar with me, though I was gamely resisting him. (There was a reason he hadn't completed his PhD under Doctor Jones, and I knew a bit about that.)
"Well Alan, I admit it was a fascinating dig. But I think I had more fun in Greece. And you'll be hearing about it all week. I hope you can stand it." I smiled graciously at him and he ran his hand through his already thinning hair.
"Oh I'd like that, in fact, could I ask you out to dinner some time this week?"
"Well," I began. I caught a glimpse of gold on his finger, then smiled broadly. "When did you get married Alan? I hadn't seen that in the alumni news. I'd be delighted to meet her at dinner."
"Er, ahhh, well...Mrs Bravard is out of town, I'm afraid." The sweat on his brow was suddenly thick. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "Oh dear. It's very late I see. I'm afraid I'll have to get in touch with you about dinner later Athena...Dr Nikos...oh my." He shuffled off the platform and out of the faculty dining room without a second glance.
Clara's face hid a smirk as she came close. "Looks like you put a bug down his drawers," she said. As we walked to the parking lot, I retold the story. She laughed and smiled.
"Dr Bravard is always trying something like that. I don't REALLY think he was putting the moves on you though Dr Nikos. His wife keeps him on a short leash. I think it was more of an opportunity for him to bask in your reflected glory."
"Well if he's going to try that--he's even dimmer than I remember. I don't really have much glory, even in academia," I said. I always assumed that much was true. My books sold well, and I seldom had trouble getting funding, but I assumed that was due more to my grant writers than to any fame I may have had.
Clara opened the door to Dr North's classic Mustang convertible and I slipped into the passenger seat. As I buckled my belt, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want to drive? This car is a blast!"
"No, thank you Clara, I never learned." She looked at me, astonished, then expertly drove us out of the parking lot. We drove out along the Robinson expressway then she turned onto the Broome river parkway.
"I like the river road," she said. "It's usually less travelled and it really looks nice this time of night. Hey, you want to listen to some music? Dr North only has AM in this thing, he insists on authenticity, but there's a nice classical station here." She fiddled with the dial and something soothing by Mozart began playing. A moment later, we rounded a turn about three miles from Dr North's estate.
The news broke with an opening story. "The mayor's office reports receiving a message from Doctor Solar, that Dynaman and Dynamaiden have been captured. As proof, photos of the caped dynamos were sent , each with today's paper. .."
Clara looked stunned and I glanced up to see the oncoming headlights of a large truck in our lane. I could see the driver hunched over the wheel of the vehicle.
"Look out Clara!" I cried out. She broke from her dazed state, then grabbed at the wheel. Our car turned and I felt us go thru the guardrail and into the air. Without thinking, I snapped my seatbelt and dove out the side of the car. I dove underneath and caught the framework, using my strength to hold and support the Mustang. Carefully I flew it back to the side of the road, where I saw Clara slumped unconscious over the wheel. A bruise was forming on her forehead. I would tend to her in a moment. but I had a truck to catch.
I flew up, then angled down toward the out-of-control delivery truck. My upper limits were taxed by the Mustang, but I knew I had to try. I got to the truck, landing on the step and trying to wake the driver. His face was gray and ashen, and I was afraid the man had suffered a heart attack. I wrenched the door from the truck, flipping it behind me. Then I grabbed the driver, pulling him clear as the truck crashed through another section of guardrail. The delivery truck flipped in the air then hit the bank, rolling to the river where it made a large crash and splash.
I landed the driver on the berm, and began CPR. After a few minutes, I heard his pulse begin and his breathing started as well. I found a bottle of Nitro pills in his shirt pocket, and placed on under his tongue. He was woozy when the ambulances showed up, but he thanked me for saving his life.
Clara was grateful too, though she was treated and released at the sight. I used my cell phone to call a cab for the both of us, since she wasn't cleared to be driving.
When we got back to the guest house, Clara looked at me and I at her. Together, we both said, "All right, what..." I laughed and she smiled. "You first, " she said.
"Why did you get all upset about Dynaman and Dynamaiden?" I asked.
She got all flustered, turning red. "Well, if you'll answer mine, I'll tell you," she said. She looked up at me, obviously very intuitive.
"No one normal could have saved us, Athena. And women who flip out of convertibles are generally not uninjured. So tell me, is there more to you than an archaeologist?"
I looked down, not really thrilled by the whole secret identity thing. Still, she deserved an answer. "Yes, Clara, there is. I'm also White Owl."
"White Owl?! No WAY!!!" she squealed gleefully. "Then you can help Dynaman and Dynamaiden."
"Well to do that, I'd have to know where they ARE, Clara. I don't know where Dr Solar has them."
"But I do," she said. She pulled a small homing tracker from her purse and showed it to me. I saw the lightning bolt symbol on it. "This is a Dynatrace. Dynaman makes sure that his assistants have one. He's in the warehouses along the Finger River--across town. Can you take us there to help rescue him?"
"Whoa, wait--what's this us?"
"It's all right Dr Nikos. I'm one of his crimefighting assistants. I'm Dynabelle. I even have my costume on under this dress."
What could I say? In a few moments we were winging across the night sky, Clara in my arms as she directed me to the warehouses.
I smiled at Clara, who was sitting toward the back of the dining room. She waved, meekly. I was glad I insisted she be allowed to stay, it was nice to see one friendly face in the crowd. As a rule, I tend to avoid fundraisers and receptions; one reason I became an archaeologist and writer. Still, Lynn at the Museum and Byron, my publisher still insisted on them. Fortunately, I made it through the evening without TOO much problem, aside from...
"I'm very interesting in your MesoAmerican studies, Athena," said Dr Alan Bravard, my host and the main archaeology professor at Grayson State. Alan and I had studied under Dr Jones at the University of Chicago, though he'd moved on for graduate studies elsewhere. He was trying to be a bit more than familiar with me, though I was gamely resisting him. (There was a reason he hadn't completed his PhD under Doctor Jones, and I knew a bit about that.)
"Well Alan, I admit it was a fascinating dig. But I think I had more fun in Greece. And you'll be hearing about it all week. I hope you can stand it." I smiled graciously at him and he ran his hand through his already thinning hair.
"Oh I'd like that, in fact, could I ask you out to dinner some time this week?"
"Well," I began. I caught a glimpse of gold on his finger, then smiled broadly. "When did you get married Alan? I hadn't seen that in the alumni news. I'd be delighted to meet her at dinner."
"Er, ahhh, well...Mrs Bravard is out of town, I'm afraid." The sweat on his brow was suddenly thick. He glanced at the clock on the wall. "Oh dear. It's very late I see. I'm afraid I'll have to get in touch with you about dinner later Athena...Dr Nikos...oh my." He shuffled off the platform and out of the faculty dining room without a second glance.
Clara's face hid a smirk as she came close. "Looks like you put a bug down his drawers," she said. As we walked to the parking lot, I retold the story. She laughed and smiled.
"Dr Bravard is always trying something like that. I don't REALLY think he was putting the moves on you though Dr Nikos. His wife keeps him on a short leash. I think it was more of an opportunity for him to bask in your reflected glory."
"Well if he's going to try that--he's even dimmer than I remember. I don't really have much glory, even in academia," I said. I always assumed that much was true. My books sold well, and I seldom had trouble getting funding, but I assumed that was due more to my grant writers than to any fame I may have had.
Clara opened the door to Dr North's classic Mustang convertible and I slipped into the passenger seat. As I buckled my belt, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want to drive? This car is a blast!"
"No, thank you Clara, I never learned." She looked at me, astonished, then expertly drove us out of the parking lot. We drove out along the Robinson expressway then she turned onto the Broome river parkway.
"I like the river road," she said. "It's usually less travelled and it really looks nice this time of night. Hey, you want to listen to some music? Dr North only has AM in this thing, he insists on authenticity, but there's a nice classical station here." She fiddled with the dial and something soothing by Mozart began playing. A moment later, we rounded a turn about three miles from Dr North's estate.
The news broke with an opening story. "The mayor's office reports receiving a message from Doctor Solar, that Dynaman and Dynamaiden have been captured. As proof, photos of the caped dynamos were sent , each with today's paper. .."
Clara looked stunned and I glanced up to see the oncoming headlights of a large truck in our lane. I could see the driver hunched over the wheel of the vehicle.
"Look out Clara!" I cried out. She broke from her dazed state, then grabbed at the wheel. Our car turned and I felt us go thru the guardrail and into the air. Without thinking, I snapped my seatbelt and dove out the side of the car. I dove underneath and caught the framework, using my strength to hold and support the Mustang. Carefully I flew it back to the side of the road, where I saw Clara slumped unconscious over the wheel. A bruise was forming on her forehead. I would tend to her in a moment. but I had a truck to catch.
I flew up, then angled down toward the out-of-control delivery truck. My upper limits were taxed by the Mustang, but I knew I had to try. I got to the truck, landing on the step and trying to wake the driver. His face was gray and ashen, and I was afraid the man had suffered a heart attack. I wrenched the door from the truck, flipping it behind me. Then I grabbed the driver, pulling him clear as the truck crashed through another section of guardrail. The delivery truck flipped in the air then hit the bank, rolling to the river where it made a large crash and splash.
I landed the driver on the berm, and began CPR. After a few minutes, I heard his pulse begin and his breathing started as well. I found a bottle of Nitro pills in his shirt pocket, and placed on under his tongue. He was woozy when the ambulances showed up, but he thanked me for saving his life.
Clara was grateful too, though she was treated and released at the sight. I used my cell phone to call a cab for the both of us, since she wasn't cleared to be driving.
When we got back to the guest house, Clara looked at me and I at her. Together, we both said, "All right, what..." I laughed and she smiled. "You first, " she said.
"Why did you get all upset about Dynaman and Dynamaiden?" I asked.
She got all flustered, turning red. "Well, if you'll answer mine, I'll tell you," she said. She looked up at me, obviously very intuitive.
"No one normal could have saved us, Athena. And women who flip out of convertibles are generally not uninjured. So tell me, is there more to you than an archaeologist?"
I looked down, not really thrilled by the whole secret identity thing. Still, she deserved an answer. "Yes, Clara, there is. I'm also White Owl."
"White Owl?! No WAY!!!" she squealed gleefully. "Then you can help Dynaman and Dynamaiden."
"Well to do that, I'd have to know where they ARE, Clara. I don't know where Dr Solar has them."
"But I do," she said. She pulled a small homing tracker from her purse and showed it to me. I saw the lightning bolt symbol on it. "This is a Dynatrace. Dynaman makes sure that his assistants have one. He's in the warehouses along the Finger River--across town. Can you take us there to help rescue him?"
"Whoa, wait--what's this us?"
"It's all right Dr Nikos. I'm one of his crimefighting assistants. I'm Dynabelle. I even have my costume on under this dress."
What could I say? In a few moments we were winging across the night sky, Clara in my arms as she directed me to the warehouses.
Dynaman felt his head ringing and wished for the hundredth time that someone would shut off the alarm clock. The bright light in his eyes was dazzling, forcing him to squint. He was tied around something. No SomeONE, he amended.
He chanced opening his eyes and looked into the gagged face of his assistant Victoria Manning. Or in this guise she was called Dynamaiden. The young woman had Dynaman wrapped in a tight embrace and was sitting uncomfortably on his lap.Her breasts strained at the navy blue, spandex leotard brushing against Dynaman's own gray outfit and rock hard chest. Her wrists were then bound tightly together, leaving only a bit fo freedom for her hands and fingers to wiggle. A red ball gag filled her mouth, and Dynaman could only read the expression of despair and helplessness in her eyes.
Dynamaiden's long, bare legs were wrapped around Dynaman's waist and similarly tied; ankle to knee at each side. Her hips were hard against Dyanaman's and the hero felt a bit uncomfortable.
Dynaman was similarly bound and gagged, his arms wrapped under Victoria's and tied behind her head. He could feel the silky softness of her long dark tresses through his gloves and as she squirmed, he could fell his manhood getting even firmer than a blow to the head would normally leave him.
Dynaman looked around the dark warehouse, and saw that he and Dynamaiden werehanging suspended over the floor. Beneath them, Doctor Solar gloated.
"Oh what a grand idea this was to come to Waynesville from Hub City. Instead of dealing with the Blue Panther or Rocket, this city's heroes are so pathetically outclassed by me that I'll be taking over in no time. And to think I've already defeated their mighty Dynaman!"
Dynaman growled. His loins were aching with desire for Victoria, but he forced himself to focus on the job at hand. He shifted his seat, conscious of Dynamaiden's gasp as she felt his engorged manhood against her own private area. He could see her eyes flutter in desire, then her own disciplined mind took over again.
Studying their situation, the two captive heroes saw Doctor Solar staring up at them. "I'm enjoying so much your discomfort, Dynaman. But your time is drawing to an end." He pointed up and the two bound heroes followed his finger. Above them a disco ball glittered.
"That is my death for you Dynaman. A Glittering death of light and energy. As you squirm, I shall fire a high powered laser beam into the ball. The mood music will allow you to be...ah ...intimate with your young protoge, while the glittering ball reflects the laser at you. Eventually, one of the beams will slice through either you or your assitant, killing you. If not, it will set the warehouse ablaze. Either way, I'm rid of you both.
He hit a button and the lights in the warehouse dimmed. The music of the Bee Gees singing , "How Deep is your Love" blared over poor speakers and the disco ball began spinning.
"Goodbye Dyanman!" shouted Doctor Solar, heading to the door. As the door slammed tight, the glittering lights began turning read. The laser orbited the ball firing at random. It also apeared to rise and fall, covering most of the sphere as it whirled above them. Dynamaiden's eyes grew wide, fear beginning to fill them.
A blast from the laser hit the disco ball and ricocheted into a stack of wooden crates. A plume of smoke shot up. A moment later, another blast hit a container of old oil, causing a hot fire to begin buring in the fifty gallon drum. Despite her ball gag, Dynaman could hear his associate's shriek of fear.
As Dynamaiden's fear grew, she snuggled close to the daring hero who was her mentor. The nearness of her trembling form again filled Dynaman with desire. But he noticed her movements kept the ropes holding them aloft swaying. He motioned with his head to Dynamaiden.
She looked at him, then realized what he was doing. The two of them began rocking back and forth bringing their ropes in a counter motion to the orbiting laser and disco ball. Finally a blast hit the cable, breaking the ropes and launching the two heroes head over heels toward the floor.
Dynaman rolled to take the blow with his shoulder and Ummphed as Dynamaiden landed on top of him. He grinned. Not many men had a beautiful woman in skin tight spandex so close to them before. Still, they had to escape. Together they fumbled with the ropes breaking free just as the barrel exploded.
Dynaman grabbed Dynamaiden's hand and pulled her to the side office. Inside, he found their utility belts and grabbed the fire foam pellets. Covering his face with his cape, Dynaman opened the door again and tossed out the fire foam. The blaze abated slowly, allowing the dynamic heroes to make their way out of the building.
"But Doctor Solar got away," said Dynamaiden, a bit disappointed. Her costume smelled smoky, but Dynaman could see the darker blue stain at the bottom.
"Don't worry Dynamaiden, " said Dynaman. "Justice will always win. We'll stop Doctor Solar and..."
At that moment, Dynabelle came running up to give her companions a big hug.
"It was incredible," she said. "You should have seen it. Doctor Solar was running away and she set me on the roof then swooped after him. She hit him with her bola balls, then cracked his control helmet in two and slammed it on the pavement. She took him off to jail and said she'd see me soon. Are you two all right?"
Dynamaiden looked at Dynaman and the two of them looked at Dynabelle. "We're fine. But WHO are you talking about? Who defeated Doctor Solar?"
"White Owl! She's here in Waynesville! Isn't that great?"
Dynaman looked at Dynabelle. "And why were you working with her already?"
"Oh I can't tell you Dynaman, I promised not to tell her identity, even to you."
Dynaman nodded. "Well, I'd like to thank her if I could."
"Oh she's going to be a while at the police station. And I think she's a bit shy about meeting you. I think she has a crush on you Dynaman."
Dynaman felt his face growing red, and turned away to the Dynamobile, to get his assistants back to campus.
He chanced opening his eyes and looked into the gagged face of his assistant Victoria Manning. Or in this guise she was called Dynamaiden. The young woman had Dynaman wrapped in a tight embrace and was sitting uncomfortably on his lap.Her breasts strained at the navy blue, spandex leotard brushing against Dynaman's own gray outfit and rock hard chest. Her wrists were then bound tightly together, leaving only a bit fo freedom for her hands and fingers to wiggle. A red ball gag filled her mouth, and Dynaman could only read the expression of despair and helplessness in her eyes.
Dynamaiden's long, bare legs were wrapped around Dynaman's waist and similarly tied; ankle to knee at each side. Her hips were hard against Dyanaman's and the hero felt a bit uncomfortable.
Dynaman was similarly bound and gagged, his arms wrapped under Victoria's and tied behind her head. He could feel the silky softness of her long dark tresses through his gloves and as she squirmed, he could fell his manhood getting even firmer than a blow to the head would normally leave him.
Dynaman looked around the dark warehouse, and saw that he and Dynamaiden werehanging suspended over the floor. Beneath them, Doctor Solar gloated.
"Oh what a grand idea this was to come to Waynesville from Hub City. Instead of dealing with the Blue Panther or Rocket, this city's heroes are so pathetically outclassed by me that I'll be taking over in no time. And to think I've already defeated their mighty Dynaman!"
Dynaman growled. His loins were aching with desire for Victoria, but he forced himself to focus on the job at hand. He shifted his seat, conscious of Dynamaiden's gasp as she felt his engorged manhood against her own private area. He could see her eyes flutter in desire, then her own disciplined mind took over again.
Studying their situation, the two captive heroes saw Doctor Solar staring up at them. "I'm enjoying so much your discomfort, Dynaman. But your time is drawing to an end." He pointed up and the two bound heroes followed his finger. Above them a disco ball glittered.
"That is my death for you Dynaman. A Glittering death of light and energy. As you squirm, I shall fire a high powered laser beam into the ball. The mood music will allow you to be...ah ...intimate with your young protoge, while the glittering ball reflects the laser at you. Eventually, one of the beams will slice through either you or your assitant, killing you. If not, it will set the warehouse ablaze. Either way, I'm rid of you both.
He hit a button and the lights in the warehouse dimmed. The music of the Bee Gees singing , "How Deep is your Love" blared over poor speakers and the disco ball began spinning.
"Goodbye Dyanman!" shouted Doctor Solar, heading to the door. As the door slammed tight, the glittering lights began turning read. The laser orbited the ball firing at random. It also apeared to rise and fall, covering most of the sphere as it whirled above them. Dynamaiden's eyes grew wide, fear beginning to fill them.
A blast from the laser hit the disco ball and ricocheted into a stack of wooden crates. A plume of smoke shot up. A moment later, another blast hit a container of old oil, causing a hot fire to begin buring in the fifty gallon drum. Despite her ball gag, Dynaman could hear his associate's shriek of fear.
As Dynamaiden's fear grew, she snuggled close to the daring hero who was her mentor. The nearness of her trembling form again filled Dynaman with desire. But he noticed her movements kept the ropes holding them aloft swaying. He motioned with his head to Dynamaiden.
She looked at him, then realized what he was doing. The two of them began rocking back and forth bringing their ropes in a counter motion to the orbiting laser and disco ball. Finally a blast hit the cable, breaking the ropes and launching the two heroes head over heels toward the floor.
Dynaman rolled to take the blow with his shoulder and Ummphed as Dynamaiden landed on top of him. He grinned. Not many men had a beautiful woman in skin tight spandex so close to them before. Still, they had to escape. Together they fumbled with the ropes breaking free just as the barrel exploded.
Dynaman grabbed Dynamaiden's hand and pulled her to the side office. Inside, he found their utility belts and grabbed the fire foam pellets. Covering his face with his cape, Dynaman opened the door again and tossed out the fire foam. The blaze abated slowly, allowing the dynamic heroes to make their way out of the building.
"But Doctor Solar got away," said Dynamaiden, a bit disappointed. Her costume smelled smoky, but Dynaman could see the darker blue stain at the bottom.
"Don't worry Dynamaiden, " said Dynaman. "Justice will always win. We'll stop Doctor Solar and..."
At that moment, Dynabelle came running up to give her companions a big hug.
"It was incredible," she said. "You should have seen it. Doctor Solar was running away and she set me on the roof then swooped after him. She hit him with her bola balls, then cracked his control helmet in two and slammed it on the pavement. She took him off to jail and said she'd see me soon. Are you two all right?"
Dynamaiden looked at Dynaman and the two of them looked at Dynabelle. "We're fine. But WHO are you talking about? Who defeated Doctor Solar?"
"White Owl! She's here in Waynesville! Isn't that great?"
Dynaman looked at Dynabelle. "And why were you working with her already?"
"Oh I can't tell you Dynaman, I promised not to tell her identity, even to you."
Dynaman nodded. "Well, I'd like to thank her if I could."
"Oh she's going to be a while at the police station. And I think she's a bit shy about meeting you. I think she has a crush on you Dynaman."
Dynaman felt his face growing red, and turned away to the Dynamobile, to get his assistants back to campus.
Dynabelle spotted him before I did. Doctor Solar was laughing as he stepped into the street behind the warehouse. Inside, I could hear machinery running, though Dynabelle had told me the warehouse was empty. I set her on the pavement. "Something's running inside that building, and Dynaman may need your help," I said.
"What about Doctor Solar?" she protested.
"He's mine," was all I said. I swooped up and dove at the fleeing felon, my hand already working the pouch on my belt. I extracted the bolas, agave them a quick twirl and launched them at Doctor Solar. They hit true, in the ankles and he fell to the ground, skidding in the oily goo in the alley. His helmet broke free of his chn, and the visor shattered. I dropped down, smiling as he grabbed his Dazzle gun, aiming it at me with a shaky hand.
"Wh-White Owl? Why are you in Waynesville?" I didn't answer him, instead snatching the gun from his hand. I bent the cheap barrel back on itself and grabbed him by the back of his collar. "Im here to help take out the trash," I said lifting him into the air.
Solar squawked like a duck as we flew toward the center of town. I saw the fire trucks heading for the warehouse, and hoped Clara had gotten Dynaman and Dynamaiden free.
Solar saw the trucks too, and laughed. "That's the end of that caped cretin, White Owl, and YOU'RE to blame. You wasted your time on me instead of rescuing him." I feared Solar was right and kept my mouth closed. He kept up his hateful banter until I flagged down a squad car.
"Can you two PLEASE take this miscreant. I may still have a chance to save Dynaman!"
"Save him from what White Owl?" asked the officer as her partner stuck the grinning Doctor Solar into the squad car. "He just now announced we needed to be looking for you. Apparently he's all right and said he'd debrief the chief at Headquarters." Solar's face dropped at this news.
"NO, how could he have...there's no way?" he sputtered as the door shut on him. I smiled at him through the tinted window as the car rolled away. Then I leaped into the air again and angled myself toward the sprawling North complex.
I let myself into the guest room and fell asleep. All too soon, the early fall sun was burning into my eyes and I saw Clara standing over me inpatiently. "You need to hurry Athena. Doctor Bravard is going to announce your fist lecture in just over an hour."
"Can we keep the car on the road this morning?" I joked. She grimaced. "Seriously, though. I can be ready in just a few minutes. Is there coffee?"
Clara nodded and I showered as she made me a travel mug to go. I sipped some of the special Peruvian blend as I dried my hair and nodded my approval. Ifelt almost human as clara bundled me into a newer model PT Cruiser. "Its mine," she said smiling.
We made it to the college in plenty of time, and I spent the morning discussing the beginnings of my digs in Mesoamerica. The two hours passed quickly, the discussions were lively and I was excited about the next morning's lecture. As I stepped out of the hall, I heard a bright voice.
"Hey Nikos, CATCH!"
I looked up, astonished, and saw my ball flying back to me. I reached out and snagged the ancient orb, then saw Greg Day trotting easily toward me. I smiled. "Don't you know how fragile this can be?"
"Ahh I knew you'd catch it," he said. "I've been on campus all morning with a directors meeting. Seems there was a bit of excitement last night." I nodded. "Yes I heard about Dynaman's near escape on the radio."
"Not Dynaman--I swear that gloryhound is just trouble waiting to happen." He looked at his Rolex. "Let me take you to lunch, it's the least I can do for stealing your ball. And I can tell you about the break in at the athletic department last night." I felt guilty, and nodded agreement. After all, he HAD returned my ball.
I found myself in Pisano's a few minutes later, and Greg insited on ordering Linguini marinara and a nice chablis for lunch. As we sat and chatted, Greg told me about the breakin at the Atheltic department.
"Apparently, someone discovered answers to several exams in the coaches' rooms and several player's lockers," said Greg. "Grayson State plays Stanhope for the Conference championship. The betting is heavy on both sides, but if Grayson State loses players due to academic ineligibility, then the Stanhope people clean up big. And Stanhope is not the favorite."
I nodded, taking in the thoughts. Greg's face turned ashen, then he frowned. "Great," he said. "As if I didn't have enough trouble." I looked and saw the proverbial "absent minded professor" heading my way. was lost in thought, then smiled as he saw Greg. As he approached, he tripped over a chair, slamming his thigh into a table. He winced and limped toward us."
"Hello Greg! How are you? And who is this vision of loveliness you're trying to keep from me?"
"Hello, Adam." I could hear the restrained fury in Greg's voice--there was bad blood between the two and this chummy bonhomie was all pretense. Thorugh gritted teeth he said, "I'm surpriseed you don't know your own house guest though. Adam North, this is Athena Nikos."
I nearly jumped out of my skin. I managed to control myself long enough to shake his hand and quip, "I don't think I'm his house guest Greg, more like I'm in his Guest House."
North smiled politely then said, "Hey I'd love to join you kids but I'm meeting someone else here. And there he is." He pointed and I saw a man with a colonel's outfit approaching. His limp was pronounced and I thought I could hear metal grinding on metal as he passed. The colonel glanced at me with lifless blue eyes, then focused on Adam North again.
Something about him was very familiar, but before I could figure it out, Greg was tugging at my jacket. "Come on," he said. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."
"What about Doctor Solar?" she protested.
"He's mine," was all I said. I swooped up and dove at the fleeing felon, my hand already working the pouch on my belt. I extracted the bolas, agave them a quick twirl and launched them at Doctor Solar. They hit true, in the ankles and he fell to the ground, skidding in the oily goo in the alley. His helmet broke free of his chn, and the visor shattered. I dropped down, smiling as he grabbed his Dazzle gun, aiming it at me with a shaky hand.
"Wh-White Owl? Why are you in Waynesville?" I didn't answer him, instead snatching the gun from his hand. I bent the cheap barrel back on itself and grabbed him by the back of his collar. "Im here to help take out the trash," I said lifting him into the air.
Solar squawked like a duck as we flew toward the center of town. I saw the fire trucks heading for the warehouse, and hoped Clara had gotten Dynaman and Dynamaiden free.
Solar saw the trucks too, and laughed. "That's the end of that caped cretin, White Owl, and YOU'RE to blame. You wasted your time on me instead of rescuing him." I feared Solar was right and kept my mouth closed. He kept up his hateful banter until I flagged down a squad car.
"Can you two PLEASE take this miscreant. I may still have a chance to save Dynaman!"
"Save him from what White Owl?" asked the officer as her partner stuck the grinning Doctor Solar into the squad car. "He just now announced we needed to be looking for you. Apparently he's all right and said he'd debrief the chief at Headquarters." Solar's face dropped at this news.
"NO, how could he have...there's no way?" he sputtered as the door shut on him. I smiled at him through the tinted window as the car rolled away. Then I leaped into the air again and angled myself toward the sprawling North complex.
I let myself into the guest room and fell asleep. All too soon, the early fall sun was burning into my eyes and I saw Clara standing over me inpatiently. "You need to hurry Athena. Doctor Bravard is going to announce your fist lecture in just over an hour."
"Can we keep the car on the road this morning?" I joked. She grimaced. "Seriously, though. I can be ready in just a few minutes. Is there coffee?"
Clara nodded and I showered as she made me a travel mug to go. I sipped some of the special Peruvian blend as I dried my hair and nodded my approval. Ifelt almost human as clara bundled me into a newer model PT Cruiser. "Its mine," she said smiling.
We made it to the college in plenty of time, and I spent the morning discussing the beginnings of my digs in Mesoamerica. The two hours passed quickly, the discussions were lively and I was excited about the next morning's lecture. As I stepped out of the hall, I heard a bright voice.
"Hey Nikos, CATCH!"
I looked up, astonished, and saw my ball flying back to me. I reached out and snagged the ancient orb, then saw Greg Day trotting easily toward me. I smiled. "Don't you know how fragile this can be?"
"Ahh I knew you'd catch it," he said. "I've been on campus all morning with a directors meeting. Seems there was a bit of excitement last night." I nodded. "Yes I heard about Dynaman's near escape on the radio."
"Not Dynaman--I swear that gloryhound is just trouble waiting to happen." He looked at his Rolex. "Let me take you to lunch, it's the least I can do for stealing your ball. And I can tell you about the break in at the athletic department last night." I felt guilty, and nodded agreement. After all, he HAD returned my ball.
I found myself in Pisano's a few minutes later, and Greg insited on ordering Linguini marinara and a nice chablis for lunch. As we sat and chatted, Greg told me about the breakin at the Atheltic department.
"Apparently, someone discovered answers to several exams in the coaches' rooms and several player's lockers," said Greg. "Grayson State plays Stanhope for the Conference championship. The betting is heavy on both sides, but if Grayson State loses players due to academic ineligibility, then the Stanhope people clean up big. And Stanhope is not the favorite."
I nodded, taking in the thoughts. Greg's face turned ashen, then he frowned. "Great," he said. "As if I didn't have enough trouble." I looked and saw the proverbial "absent minded professor" heading my way. was lost in thought, then smiled as he saw Greg. As he approached, he tripped over a chair, slamming his thigh into a table. He winced and limped toward us."
"Hello Greg! How are you? And who is this vision of loveliness you're trying to keep from me?"
"Hello, Adam." I could hear the restrained fury in Greg's voice--there was bad blood between the two and this chummy bonhomie was all pretense. Thorugh gritted teeth he said, "I'm surpriseed you don't know your own house guest though. Adam North, this is Athena Nikos."
I nearly jumped out of my skin. I managed to control myself long enough to shake his hand and quip, "I don't think I'm his house guest Greg, more like I'm in his Guest House."
North smiled politely then said, "Hey I'd love to join you kids but I'm meeting someone else here. And there he is." He pointed and I saw a man with a colonel's outfit approaching. His limp was pronounced and I thought I could hear metal grinding on metal as he passed. The colonel glanced at me with lifless blue eyes, then focused on Adam North again.
Something about him was very familiar, but before I could figure it out, Greg was tugging at my jacket. "Come on," he said. "I've suddenly lost my appetite."
We finished lunch and left the restaurant, leaving Dr North and his guest behind. My mind itched like crazy, trying to place Colonel Kane. Something about him seemed so familiar, but I was at a loss to place him. Greg noted my distraction and laughed when I finally looked up.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
He let out a dry laugh--almost barking. I winced, not really caring for the forced laughter he let out. "You were off on your own little world there Athena. I asked what you thought of the stuffes shirt?"
"Doctor North?" Greg nodded. "I guess I'm a bit intimidated by him. After all he's so well known, and he's written some critical things about some of my findings in the journals. Not really disagreements, per se; but he takes a lot of my findings and extrapolates them even farther than I would. And he's generally right too. Is there such a thing as being too bright?"
Greg snorted. "I wouldn't have thought so, until I met Adam. He was so intense, I was certain the guys in Mu Upsilon Tau wouldn't let him in. But they were impressed by his grades, they needed the GPA to keep the frat open."
"Wait! Dr North was a...MUT?" I laughed in spite of myself. "Isn't that mostly an athletic frat? At least it was in Chicago."
Greg stopped, and smiled. "Yeah the MUTs are a bunch of animals. Like me. North was my roomie for my last two years here. And he ruined my chances at the pros."
"How did he do that?" I had to ask.
Greg looked at his watch. "Damn, I'm going to be late for my next meeting. It's a long story and I don't have time to tell you now. Thanks for lunch!" He dashed across campus, and I saw him disappear into the front of Old Main.
While I was watching Greg run off, Dr North came out with his military colleague. He stopped briefly, and said, "I think Clara told you I was going to be very busy this week. I'm sorry I can't be a better host, but duty calls. I know there's not a banquet tonight, and there's not a lot to eat in the guest house, but I think Wintergreen will be sending something for you tonight. Unless you're going out?"
"No, no. And you needn't bother, I can have something delivered," I offered. North waved his hand imperiously.
"No you're my guest and I insist. Besides, anything you can order, Wintergreen can make better, I'm certain." The colonel coughed and North started. "Oh where are my manners? Colonel Kane, this is Athena Nikos. She's here for a series of lectures on her digs in Mexico and Guatemala. She's done some fascinating work." I extended my hand.
Kane studied it like it would bite him, before taking it in his and shaking it. "Pleasure," he growled. As his hand touched mine, I jumped.
"Oh," I said. "I just got a shock"
"Static buildup. I have a high electromagnetic field. I can't even wear a watch." Kane's voice sounded almost tinny, and his face was devoid of emotion. "North, we need to get moving."
As they trudged off, the mystery of Colonel Kane kept nagging at me. Not having another lecture until the next moring, I flagged a cab and rode back to North Manor and studied the layout of Waynesville and environs on the computer. ..
Adam North and Colonel Kane spent the afternoon planning the tests for stress, heat and tensioning ot the Moenchium. Dr North showed the colonel several parts already molded. "This can be a battle armor for the modern soldier, Colonel. The Moenchium is able to stop a 50 caliber shell at 50 yards."
"Impressive. I can imagine tanks made out of this as well." North frowned. He didn't oppose the military, but he was never happy to hear his inventions could be used for destructive purposes as well.
After five hours of long, intense work, Adam smiled at Colonel Kane. "I don't know about you Colonel, but I need a break. Shall we meet again at 8?"
"Right Doctor, 2000 hours it is."
"No, not 8 tonight, I have...another appointment I need to keep."
The Colonel harrumphed, but nodded. "All right North, Tomorrow Morning." He followed Doctor North to the secure room and nodded his approval at the security doors and safe. "No guards?"
"Not really needed," said Adam. "It's a design of my own. Silent alarms, laser beams when set. The door on the safe has a logarithmic code, and the outer system resets daily." He set the systems and smiled. "I also have double redundancy generators, in case the power goes out." He keyed in the last number and the door locked.
"See you tomorrow then Colonel." The colonel grunted and shambled toward the door. North followed him out and headed for the faculty parking lot. He recovered his car, and drove toward his estate, frowning.
"I really need to work more diligently," he muttered. "I was too lax last night and it almost cost both Victoria and me our lives. We need to work on escape training and trap avoidance."
As North headed home, he made a turn on the River Road to an unused access road. The road wound into the trees and back into the side of the hill. Instead of stopping, the barricade sensed North's car and dropped away, revealing a dark shaft into a closed coal mine. North slipped his car into a spare slot and climbed out. A powerful lift pushed the car into Adam's voluminous carriage house. He slipped into the dressing room and dressed in his Dynaman gear. As he changed, he could hear the squeald an giggles of Victoria and Clara.
"All right, what's going on here?" asked Dynaman, stepping out of his changing room. As he peered into the Dynabase, he saw Dynabelle bound hand and foot in a hogtie, squirming. Her fingers wriggled almost uselessly as se tryined to work the knot. Above her, Dynamaiden was laughing.
"See, its NOT that easy baby. You wouldn't have gotten out without help either!" Dynamaiden stood up, and flung the long dark hair from her eyes. She turned to Dynaman and said, "Hi Boss. We're just having ourselves a little escape training. Your little southern belle said she could have gotten out of Doctor Solar's trap, so I'm proving her wrong." She grinned at Dynaman, her hands crossed over her chest in triumph. Adam noticed Dynabelle slipping out of the ropes though, having learned his lessons about tensing muscles.
The blonde dynamo wriggled free while Victoria gloated. Dynabelle slipped the rope taut around Dynamaiden's feelt, then yanked. The raven tressed heroine squawked, then fell face forward to the hard floor. Dynabelle quickly siezed her opportunity and tied her tormentor up before Dynamaiden could get ready.
"I win!" she grinned, stepping FAR from the squirming brunette, and watching as Dynamaiden struggled to get free herself.
North smiled at the juvenile behavior of his assistants, then called them both to attention. "Look I'm all for training, but we have work to get done. I think the Letterman has returned to Waynesville. The incident in the Athletic Department has all the hallmarks of one of his plans. Victoria, when you get free, hit the computer. We need as much information on him as you can find. Dynabelle, you're with me. "
Clara turned her blonde head over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at her training partner as she followed Dynaman into the Dynamobile.
I was restless, and my mind finally made a connection. The army's database on Colonel Kane was either very wrong, or he'd been replaced. The Kane on record was a slight man, with dark hair. But the Kane I'd met earlier was tall, and powerfully built.
"Built" I snapped my fingers. "But he can't be here, Captain Valiant locked him up several months ago. I checked the Guild database, and discovered Harm was once again at large, escaping from military detention in the wilds of New Mexico. I knew that North's research often had miltary applications, and that would likely be Harm's target. Still I doubted Dynaman could stop General Harm.
I slipped into my costume, and dove out the back terrace of the guest house. In the garden, I slipped my mask on and launched into the dark sky, just as Wintergreen's knock came at the door. I angled over the city and back toward the university.
The Science quad was dark except in the physics building. I dropped to the ground and entered, finding the main door propped open. Hoping I wouldn't startle a late working student, I crept into the building. Everything seemed in order, until the lights went out. I remembered Clara telling me about the security precautions, and I knew the lights couldn't go out withouta lot of work. Someone was after something. I headed for the security labs in the center of the building. I found the security door, forced open.
Allowing my eyes to adjust, I stepped gingerly into the room. Was I too late? Behind me I heard a thud, followed by a "Crap." A familiar voice. Greg?
"Well well, if it isn't one of Dynaman's little playmates," he said.
"Not even close," I said, turning to face the voice. "Are you going to give up?"
"I hate to say this gorgeous, but I have you right where I want you."
My head felt like it was being driven deep into my shoulders and I saw a blaze of color before everything went black around me. A second blow tattooed the back of my skull and I twirled gracelessly to the floor.
"It was nice of Doctor North to leave the whisper and echo gallery materials in this room too," laughed the man above me. He was dressed in a Varsity jacket, with a large G on the breast. His leering face, behinf a dark mask was the last thing I remembered
"I'm sorry, what did you say?"
He let out a dry laugh--almost barking. I winced, not really caring for the forced laughter he let out. "You were off on your own little world there Athena. I asked what you thought of the stuffes shirt?"
"Doctor North?" Greg nodded. "I guess I'm a bit intimidated by him. After all he's so well known, and he's written some critical things about some of my findings in the journals. Not really disagreements, per se; but he takes a lot of my findings and extrapolates them even farther than I would. And he's generally right too. Is there such a thing as being too bright?"
Greg snorted. "I wouldn't have thought so, until I met Adam. He was so intense, I was certain the guys in Mu Upsilon Tau wouldn't let him in. But they were impressed by his grades, they needed the GPA to keep the frat open."
"Wait! Dr North was a...MUT?" I laughed in spite of myself. "Isn't that mostly an athletic frat? At least it was in Chicago."
Greg stopped, and smiled. "Yeah the MUTs are a bunch of animals. Like me. North was my roomie for my last two years here. And he ruined my chances at the pros."
"How did he do that?" I had to ask.
Greg looked at his watch. "Damn, I'm going to be late for my next meeting. It's a long story and I don't have time to tell you now. Thanks for lunch!" He dashed across campus, and I saw him disappear into the front of Old Main.
While I was watching Greg run off, Dr North came out with his military colleague. He stopped briefly, and said, "I think Clara told you I was going to be very busy this week. I'm sorry I can't be a better host, but duty calls. I know there's not a banquet tonight, and there's not a lot to eat in the guest house, but I think Wintergreen will be sending something for you tonight. Unless you're going out?"
"No, no. And you needn't bother, I can have something delivered," I offered. North waved his hand imperiously.
"No you're my guest and I insist. Besides, anything you can order, Wintergreen can make better, I'm certain." The colonel coughed and North started. "Oh where are my manners? Colonel Kane, this is Athena Nikos. She's here for a series of lectures on her digs in Mexico and Guatemala. She's done some fascinating work." I extended my hand.
Kane studied it like it would bite him, before taking it in his and shaking it. "Pleasure," he growled. As his hand touched mine, I jumped.
"Oh," I said. "I just got a shock"
"Static buildup. I have a high electromagnetic field. I can't even wear a watch." Kane's voice sounded almost tinny, and his face was devoid of emotion. "North, we need to get moving."
As they trudged off, the mystery of Colonel Kane kept nagging at me. Not having another lecture until the next moring, I flagged a cab and rode back to North Manor and studied the layout of Waynesville and environs on the computer. ..
Adam North and Colonel Kane spent the afternoon planning the tests for stress, heat and tensioning ot the Moenchium. Dr North showed the colonel several parts already molded. "This can be a battle armor for the modern soldier, Colonel. The Moenchium is able to stop a 50 caliber shell at 50 yards."
"Impressive. I can imagine tanks made out of this as well." North frowned. He didn't oppose the military, but he was never happy to hear his inventions could be used for destructive purposes as well.
After five hours of long, intense work, Adam smiled at Colonel Kane. "I don't know about you Colonel, but I need a break. Shall we meet again at 8?"
"Right Doctor, 2000 hours it is."
"No, not 8 tonight, I have...another appointment I need to keep."
The Colonel harrumphed, but nodded. "All right North, Tomorrow Morning." He followed Doctor North to the secure room and nodded his approval at the security doors and safe. "No guards?"
"Not really needed," said Adam. "It's a design of my own. Silent alarms, laser beams when set. The door on the safe has a logarithmic code, and the outer system resets daily." He set the systems and smiled. "I also have double redundancy generators, in case the power goes out." He keyed in the last number and the door locked.
"See you tomorrow then Colonel." The colonel grunted and shambled toward the door. North followed him out and headed for the faculty parking lot. He recovered his car, and drove toward his estate, frowning.
"I really need to work more diligently," he muttered. "I was too lax last night and it almost cost both Victoria and me our lives. We need to work on escape training and trap avoidance."
As North headed home, he made a turn on the River Road to an unused access road. The road wound into the trees and back into the side of the hill. Instead of stopping, the barricade sensed North's car and dropped away, revealing a dark shaft into a closed coal mine. North slipped his car into a spare slot and climbed out. A powerful lift pushed the car into Adam's voluminous carriage house. He slipped into the dressing room and dressed in his Dynaman gear. As he changed, he could hear the squeald an giggles of Victoria and Clara.
"All right, what's going on here?" asked Dynaman, stepping out of his changing room. As he peered into the Dynabase, he saw Dynabelle bound hand and foot in a hogtie, squirming. Her fingers wriggled almost uselessly as se tryined to work the knot. Above her, Dynamaiden was laughing.
"See, its NOT that easy baby. You wouldn't have gotten out without help either!" Dynamaiden stood up, and flung the long dark hair from her eyes. She turned to Dynaman and said, "Hi Boss. We're just having ourselves a little escape training. Your little southern belle said she could have gotten out of Doctor Solar's trap, so I'm proving her wrong." She grinned at Dynaman, her hands crossed over her chest in triumph. Adam noticed Dynabelle slipping out of the ropes though, having learned his lessons about tensing muscles.
The blonde dynamo wriggled free while Victoria gloated. Dynabelle slipped the rope taut around Dynamaiden's feelt, then yanked. The raven tressed heroine squawked, then fell face forward to the hard floor. Dynabelle quickly siezed her opportunity and tied her tormentor up before Dynamaiden could get ready.
"I win!" she grinned, stepping FAR from the squirming brunette, and watching as Dynamaiden struggled to get free herself.
North smiled at the juvenile behavior of his assistants, then called them both to attention. "Look I'm all for training, but we have work to get done. I think the Letterman has returned to Waynesville. The incident in the Athletic Department has all the hallmarks of one of his plans. Victoria, when you get free, hit the computer. We need as much information on him as you can find. Dynabelle, you're with me. "
Clara turned her blonde head over her shoulder and stuck her tongue out at her training partner as she followed Dynaman into the Dynamobile.
I was restless, and my mind finally made a connection. The army's database on Colonel Kane was either very wrong, or he'd been replaced. The Kane on record was a slight man, with dark hair. But the Kane I'd met earlier was tall, and powerfully built.
"Built" I snapped my fingers. "But he can't be here, Captain Valiant locked him up several months ago. I checked the Guild database, and discovered Harm was once again at large, escaping from military detention in the wilds of New Mexico. I knew that North's research often had miltary applications, and that would likely be Harm's target. Still I doubted Dynaman could stop General Harm.
I slipped into my costume, and dove out the back terrace of the guest house. In the garden, I slipped my mask on and launched into the dark sky, just as Wintergreen's knock came at the door. I angled over the city and back toward the university.
The Science quad was dark except in the physics building. I dropped to the ground and entered, finding the main door propped open. Hoping I wouldn't startle a late working student, I crept into the building. Everything seemed in order, until the lights went out. I remembered Clara telling me about the security precautions, and I knew the lights couldn't go out withouta lot of work. Someone was after something. I headed for the security labs in the center of the building. I found the security door, forced open.
Allowing my eyes to adjust, I stepped gingerly into the room. Was I too late? Behind me I heard a thud, followed by a "Crap." A familiar voice. Greg?
"Well well, if it isn't one of Dynaman's little playmates," he said.
"Not even close," I said, turning to face the voice. "Are you going to give up?"
"I hate to say this gorgeous, but I have you right where I want you."
My head felt like it was being driven deep into my shoulders and I saw a blaze of color before everything went black around me. A second blow tattooed the back of my skull and I twirled gracelessly to the floor.
"It was nice of Doctor North to leave the whisper and echo gallery materials in this room too," laughed the man above me. He was dressed in a Varsity jacket, with a large G on the breast. His leering face, behinf a dark mask was the last thing I remembered
Dynabelle was smiling to herself as the Dynamobile ran down the blacktop toward the University. "Serves her right, " she thought. "Victoria has always been trying to get Dynaman's approval, even before she was Dynamaiden. She's practically thrown herself at him. Not like me. I was a victim, but one who refused to give up. I think that's what he saw in me."
"That was terribly mean of you Dynabelle, leaving Dynamaiden tied up like that," said Dynaman.
"What?" Clara's head snapped up. "Oh I just figured she needed some more escape training boss. After all, you're not always going tobe able to save her." Dynaman humphed at that, but let it go.
"I guess that rivalry between you two will die down eventually," he said. "And you're right, we're all a bit rusty on escapes..." At that moment the radio crackled in the car and Victoria's honied voice crooned over the speakers.
"I've more information about the Letterman," she said. "He hasn't been active in Waynesville since last year about this time. However, national police records indicate they think he's been active in Hub City, Megametropolis, Blue Valley and Queen City. If you recall, Dynaman, last year the Letterman got away with the gate receipts from last year's Grayson State Homecoming football game."
Dynaman nodded grimly. Beside him, Dynabelle gasped in horror. Last year's meeting with the Letterman had left the two heroes tied to a teeterboard in the bottom of Grayson State's swimming pool. The villain had started the water flooding into the pool, forcing the heroes to take turns breathing. Dynaman had been struggling underwater, but Dynabelle had been reluctant to let her mentor drown alone. It was only through Victoria's intervention that the pair had been saved. Dynaman was so impressed with her courage, that he made Victoria an apprentice the same day.
"Any ideas where he may be striking this year Dynamaiden?" asked Dynaman.
"I have one clue, sir. This is the first year that Grayson State is awarding the Fox trophy to the University's top athlete. That presentation isn't until tomorrow, but the cup was on display at the athletic department."
Dynabelle grabbed the microphone. "OK we're on it. Don't forget to check out the fraternity row, OK?"
There was a moment, then Dynamaiden answered, "All right, Dynamaiden out." Clara smiled again, knowing her rival had been stymied once more.
Thirty minutes later, the Dynamobile moved silently into the parking lot in front of the athletic department. The doors were wide open, and inside, lights could be seen burning. Dynabelle wanted to rush the building, but Dynaman was cautious, opting to recconnoiter first, taking up ten more minutes.
"Something's going on," said Dynaman. He motioned to Dynabelle to follow him, and the two stalwarts moved stealthily across the lawn. Inside the building, the ostentatious display of trophies, photographs and banners brought Dynaman to a halt for a moment. "So much money," he lamented. "Wasted on frivolous activity."
From outside, Dynaman's alert ears heard an earsplitting shriek. At the same time, from the athletic director's office a soft muffled explosion sounded. He pointed to Dynabelle. "You see what's going on outside, I'll take the AD's office.
Dynabelle didn't protest, instead, she ran swiftly out the door. Silhoutted in the dim lights of the parking lot, she thought she saw a coed wrestling with several large men. Another shriek pierced the air and Dynamaiden raced back across the lawn. From her utility bet, she pulled a cannister grenade of DynaDoze and lobbed it into the middle of the unruly mob.
The gas sprayed in all directions and soon, the entire crowd dropped. Dynabelle then made her way toward them. She noted several of the attackers wore MUT jerseys, but she was more concerned with the girl. She continued to approach cautiously trying to determine which of her classmates had been the subject of the attack.
The dark gray bodysuit was a giveaway. "Dynamaiden?" she said. "But that wasn't your scream--that sounded more like Collette Higgins."
"It was Collette Higgins, Dynaboobs!" came a taunting voice behind her. "I'm working on a special project if you must know--one that will make me rich." Collette jumped from the hood of the Dynamobile, did a rolling rive, and sprung up from her hands, kicking Dynabelle in the chin.
"You can call me Handspring," she giggled.
Dynabelle staggered back, then rushed her saying, "I'd sooner call you jailbird." Collette rolled with Dynabelle's punch, though there was still enough force to drive teh wind out of her.
"Witch!" she cried out. "You made me BLEED!" Collette turned, then launched another gymnastic tumble at Dynabelle, landing with her powerful thighs around Clara's neck. The young heroine dropped to the ground, gagging and struglling for breath but Collette kept the pressure up until Dynabelle's face turned blue, then almost as purple as her costume. The plucky young girl drooped unconscious to the ground.
"Moose, Bronco, " said Handspring, rising gracefully from her unconscious foe. "Take these bimbos, tie them up and bring them with us.
Meanwhile, Dynaman had made his way to the Atheltic Director's office. Inside he saw a man bent over the files. The Fox Trophy was in his hand. Dynaman cleared his throat. "I believe the office was closed some time ago," he said.
The man stood slowly, his movements stiff, almost mechanical. "I believe I should be leaving then," he said.
"I'm afraid there's a few charges of breaking and entering, destruction of property and burglary to answer for, Letterman."
"Oh I'm not the Letterman, my friend," said the man, turning. Dynaman gaped in surprise. Why would Colonel Kane be ransacking the office of Atheletic Director Gordon?
"I didn't know we played Army this year," said Dynaman with a wry smile. "Isn't this kind of scouting frowned on by the NCAA?"
"Fool, I was on assignment for something else. But my colleague has taken care of my assignment. And now I must take care of his." Colonel Kane made for the door, but Dynaman stepped to block him. "Move away from the door, Dynaman, I don't wish to hurt you."
"Well if that's all you're worried about," smirked Dynaman. He snapped a series of two quick jabs into Colonel Kane's chest--part of a five punch knockout. But as the first punch struck home, Dynaman heard the crunch of bone against steel.
"AYAHHH!!!" He shouted in pain. The Colonel looked at him and let out his mirthless laugh. Didn't you get it Dynaman? I'm not Colonel Kane! " The colonel grabbed Dyanaman by his cape and flung him against the floor safe. Dynaman staggered, trying to get up. The colonel caught the intrepid crimefighter once more, squeezing a powerful hand against Dynaman's temples.
"AHHHH" Dynaman said. He felt like his eyes were about to pop out. The colonel lifted the fading hero and threw a powerful metal hand into his stomach. Dyanaman felt all his air rushing from his body. He sturggled for breath, for balance, for vision. All three failed him and he slumped on the floor, completely defeated.
The colonel looked at him in disgust, then grabbed Dynaman by his cape and dragged him uncermoniously out of the Athletic directors' office...
"That was terribly mean of you Dynabelle, leaving Dynamaiden tied up like that," said Dynaman.
"What?" Clara's head snapped up. "Oh I just figured she needed some more escape training boss. After all, you're not always going tobe able to save her." Dynaman humphed at that, but let it go.
"I guess that rivalry between you two will die down eventually," he said. "And you're right, we're all a bit rusty on escapes..." At that moment the radio crackled in the car and Victoria's honied voice crooned over the speakers.
"I've more information about the Letterman," she said. "He hasn't been active in Waynesville since last year about this time. However, national police records indicate they think he's been active in Hub City, Megametropolis, Blue Valley and Queen City. If you recall, Dynaman, last year the Letterman got away with the gate receipts from last year's Grayson State Homecoming football game."
Dynaman nodded grimly. Beside him, Dynabelle gasped in horror. Last year's meeting with the Letterman had left the two heroes tied to a teeterboard in the bottom of Grayson State's swimming pool. The villain had started the water flooding into the pool, forcing the heroes to take turns breathing. Dynaman had been struggling underwater, but Dynabelle had been reluctant to let her mentor drown alone. It was only through Victoria's intervention that the pair had been saved. Dynaman was so impressed with her courage, that he made Victoria an apprentice the same day.
"Any ideas where he may be striking this year Dynamaiden?" asked Dynaman.
"I have one clue, sir. This is the first year that Grayson State is awarding the Fox trophy to the University's top athlete. That presentation isn't until tomorrow, but the cup was on display at the athletic department."
Dynabelle grabbed the microphone. "OK we're on it. Don't forget to check out the fraternity row, OK?"
There was a moment, then Dynamaiden answered, "All right, Dynamaiden out." Clara smiled again, knowing her rival had been stymied once more.
Thirty minutes later, the Dynamobile moved silently into the parking lot in front of the athletic department. The doors were wide open, and inside, lights could be seen burning. Dynabelle wanted to rush the building, but Dynaman was cautious, opting to recconnoiter first, taking up ten more minutes.
"Something's going on," said Dynaman. He motioned to Dynabelle to follow him, and the two stalwarts moved stealthily across the lawn. Inside the building, the ostentatious display of trophies, photographs and banners brought Dynaman to a halt for a moment. "So much money," he lamented. "Wasted on frivolous activity."
From outside, Dynaman's alert ears heard an earsplitting shriek. At the same time, from the athletic director's office a soft muffled explosion sounded. He pointed to Dynabelle. "You see what's going on outside, I'll take the AD's office.
Dynabelle didn't protest, instead, she ran swiftly out the door. Silhoutted in the dim lights of the parking lot, she thought she saw a coed wrestling with several large men. Another shriek pierced the air and Dynamaiden raced back across the lawn. From her utility bet, she pulled a cannister grenade of DynaDoze and lobbed it into the middle of the unruly mob.
The gas sprayed in all directions and soon, the entire crowd dropped. Dynabelle then made her way toward them. She noted several of the attackers wore MUT jerseys, but she was more concerned with the girl. She continued to approach cautiously trying to determine which of her classmates had been the subject of the attack.
The dark gray bodysuit was a giveaway. "Dynamaiden?" she said. "But that wasn't your scream--that sounded more like Collette Higgins."
"It was Collette Higgins, Dynaboobs!" came a taunting voice behind her. "I'm working on a special project if you must know--one that will make me rich." Collette jumped from the hood of the Dynamobile, did a rolling rive, and sprung up from her hands, kicking Dynabelle in the chin.
"You can call me Handspring," she giggled.
Dynabelle staggered back, then rushed her saying, "I'd sooner call you jailbird." Collette rolled with Dynabelle's punch, though there was still enough force to drive teh wind out of her.
"Witch!" she cried out. "You made me BLEED!" Collette turned, then launched another gymnastic tumble at Dynabelle, landing with her powerful thighs around Clara's neck. The young heroine dropped to the ground, gagging and struglling for breath but Collette kept the pressure up until Dynabelle's face turned blue, then almost as purple as her costume. The plucky young girl drooped unconscious to the ground.
"Moose, Bronco, " said Handspring, rising gracefully from her unconscious foe. "Take these bimbos, tie them up and bring them with us.
Meanwhile, Dynaman had made his way to the Atheltic Director's office. Inside he saw a man bent over the files. The Fox Trophy was in his hand. Dynaman cleared his throat. "I believe the office was closed some time ago," he said.
The man stood slowly, his movements stiff, almost mechanical. "I believe I should be leaving then," he said.
"I'm afraid there's a few charges of breaking and entering, destruction of property and burglary to answer for, Letterman."
"Oh I'm not the Letterman, my friend," said the man, turning. Dynaman gaped in surprise. Why would Colonel Kane be ransacking the office of Atheletic Director Gordon?
"I didn't know we played Army this year," said Dynaman with a wry smile. "Isn't this kind of scouting frowned on by the NCAA?"
"Fool, I was on assignment for something else. But my colleague has taken care of my assignment. And now I must take care of his." Colonel Kane made for the door, but Dynaman stepped to block him. "Move away from the door, Dynaman, I don't wish to hurt you."
"Well if that's all you're worried about," smirked Dynaman. He snapped a series of two quick jabs into Colonel Kane's chest--part of a five punch knockout. But as the first punch struck home, Dynaman heard the crunch of bone against steel.
"AYAHHH!!!" He shouted in pain. The Colonel looked at him and let out his mirthless laugh. Didn't you get it Dynaman? I'm not Colonel Kane! " The colonel grabbed Dyanaman by his cape and flung him against the floor safe. Dynaman staggered, trying to get up. The colonel caught the intrepid crimefighter once more, squeezing a powerful hand against Dynaman's temples.
"AHHHH" Dynaman said. He felt like his eyes were about to pop out. The colonel lifted the fading hero and threw a powerful metal hand into his stomach. Dyanaman felt all his air rushing from his body. He sturggled for breath, for balance, for vision. All three failed him and he slumped on the floor, completely defeated.
The colonel looked at him in disgust, then grabbed Dynaman by his cape and dragged him uncermoniously out of the Athletic directors' office...
My head was splitting, my eyes were having difficulty staying in focus. Not that there was a lot to focus on. I was seated, apparently, or else I had been shrunk. In either case all I could see were various knees. The buzzzing in my head was clearing and I was beginning to distiguish between the various voices in the room. From what I could see we were in a dark basement or abandoned warehouse somewhere. From the size of the room, I guessed basement.
I found it difficult to breathe, as though someone had me in a choke hold. I tried to reach out to pull the offending arm away only to hear a sharp intake of breath and a muffled shriek from someone to my left. I cocked my head slightly to the left and saw a shoulder and the blonde hair of Clara, Dynabelle behind me. Gingerly, I turned my head the other way and discovered a dark tressed girl with her left arm draped around my neck. A strong rope held her wrist tightly in place, disappearing around her breast. Carefully glancing downward though, I figured out how the tie went. I was similarly bound with a tight cable around my left wrist. My arm was similarly wrapped around Dynabelle's neck.
The cable extended across my chest and under the purple booted thigh of the other girl, whom I presumed was Dynamaiden.I flexed my fingers underneath her thigh, unable to reach the knot. My right leg was under hers, and I could feel the lashings holding my right leg to another one. From the pileup of legs in front of me, I could only assume I was tied to Dynamaiden's right leg with my left and Dynabelle's left with my right leg. Not very comfortable, certainly not very ladylike, but fairly efficient in keeping any of us from getting away quickly.
"I still dislike these theatrics, Letterman." I heard the rasping metallic voice of General Harm begin. "Far too often have I been outflanked by these sanctimonious fools. Particularly this one! I have been hounded by her for too long now."
"Nothing more than you deserve for your actions, you monster," I said, trying and failing to keep my voice even.
I felt the cold metal of Harm's robotic arm against my chin, tilting it up so I was forced to look into his cold red eye. For such a powerful man, it was a gentle gesture and I tried to see any measure of humanity left in the metal monster. I found none. Beside me, I heard the whimpers of Dynamaiden and Dynabelle.
"You have a short view of the world White Owl, the strong, not the meek will inherit it," he said. "yet you rail against the natural order, and must be eliminated."
"Enough General, she'll be dead soon enough," came a familiar voice. Greg? Greg Day was the Letterman? I found it almost inconcievable, but my mind nagged at me. I saw him cross the room and my bleary eyes finally saw the figure I was most afraid to see.
Dynaman had been beaten, soundly, from the looks of him. He was tied to a support beam, his arms high overhead and tied to a rafter. Dynaman's lip was bleeding and his eyes seemed swollen. Yet he remained stoic, even as the Mu Upsilon Tau thugs punched him once more. Then I noticed his trunks were swelling out, templing to a point. I could feel myself blushing for him.
"Had enough hero?" asked the Letterman. He crossed the floor to Dynaman and pointed at the three of us, still struggling to keep still. "Look at them. I could kill you, but I know it would be WORSE for you if your girlfriends died one by one in front of you. " He laughed.
"This is one of those stunt plays I feel you must detest in sports, Dynaboob!" As he chatted, a young coed crossed behind me, with a roll of duct tape in her hand.
"No Collette, no," said Dynabelle. I heard the tear of the tape, and felt something against the back of my thigh. As Collette continued her taping, Letterman contiued his talk.
"Now I have no doubt your comely friends are well versed in self control, Dynaman, as I know YOU are." He chuckled at Dynaman's growing crotch and continued. "But I'm afraid even they won't be able to control themselves long. My lovely cheerleader, Collette, is taping Emu feathers to their gauntlets. They're extremely fine, and cause serious laughter after only a brief tickling. So despite everything, they're literally going to die laughing. And YOU you poor bastard, are helpless to do anything to help these damsels in distress."
I felt my blood run cold as Clara moved her hand against the back of my knee. I've always been terribly ticklish and my arms jumped as she drew her hands into a fist. I wound up squeezing Clara's neck and pulling Dynamaiden's leg tight. She gasped at MY tickling and I found myself choking in her headlock.
I am about to confess a terrible secret at this point. I am horribly ticklish yes, but it also is incredibly erogenous to me. Especially if its a slow tickle. So not only was I laughing, but I was getting incredibly turned on as well. I licked my lips, hoping no one saw.
Unfortunately for me, both the Letterman and General Harm witnessed my lusty pleasure. "I am grateful I get a chance to see you die with a smile. It will be my happiest moment until my Moenchium armored army destroys the US and I am installed as emperor."
The Letterman drove a knee into Dynaman's crotch and I could see the downtrodden hero sag even more in his restraints. "And I get the pleasure of being the emperor's right hand man and enforcer. I can be the best at everything, and not have to WIN it. And I'll have the distinct honor of finally defeating you, Dynadope! Oh and by the way Dynaman, above YOU is an open electric light. I tested it this evening, and the current is running strong in it. As these women struggle, every moan, every groan of pleasure will activate a clapper device that will lower the light until the open copper cable touches the dynacuffs holding you against the wooden post. So not only will they die in ecstasy, but you're going to have one final electrifying night with three gorgeous women. HA HA HAH!"
A MUT goon stuck his head down the stairwell. "Hey y'all, the pizza and keg is here."
"I think we'll take our leave for now, ladies," the Letterman. "After all, I'm hungry and I find its more fun to watch in the death throes of ecstasy, not the beginning part. Coming General?"
"Because I don't trust you as far as I can throw you--and with all that metal, its not very far."
The general grunted and followed the Letterman upstairs.
I struggled to find a solution, but my mind kept getting interrupted every few seconds at the girls would wiggle and adjust, strangling, then tickling and giggling. Out of the corner of my eye, I couls see the open lamp moving slowly and inexoribly toward Dynaman's arms.
I found it difficult to breathe, as though someone had me in a choke hold. I tried to reach out to pull the offending arm away only to hear a sharp intake of breath and a muffled shriek from someone to my left. I cocked my head slightly to the left and saw a shoulder and the blonde hair of Clara, Dynabelle behind me. Gingerly, I turned my head the other way and discovered a dark tressed girl with her left arm draped around my neck. A strong rope held her wrist tightly in place, disappearing around her breast. Carefully glancing downward though, I figured out how the tie went. I was similarly bound with a tight cable around my left wrist. My arm was similarly wrapped around Dynabelle's neck.
The cable extended across my chest and under the purple booted thigh of the other girl, whom I presumed was Dynamaiden.I flexed my fingers underneath her thigh, unable to reach the knot. My right leg was under hers, and I could feel the lashings holding my right leg to another one. From the pileup of legs in front of me, I could only assume I was tied to Dynamaiden's right leg with my left and Dynabelle's left with my right leg. Not very comfortable, certainly not very ladylike, but fairly efficient in keeping any of us from getting away quickly.
"I still dislike these theatrics, Letterman." I heard the rasping metallic voice of General Harm begin. "Far too often have I been outflanked by these sanctimonious fools. Particularly this one! I have been hounded by her for too long now."
"Nothing more than you deserve for your actions, you monster," I said, trying and failing to keep my voice even.
I felt the cold metal of Harm's robotic arm against my chin, tilting it up so I was forced to look into his cold red eye. For such a powerful man, it was a gentle gesture and I tried to see any measure of humanity left in the metal monster. I found none. Beside me, I heard the whimpers of Dynamaiden and Dynabelle.
"You have a short view of the world White Owl, the strong, not the meek will inherit it," he said. "yet you rail against the natural order, and must be eliminated."
"Enough General, she'll be dead soon enough," came a familiar voice. Greg? Greg Day was the Letterman? I found it almost inconcievable, but my mind nagged at me. I saw him cross the room and my bleary eyes finally saw the figure I was most afraid to see.
Dynaman had been beaten, soundly, from the looks of him. He was tied to a support beam, his arms high overhead and tied to a rafter. Dynaman's lip was bleeding and his eyes seemed swollen. Yet he remained stoic, even as the Mu Upsilon Tau thugs punched him once more. Then I noticed his trunks were swelling out, templing to a point. I could feel myself blushing for him.
"Had enough hero?" asked the Letterman. He crossed the floor to Dynaman and pointed at the three of us, still struggling to keep still. "Look at them. I could kill you, but I know it would be WORSE for you if your girlfriends died one by one in front of you. " He laughed.
"This is one of those stunt plays I feel you must detest in sports, Dynaboob!" As he chatted, a young coed crossed behind me, with a roll of duct tape in her hand.
"No Collette, no," said Dynabelle. I heard the tear of the tape, and felt something against the back of my thigh. As Collette continued her taping, Letterman contiued his talk.
"Now I have no doubt your comely friends are well versed in self control, Dynaman, as I know YOU are." He chuckled at Dynaman's growing crotch and continued. "But I'm afraid even they won't be able to control themselves long. My lovely cheerleader, Collette, is taping Emu feathers to their gauntlets. They're extremely fine, and cause serious laughter after only a brief tickling. So despite everything, they're literally going to die laughing. And YOU you poor bastard, are helpless to do anything to help these damsels in distress."
I felt my blood run cold as Clara moved her hand against the back of my knee. I've always been terribly ticklish and my arms jumped as she drew her hands into a fist. I wound up squeezing Clara's neck and pulling Dynamaiden's leg tight. She gasped at MY tickling and I found myself choking in her headlock.
I am about to confess a terrible secret at this point. I am horribly ticklish yes, but it also is incredibly erogenous to me. Especially if its a slow tickle. So not only was I laughing, but I was getting incredibly turned on as well. I licked my lips, hoping no one saw.
Unfortunately for me, both the Letterman and General Harm witnessed my lusty pleasure. "I am grateful I get a chance to see you die with a smile. It will be my happiest moment until my Moenchium armored army destroys the US and I am installed as emperor."
The Letterman drove a knee into Dynaman's crotch and I could see the downtrodden hero sag even more in his restraints. "And I get the pleasure of being the emperor's right hand man and enforcer. I can be the best at everything, and not have to WIN it. And I'll have the distinct honor of finally defeating you, Dynadope! Oh and by the way Dynaman, above YOU is an open electric light. I tested it this evening, and the current is running strong in it. As these women struggle, every moan, every groan of pleasure will activate a clapper device that will lower the light until the open copper cable touches the dynacuffs holding you against the wooden post. So not only will they die in ecstasy, but you're going to have one final electrifying night with three gorgeous women. HA HA HAH!"
A MUT goon stuck his head down the stairwell. "Hey y'all, the pizza and keg is here."
"I think we'll take our leave for now, ladies," the Letterman. "After all, I'm hungry and I find its more fun to watch in the death throes of ecstasy, not the beginning part. Coming General?"
"Because I don't trust you as far as I can throw you--and with all that metal, its not very far."
The general grunted and followed the Letterman upstairs.
I struggled to find a solution, but my mind kept getting interrupted every few seconds at the girls would wiggle and adjust, strangling, then tickling and giggling. Out of the corner of my eye, I couls see the open lamp moving slowly and inexoribly toward Dynaman's arms.
I could feel beads of perspiration in my elbows and under my knees. Sweat was rolling down my back as I struggled to keep from laughing , to keep from MOVING. My thighs were cramping and numb from the awkward ties. Dynamaiden laughed, jerking her arm and I gagged as her elbow crimped my windpipe. I tilted my headback, accidentally jiggling Dynamaiden's thigh and causing another round of squeals from both Dynamaiden and Dynabelle.
I was struggling, biting my lip and trying to stay focused on possibly affecting an escape. My eyes were misty with tears, but I was able to see with startling clarity that Dynaman was having an apoplexy of his own. His trunks were extremely tight around his groin, templed and pointing straight at me. His face was red, though whether from exertion on his bonds or from embarrasment it was difficult to say. His eyes shot upward, looking at the electric cable snaking ever closer to his hand.
He fixed his eyes on mine, and I could sense the shame he felt from his weakness. I felt a lot of sympathy for him though, I had no doubt that the sight of three well-toned women writhing in bondage would be hard for any man to resist. "White Owl?" he asked, a slight rawness in his voice. Was he disguising it?
"Yes, I'm still here," I answered, surprised how rough my own voice was. I drew a deep breath as Dynabelle's hands tickled against my thigh, but managed to stay in control; this time. "Wha--what do you want?"
"You're not invulnerable are you?" he asked again. "No of course not, how else could this trap affect you otherwise." He shook his head in frustration.
"I'm not invulnerable, but I'm flexible and EEEEEEEKKKK!!! "(my leg was tickled again) Gasping for air, I added quickly, "And I heal fast." I kept my eyes on Dynaman, watching as his brain began calculating everything.
"Here's what I want you to do White Owl," he said in a take charge manner. "On three, Dynamaiden is going to squeeze your neck tightly. You take that moment and give as much slack as possible to Dynabelle. Dynabelle, you're the gynmast in the group, I'm counting on you to tuck under and get your head free, OK?"
We all took a deep breath as Dynaman counted, one, two, three. On three, I felt my neck constricted as Dynamaiden's wrist pulled tight. but with all of us leaning back into each other, I was able to free up a bit of slack in my own bonds. Dynabelle pulled her head back and uner my elbow, scraping her nose on my white Nu Silk glove. A scant moment later I was gulping in deep breaths of air as Dynamaiden's hand pulled free.
I felt my strength returning and snapped the cable holding my wrists together. As the blood returned to my exhausted limbs, I rose, swaying. I stumbled to Dynaman, snapping the ropes holding him upright to the pole. He pulled his hands down just a moment before the snaking cable delivered the final shock to his body.
He reached out and grabbed the cable, yanking it and unplugging it form the wall. At the same time, however, I felt my knees buckle and I collapsed into his brawny chest. Surprised he grabbed at me and held me tight to his chest. "It's OK White Owl, I think that took a lot out of all of us. But I thought you healed quickly?"
I snuggled into the strong ribcage and revelled in the scent of Dynaman. But I felt I was slacking too, and slowly came back to my feet, nodding. "I'm--I'm fine Dynaman, thank you."
I looked back and let him take charge, it seemed to be natural for him.
"They're all right upstairs," he began. "Dynamaiden, Dynabelle, I need you to go through the basement window there." He pointed to a large, broken block glass window. The two coeds nodded and scrambled toward the wall. "Owl and I will go up the stairs and herd them out. You two net them."
"What about General Harm?" I asked. "He's a bit more than your aveage criminal."
"Leave him to me," said Dynaman. "I hear paybacks are...heck."
I was struggling, biting my lip and trying to stay focused on possibly affecting an escape. My eyes were misty with tears, but I was able to see with startling clarity that Dynaman was having an apoplexy of his own. His trunks were extremely tight around his groin, templed and pointing straight at me. His face was red, though whether from exertion on his bonds or from embarrasment it was difficult to say. His eyes shot upward, looking at the electric cable snaking ever closer to his hand.
He fixed his eyes on mine, and I could sense the shame he felt from his weakness. I felt a lot of sympathy for him though, I had no doubt that the sight of three well-toned women writhing in bondage would be hard for any man to resist. "White Owl?" he asked, a slight rawness in his voice. Was he disguising it?
"Yes, I'm still here," I answered, surprised how rough my own voice was. I drew a deep breath as Dynabelle's hands tickled against my thigh, but managed to stay in control; this time. "Wha--what do you want?"
"You're not invulnerable are you?" he asked again. "No of course not, how else could this trap affect you otherwise." He shook his head in frustration.
"I'm not invulnerable, but I'm flexible and EEEEEEEKKKK!!! "(my leg was tickled again) Gasping for air, I added quickly, "And I heal fast." I kept my eyes on Dynaman, watching as his brain began calculating everything.
"Here's what I want you to do White Owl," he said in a take charge manner. "On three, Dynamaiden is going to squeeze your neck tightly. You take that moment and give as much slack as possible to Dynabelle. Dynabelle, you're the gynmast in the group, I'm counting on you to tuck under and get your head free, OK?"
We all took a deep breath as Dynaman counted, one, two, three. On three, I felt my neck constricted as Dynamaiden's wrist pulled tight. but with all of us leaning back into each other, I was able to free up a bit of slack in my own bonds. Dynabelle pulled her head back and uner my elbow, scraping her nose on my white Nu Silk glove. A scant moment later I was gulping in deep breaths of air as Dynamaiden's hand pulled free.
I felt my strength returning and snapped the cable holding my wrists together. As the blood returned to my exhausted limbs, I rose, swaying. I stumbled to Dynaman, snapping the ropes holding him upright to the pole. He pulled his hands down just a moment before the snaking cable delivered the final shock to his body.
He reached out and grabbed the cable, yanking it and unplugging it form the wall. At the same time, however, I felt my knees buckle and I collapsed into his brawny chest. Surprised he grabbed at me and held me tight to his chest. "It's OK White Owl, I think that took a lot out of all of us. But I thought you healed quickly?"
I snuggled into the strong ribcage and revelled in the scent of Dynaman. But I felt I was slacking too, and slowly came back to my feet, nodding. "I'm--I'm fine Dynaman, thank you."
I looked back and let him take charge, it seemed to be natural for him.
"They're all right upstairs," he began. "Dynamaiden, Dynabelle, I need you to go through the basement window there." He pointed to a large, broken block glass window. The two coeds nodded and scrambled toward the wall. "Owl and I will go up the stairs and herd them out. You two net them."
"What about General Harm?" I asked. "He's a bit more than your aveage criminal."
"Leave him to me," said Dynaman. "I hear paybacks are...heck."
Dynamaiden and Dynabelle wriggled through the glass block window and slipped noiselessly into the darkness. While I aided the two young ladies with squeezing through the windows, Dynaman studied the power box in the basement. He pulled the main circuit breaker, screaming in a loud but waning voice as he did so. The house plunged into darkness, then he flickered it twice before restoring power to the house. A loud roar broke through the basement door, and we could hear cheering. I returned to Dynaman's side, and helped him up the stairs to the door.
As we waited for his two aides to get into place, Dynaman and I made our own plans. "You fly, right?" he asked. I nodded gamely.
"Then when the door opens, you go high, and I'll go low." I couldn't argue with the logic.
As we reached the top of the stairwell, Dynaman stuck a bit of sticky black plastic on the hinge side of the door. "Dyna Boom," he said sheepishly. I smiled and handed Dynaman a dark visor and motioned him to put it over his cowl. He nodded, and slipped the lenses into his eyeslits. I did the same with my own mask. Then I grabbed a special sphere from my utility pouch and palmed the flash ball. Through the basement door, we could hear the sound of laughter , the clinking of beer mugs and general merriment. The whoops were loud; these college frat boys were known for their partying.
Dynaman counted one, two, three and the Dyna Boom exploed quietly, flipping the door into the kitchen. Immediately behind it, I threw my flash ball, the little silver darling bouncing once, then exploding with a brilliant flare of phosphorus. The MUT's screamed in pain, throwing arms, beer and pizza into the air, trying to shield their eyes. Dynaman and I waded into them, high and low. I knocked a bulky MUT down, smiling in satisfaction as I heard him gurgle. Beside me, Dynaman knocked two more MUT's heads together with a resounding "CRACK!!"
The goon slumped onto the floor, slackjawed. I opened my mouth in astonishment, surprised at the fury and power of this non powered hero. Dynaman's muscles rippled beneath the skintight latex and I smiled in appreciation. "On your left, White Owl," he shouted. I whirled, kicking the legs out of a young buck with a large knife.
"These are just the small fry, Dynaman, " I said. "Where are the Letterman and General Harm?" Dynaman didn't answer; instead he shoved one of his goons through the kitchen door. A chair swung down, clobbering the semiconscious jock and dropping him to the floor. Dynaman dove through the door, pulling a serious looking shuriken from his utility pouch and backhanding it into the wall. I heard a grunt of pain as he pinned the thug. I chased through the door and waded into the frat party with fist flying.
Several of the young revellers ran into the night, and I heard whoops of stunned surprise as the dragnet set by Dynabelle and Dynamaiden reeled them in. I clocked one last goon, then became aware of someone behind me. I whirled, hand cocked for another blow and gazed into the face of Dynaman.
Sheepishly, he smiled, lowering his own raised fist, until his open palm rested on my shoulder. "You're an excellent fighter, White Owl. Do you think you could teach some techniques to my assistants?"
Breathing hard, I said, "You're not bad yourself, Dynaman. Maybe you could give me a few pointers too." My own hand came to rest on his waist, and the two of us moved slowly together.I smiled, flirting just a little and hoping...
"What a charming sight," came a lilting, mocking voice from the stairwell.
"It makes me sick, to see your plan failed," came the gravelly metallic voice of Harm. "We should have killed them when we had the chance.
"Well, friend, you've got a second chance," laughed the Letterman.
Dynaman and I turned as one. As we turned, the Letterman leapt over the railing and dove at Dynaman. He hit the caped marvel in the legs and Dynaman went flying back toward the fireplace. Dynaman caught the Letterman around the waist and rolled backward, throwing the athletic villain into the grate. He followed Letterman, and the two of them began to wrestle, neither gaining the upper hand at first.
Meanwhile, Harm pointed his metallic left arm at me. His hand began pivoting, then came undone, exposing a large bore cannon in his arm. "YIPES!" I shouted. Harm laughed insanely. "I've been waiting for a long time to kill you White Owl.
I got into a crouch, then jumped to one side as the cannon fired a high beam laser at me. Almost faster than I could move, he fired the beam again and again, blasting furniture, the wall and setting the curtains on fire. I finally settled near the landing, where a large mirror was hung. Grabbing the mirror, I pointed it back at General Harm as he fired once more at me.
The laser hit the mirror and reflected back at the crazed general, first blinding him. But the beam cut into his bionic eye and I could hear the whine of his life support machinery as he began to burn, smoldering from his ears. A chest plate exploded and General Harm fell back onto the stairs, immobile and whimpering for help.
I glanced at the fireplace, where Dynaman and the Letterman were still fighting. But I was in time to see Dynaman pummel the jovial jock into unconsciousness.
"Need a hand?" I asked, holding up General Harm's dropped metallic hand. Despite the grisly joke and the grim nature of our battle, Dynaman smiled.
"Only fools fight in a burning building," he said, with a twinkle in his eye. He dragged the unconscious Letterman behind him as he made his way to the open door. He stopped long enough to ask if I needed help getting Harm out of the fire.
I tucked my arms into the General's armpits, flexed my knees and lifted him off the ground. Dynaman's mouth droped open as he saw me pick up the metal man with no more effort than I would use for a bag of groceries. The fire was spreading though, so we wasted no time in exiting the buring building.
Later, after the felons had been taken away and the firefighters worked to quell the blaze at the Mu Upsilon Tau house, I was shivering in a blanket as Police Lieutenant Donovan took our statements. The perky blonde officer smiled gamely at Dynaman, and I think I might have seen him blushing if it hadn't been so dark outside.
"Where can we get hold of you if we need more information, White Owl?" she asked.
"I...er...I...," I stammered. I felt a powerful arm drop on my shoulder.. I jumped, I hadn't heard anyone approach.
"You can get in touch with her through me," said Dynaman. "After all, she's my guest in this city, isn't she?" Lt. Donovan nodded and snapped her notebook shut. After she walked away, Dynaman leaned over.
"This is rather awkward, White Owl. But Dynamaiden took the Dynabike and Dynabelle drove the Dynamobile back to my headquarters. Could I trouble you for a lift?" I smiled as he fell into my arms.
As we waited for his two aides to get into place, Dynaman and I made our own plans. "You fly, right?" he asked. I nodded gamely.
"Then when the door opens, you go high, and I'll go low." I couldn't argue with the logic.
As we reached the top of the stairwell, Dynaman stuck a bit of sticky black plastic on the hinge side of the door. "Dyna Boom," he said sheepishly. I smiled and handed Dynaman a dark visor and motioned him to put it over his cowl. He nodded, and slipped the lenses into his eyeslits. I did the same with my own mask. Then I grabbed a special sphere from my utility pouch and palmed the flash ball. Through the basement door, we could hear the sound of laughter , the clinking of beer mugs and general merriment. The whoops were loud; these college frat boys were known for their partying.
Dynaman counted one, two, three and the Dyna Boom exploed quietly, flipping the door into the kitchen. Immediately behind it, I threw my flash ball, the little silver darling bouncing once, then exploding with a brilliant flare of phosphorus. The MUT's screamed in pain, throwing arms, beer and pizza into the air, trying to shield their eyes. Dynaman and I waded into them, high and low. I knocked a bulky MUT down, smiling in satisfaction as I heard him gurgle. Beside me, Dynaman knocked two more MUT's heads together with a resounding "CRACK!!"
The goon slumped onto the floor, slackjawed. I opened my mouth in astonishment, surprised at the fury and power of this non powered hero. Dynaman's muscles rippled beneath the skintight latex and I smiled in appreciation. "On your left, White Owl," he shouted. I whirled, kicking the legs out of a young buck with a large knife.
"These are just the small fry, Dynaman, " I said. "Where are the Letterman and General Harm?" Dynaman didn't answer; instead he shoved one of his goons through the kitchen door. A chair swung down, clobbering the semiconscious jock and dropping him to the floor. Dynaman dove through the door, pulling a serious looking shuriken from his utility pouch and backhanding it into the wall. I heard a grunt of pain as he pinned the thug. I chased through the door and waded into the frat party with fist flying.
Several of the young revellers ran into the night, and I heard whoops of stunned surprise as the dragnet set by Dynabelle and Dynamaiden reeled them in. I clocked one last goon, then became aware of someone behind me. I whirled, hand cocked for another blow and gazed into the face of Dynaman.
Sheepishly, he smiled, lowering his own raised fist, until his open palm rested on my shoulder. "You're an excellent fighter, White Owl. Do you think you could teach some techniques to my assistants?"
Breathing hard, I said, "You're not bad yourself, Dynaman. Maybe you could give me a few pointers too." My own hand came to rest on his waist, and the two of us moved slowly together.I smiled, flirting just a little and hoping...
"What a charming sight," came a lilting, mocking voice from the stairwell.
"It makes me sick, to see your plan failed," came the gravelly metallic voice of Harm. "We should have killed them when we had the chance.
"Well, friend, you've got a second chance," laughed the Letterman.
Dynaman and I turned as one. As we turned, the Letterman leapt over the railing and dove at Dynaman. He hit the caped marvel in the legs and Dynaman went flying back toward the fireplace. Dynaman caught the Letterman around the waist and rolled backward, throwing the athletic villain into the grate. He followed Letterman, and the two of them began to wrestle, neither gaining the upper hand at first.
Meanwhile, Harm pointed his metallic left arm at me. His hand began pivoting, then came undone, exposing a large bore cannon in his arm. "YIPES!" I shouted. Harm laughed insanely. "I've been waiting for a long time to kill you White Owl.
I got into a crouch, then jumped to one side as the cannon fired a high beam laser at me. Almost faster than I could move, he fired the beam again and again, blasting furniture, the wall and setting the curtains on fire. I finally settled near the landing, where a large mirror was hung. Grabbing the mirror, I pointed it back at General Harm as he fired once more at me.
The laser hit the mirror and reflected back at the crazed general, first blinding him. But the beam cut into his bionic eye and I could hear the whine of his life support machinery as he began to burn, smoldering from his ears. A chest plate exploded and General Harm fell back onto the stairs, immobile and whimpering for help.
I glanced at the fireplace, where Dynaman and the Letterman were still fighting. But I was in time to see Dynaman pummel the jovial jock into unconsciousness.
"Need a hand?" I asked, holding up General Harm's dropped metallic hand. Despite the grisly joke and the grim nature of our battle, Dynaman smiled.
"Only fools fight in a burning building," he said, with a twinkle in his eye. He dragged the unconscious Letterman behind him as he made his way to the open door. He stopped long enough to ask if I needed help getting Harm out of the fire.
I tucked my arms into the General's armpits, flexed my knees and lifted him off the ground. Dynaman's mouth droped open as he saw me pick up the metal man with no more effort than I would use for a bag of groceries. The fire was spreading though, so we wasted no time in exiting the buring building.
Later, after the felons had been taken away and the firefighters worked to quell the blaze at the Mu Upsilon Tau house, I was shivering in a blanket as Police Lieutenant Donovan took our statements. The perky blonde officer smiled gamely at Dynaman, and I think I might have seen him blushing if it hadn't been so dark outside.
"Where can we get hold of you if we need more information, White Owl?" she asked.
"I...er...I...," I stammered. I felt a powerful arm drop on my shoulder.. I jumped, I hadn't heard anyone approach.
"You can get in touch with her through me," said Dynaman. "After all, she's my guest in this city, isn't she?" Lt. Donovan nodded and snapped her notebook shut. After she walked away, Dynaman leaned over.
"This is rather awkward, White Owl. But Dynamaiden took the Dynabike and Dynabelle drove the Dynamobile back to my headquarters. Could I trouble you for a lift?" I smiled as he fell into my arms.
I smiled at his coy ways, but nodded agreement. After remanding both the Letterman and General Harm to the custody of the local police force, I followed Dynaman out into the night.
He looked at me , at bit awkwardly, as if uncertain where to begin. So I broke the ice. "Dynaman, I'm more than willing to drop you off at your place, but I'm not really sure where that is."
Dynaman slapped his forehead. "Oh my gosh! That's right!" He frowned a minute, then said, "I know what we can do! I have several safe rooms throughout the city. We can stay in one not too far from here. " I could see him blushing deep through his cowl. I thought it was cute the way his legs flushed at the same time.
"If I'm not being too forward, that is..."
"No no," I said. "I think it sounds lovely." I opened my arms, to scoop him up. Dynaman danced back, then let out a low chuckle.
"I'm sorry. I've never been transported like this before. And as you may have guessed, I'm not used to being under someone else's control. " He relaxed then, though, and allowed me to scoop him up. We flew into the dark night, illuminated only by the glittering lights of the city.
"All right Dynaman, you're the leader again, just tell me where to go." I felt his arms wrapped snug around my shoulders, and caught a whiff of a musky scent. I could feel my insides melting at the thought of him so close to me, and I prayed that he wouldn't be able to sense my desires.
"You need to fly left, White Owl," he said, leaning into me. His hot breath on my neck and earsbrought gooseflesh to me and I shivered just a bit.
"You're not cold are you?" he asked.
"No, no, I'm fine." In an attempt to change the subject, I added, "Tell me about the safe house."
"It's nothing special. I use two or three places in a year as a safe haven. Sometimes they get compromised by the police or by criminals; but mainly I feel that I need to keep moving, otherwise I could get stale and comfortable in my routines. And unlike you, I'm not bulletproof."
I smiled. "I'll let you in on a secret, Dynaman. I'm not bulletproof either. One of my old friends developed the polymer silk in my Nu Silk costume. It's soft and pliable, but also resilient. It will stop a bullet but ith won't turn a knife."
"I see--Surface tension, fascinating," he said in a serious imitation of Mr Spock. I felt his hand running down my back as he tried to get a feel for the texture of the Nu Silk. My back arched and I felt Dynaman slipping. He grabbed, trying to get a purchase. I felt him squeeze at my breast and gasped.
"Whoops," we said in unison , then we both laughed. Dynaman regained his serious demeanor and guided me to a small apartment complex about five miles from police headquarters. We landed on a small balcony and Dynaman led me into a small living room. A fireplace was against the left wall; some shabby second-hand furniture lined the walls.
"It's not much, but it keeps me safe," he said apologetically. I smiled.
"I notice there's only one bedroom," I said. "And only one bed."
"Oh I have a futon in the living room. I can sleep there if you want the bed," he said collegially. I shook my head. "No I'll sleep out here. After all, it's your bed." He grunted but took my advice and headed to the bedroom. I heard the door shut.
My stomach fluttered. I was only a few feet from one of the greatest heroes of my generation. I had hero worship so bad it wasn't funny. I felt like a groupie after a rock concert. I shut out the light and lay on the futon, in costume. I wasn't comfortable and I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to go home, but I wanted Dynaman as well.
I turned to my side and faced the wall. The mask felt awkward and I shivered in the cool Nu Silk. I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned.
"I was lonely--and my bed is big enough for two," said a deep voice. "Care to join me?" I rolled over and felt a pair of powerful arms scoop me like a weak kitten and carry me into the bedroom. I nestled into Dynaman's firm chest and stroked it. He laid me on the large bed and climbed in on the other side, spooning me.
"I...I want ..." I began.
"Shhhh" said Dynaman, stroking my hair. I felt his hands tracing my face. "I want you too, White Owl. So powerful, so brave, and sexy." I rolled over and stared into his cowled face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed Dynaman. He kissed back and we soon fell to undressing one another. I reached for his cowl, but he stopped me.
"No" he said. "We shouldn't reveal our identities yet. I want White Owl and you want Dynaman. Who knows? We may not like each other's secret identities." I smiled, knowing I would like Dynamna regardless of who he was.
He was a gentle lover, but deliberate and decisive just as he was in combat. But he was also an excellent lover and we rolled on the sheets for a long time. I finally arced my back as he entered me for the last time and I whimpered and moaned in ecstasy.
His arms engulfed me and I welcomed him eagerly as I took him deep inside. As one we moved, anticipating each other's needs and eager for one another's touches. But in our passions, neither of us heard the front door of the apartment open.
A sudden flash of light broke over the room. "Well well, I expected Dynaman, but I didn't realize this was his little love shack!" A dizzying purple light broke over the room, dazzling my eyes. I raised a hand to block the light.
I heard a crash as a heavy cudgel came careening off Dynaman's head. "Taste me Shillelagh, hero." Dynaman slumped forward , laying prone across me and deep inside me. A woman dressed in a bright purple latex catsuit strode into the room. "Good work, Shamrock. Dynaman never knew what hit him."
I struggled to push Dynaman off of me when I felt her hand tangling in my short brown hair. "And I get two for one. The Syndicate will pay extra for doing White Owl with Dynaman, or my name's not Aurora." She laughed, then pointed two fingers at me. A bright lavender glow hit my eyes, blinding me. I didn't see the shillelagh come to claim me for sleep.
He looked at me , at bit awkwardly, as if uncertain where to begin. So I broke the ice. "Dynaman, I'm more than willing to drop you off at your place, but I'm not really sure where that is."
Dynaman slapped his forehead. "Oh my gosh! That's right!" He frowned a minute, then said, "I know what we can do! I have several safe rooms throughout the city. We can stay in one not too far from here. " I could see him blushing deep through his cowl. I thought it was cute the way his legs flushed at the same time.
"If I'm not being too forward, that is..."
"No no," I said. "I think it sounds lovely." I opened my arms, to scoop him up. Dynaman danced back, then let out a low chuckle.
"I'm sorry. I've never been transported like this before. And as you may have guessed, I'm not used to being under someone else's control. " He relaxed then, though, and allowed me to scoop him up. We flew into the dark night, illuminated only by the glittering lights of the city.
"All right Dynaman, you're the leader again, just tell me where to go." I felt his arms wrapped snug around my shoulders, and caught a whiff of a musky scent. I could feel my insides melting at the thought of him so close to me, and I prayed that he wouldn't be able to sense my desires.
"You need to fly left, White Owl," he said, leaning into me. His hot breath on my neck and earsbrought gooseflesh to me and I shivered just a bit.
"You're not cold are you?" he asked.
"No, no, I'm fine." In an attempt to change the subject, I added, "Tell me about the safe house."
"It's nothing special. I use two or three places in a year as a safe haven. Sometimes they get compromised by the police or by criminals; but mainly I feel that I need to keep moving, otherwise I could get stale and comfortable in my routines. And unlike you, I'm not bulletproof."
I smiled. "I'll let you in on a secret, Dynaman. I'm not bulletproof either. One of my old friends developed the polymer silk in my Nu Silk costume. It's soft and pliable, but also resilient. It will stop a bullet but ith won't turn a knife."
"I see--Surface tension, fascinating," he said in a serious imitation of Mr Spock. I felt his hand running down my back as he tried to get a feel for the texture of the Nu Silk. My back arched and I felt Dynaman slipping. He grabbed, trying to get a purchase. I felt him squeeze at my breast and gasped.
"Whoops," we said in unison , then we both laughed. Dynaman regained his serious demeanor and guided me to a small apartment complex about five miles from police headquarters. We landed on a small balcony and Dynaman led me into a small living room. A fireplace was against the left wall; some shabby second-hand furniture lined the walls.
"It's not much, but it keeps me safe," he said apologetically. I smiled.
"I notice there's only one bedroom," I said. "And only one bed."
"Oh I have a futon in the living room. I can sleep there if you want the bed," he said collegially. I shook my head. "No I'll sleep out here. After all, it's your bed." He grunted but took my advice and headed to the bedroom. I heard the door shut.
My stomach fluttered. I was only a few feet from one of the greatest heroes of my generation. I had hero worship so bad it wasn't funny. I felt like a groupie after a rock concert. I shut out the light and lay on the futon, in costume. I wasn't comfortable and I wasn't sure what to do. I wanted to go home, but I wanted Dynaman as well.
I turned to my side and faced the wall. The mask felt awkward and I shivered in the cool Nu Silk. I felt an arm on my shoulder. I turned.
"I was lonely--and my bed is big enough for two," said a deep voice. "Care to join me?" I rolled over and felt a pair of powerful arms scoop me like a weak kitten and carry me into the bedroom. I nestled into Dynaman's firm chest and stroked it. He laid me on the large bed and climbed in on the other side, spooning me.
"I...I want ..." I began.
"Shhhh" said Dynaman, stroking my hair. I felt his hands tracing my face. "I want you too, White Owl. So powerful, so brave, and sexy." I rolled over and stared into his cowled face. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed Dynaman. He kissed back and we soon fell to undressing one another. I reached for his cowl, but he stopped me.
"No" he said. "We shouldn't reveal our identities yet. I want White Owl and you want Dynaman. Who knows? We may not like each other's secret identities." I smiled, knowing I would like Dynamna regardless of who he was.
He was a gentle lover, but deliberate and decisive just as he was in combat. But he was also an excellent lover and we rolled on the sheets for a long time. I finally arced my back as he entered me for the last time and I whimpered and moaned in ecstasy.
His arms engulfed me and I welcomed him eagerly as I took him deep inside. As one we moved, anticipating each other's needs and eager for one another's touches. But in our passions, neither of us heard the front door of the apartment open.
A sudden flash of light broke over the room. "Well well, I expected Dynaman, but I didn't realize this was his little love shack!" A dizzying purple light broke over the room, dazzling my eyes. I raised a hand to block the light.
I heard a crash as a heavy cudgel came careening off Dynaman's head. "Taste me Shillelagh, hero." Dynaman slumped forward , laying prone across me and deep inside me. A woman dressed in a bright purple latex catsuit strode into the room. "Good work, Shamrock. Dynaman never knew what hit him."
I struggled to push Dynaman off of me when I felt her hand tangling in my short brown hair. "And I get two for one. The Syndicate will pay extra for doing White Owl with Dynaman, or my name's not Aurora." She laughed, then pointed two fingers at me. A bright lavender glow hit my eyes, blinding me. I didn't see the shillelagh come to claim me for sleep.
I shivered, feeling moisture. Looking up , I could make out a dull gray dawn rising overhead. I was in some sort of pit. My wrists were bound securely to either side of a large metal plate, and my legs were similarly fastened, making me form an X. My head ached and as I slowly roused, I remembered that I had been captured in the act of making love to Dynaman. What had her name been again? Aurora.
My memory raced as I struggled to remember this villain. Though our paths had never crossed my time with the Guild in Megametropolis and with VALOR at home had taught me the value of being prepared. Aurora..Aurora....
The only woman I could name was an assassin for hire. She worked in tandem with an Irish bruiser named Shillelagh, which seemed to be the case here. But Aurora had never manifested any superpowers.
"Before now," I muttered to myself.
"Owl? Are you all right?" I heard a muffled voice calling. I looked toward it. Across the metallic floor, I could see Dynaman trussed up against a similar plate. He was still nude as well. Except for our masks, a now seemingly silly convention.
"I'm fine, I think." I said. "What happened Dynaman?"
"Apparently, I needed to change the safe house sooner," he began.
"An opportunity you won't get now, Dynaman," said Aurora, as she breezed through a small door on my left. Shillelagh carefully closed the door behind her, as the red haired beauty strode purposefully toward Dynaman.
"You should thank me Dynaman, I've saved you from all the hassle of moving again. In fact, I anticipate the next move you'll be making will be to the cemetery. And I get to claim the million dollars for killing you." She reached up and caressed Dynaman's face, then traced down his neck and bare chest. The hero shuddered, as if repulsed, but stoically bore up.
But when Aurora grabbed his manhood and yanked it, Dynaman allowed a gasp of pain and shock to escape from his lips. "So nice and long," Aurora said smugly. "But I think it's going to be much smaller soon."
She leaned against Dynaman's groin and sighted down his erect penis at my crotch. Had I been able to, I would have squirmed more uncomfortably. Aurora strode the eight feet across to me and stared up into my face. "And here we have the happy accident; the unlucky heroine who was with Dynaman at the time. Completely without her powers now, too. You know dear, I could have given you so much more, you know. Tell me White Owl, what did you see in him?" She squeezed my thigh, licking her lips.
"More humanity than you'll ever have, witch," I muttered through clenched teeth. Aurora laughed and stepped to the middle of the chamber.
"As you may have deduced," she said with a tip of her head toward Dynaman, "you're in the car crusher at Autobusters. And since I have a contract to fulfill by killing Dynaman, then you can guess that you're about to be crushed to death."
"I doubt that Aurora," said Dynaman. "My assistants will find us, and put an end to your nefarious scheme."
"Oh if you mean the transmitter in your costume Dyna Dope, we left THOSE at your little love shack. If your assistants come looking, they'll just find empty suits." She eyed his engorged manhood again and smiled. "Though I'm certain you filled it rather well."
She laughed again, then turned toward the door. "Shillelagh, start the motor." Her goon disappeared inside, and I could feel the vibrations of the powerful pneumatic motor warming up.
Aurora blew a kiss at me and said, "I feel so guilty for breaking up your little soiree, that I felt obliged to allow you your moment of pleasure. I'm afraid it will be your LAST moment though. Still, Dynaman, you'll go out with a bang--and a cute one at that." She winked and disappeared through the door. My wall rumbled and I felt it lurch forward. Across the way I could see Dyanaman trying to say something.
"What?" I shouted over the whine of metal on metal.
"Can you break free?" He shouted.
I tugged feebly on the leather straps holding me tot he metal frame. Normally I could have ripped through them like wet tissue paper, but something was keeping me from breaking loose. I shook my head at Dynaman. "She took my powers," I said, fear rising in my voice.
Dynaman's visage grew grim. "That's impossible, White Owl. Aurora is a deadly killer and fighter, but she has no means of stealing or damping powers. What did she do to you?"
My thought hard, and suddenly remembered the purple beams. "The beams--she shot some sort of light into my eyes," I said.
"And what happened?" he prodded. The walls were closer now, perhaps four feet separated us. "Think White Owl, we have to get free."
"I...I lost my vision, then I got clobbered," I said.
"She didn't take your powers, White Owl. She can't. But she COULD take your confidence. Remember, right here, she said you were powerless. You believed her. Don't believe her, listen to me. You're White Owl. You took down General Harm! You still have all your strength, you just don't believe it. Trust me, and try."
I listened intently to Dynaman as the walls ground inexorably closer. The muscles in my arm bulged and I could feel my chest tightening from the effort. But one of the straps snapped like a rubber band. I looked at my arm in amazement.
"Don't stop there," said Dynaman. "Keep going!"
I pulled my legs and my remaining arm free in short order, then shot down. Holding back the walls with my back and legs as best I could, I ripped Dynaman's restraints free. The pressure on my spine was intense, almost more than I could bear. But I caught the falling hero and sped upward, landing together in a tumble on the pea gravel of the Autobuster lot. Behind us the walls ground hideous stop, shrieking the entire way.
"You can open your eyes now," said Dynaman, his arms still around my neck. I carefully opened one and smiled as he kissed me deeply. "My heroine," he said.
Dynaman then pushed me aside, and I rolled off, eager to follow and terribly aware of my own nudity. "We need to stop Aurora," he said. "Are you all right?"
"Just try and stop me." I trotted behind him to the control room door. We flanked the door and waited for it to open. As it did, Shillelagh approached first, followed by Aurora. Dynaman tackled the goon, and I took Aurora, yanking her by the red roots of her flowing hair.
The scuffle was brief and uneventful. Since we'd taken them both by surprise, they were unable to make much of a counter attack. I found a bumper and wrapped it tightly around the two felons, then shivered.
"Hey Dynaman! You might wanna cover up," came a pixielike voice. I looked up and saw Dynabelle standing on a pile of crushed cars. She tossed his costume in a bundle at his feet.
"I don't recall nude crimefighting being a part of the curriculum," laughed Dynamaiden, handing me my own leotard.
"How..how did you find us?" I asked in astonishment.
"Oh that was Dynaman's doing," said Dynabelle. "He managed to palm a Dynatracer onto the car that brought you here. We stopped by the safehouse first, and followed the tracer from there." She scowled at her mentor.
"Next time, though boss; try using OUR frequencies instead of yours."
Dynaman smiled sheepishly as he accepted his scolding from his assistant. He stepped behind the stack of crushed cars to slip into his costume, while I did the same. The girls watched our captives. As I slipped into the familiar Nu Silk, I sensed him looming behind me.
"I...I still don't know what to say," he stammered.
I whirled and touched a finger to his lips. "Don't. Don't say anything." Dynaman looked a bit shocked as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. "You need to know this. You're the bravest, most courageous man I've met. And I don't regret for a moment anything that happened. Except for the mask. Two people who shared love shouldn't keep secrets. " I leaned to whisper in his ear and he stopped me.
"I know who you are, Athena," he said frankly. "I wouldn't be much of a detective if I couldn't put White Owl and Athena Nikos together in my city at the same time. "
"All right then, Professor North." Dynaman looked up shocked. I smiled and said, "You both have the same cute butt." He blushed a deep red.
We took the criminals into custody, and the four of us made our respective ways back to Professor North's home. I was in the guest house packing, when I heard Clara call, "Anyone here?"
"Back here, Clara," I called. Clara came back to the bedroom, with Professor North in tow.
"Well well, to what do I owe this honor?" I asked.
Professor North hemmed and hawed for a moment, till Clara elbowed him. "I...un..I'm driving you to the airport, I think there's a lot to discuss."
I nodded.
Despite Adam's statement, the ride was relatively silent. Finally, I said, "I was afraid of you, you know."
"Afraid of me?" he asked.
"Not Dynaman, Adam North. You'd written some pretty nasty rebuttals to my articles, and I was afraid to meet you."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that Athena. After all, in the university life, it's publish or perish. You just reached different conclusions than I did. And since you did all the spadework, I would guess you're closer to accurate."
My jaw dropped in astonishment. Adam glanced sideways at me and smiled. "What? I can't be wrong occasionally?"
I smiled and felt the tension in the air lessen. "We need to talk about last night," I said.
"Nothing to discuss," he said. "We both felt it. I don't suppose I could get you to stay on here?"
"Not while Queen City still needs me. Any chance you'd move?" Adam shook his head.
"Then I guess this is goodbye?" I asked, my voice catching in my throat.
He put his hand on mine. "Not if you don't want it to be. It's not a long flight for me or you. And we'll always have Autobusters." His eyes twinkled as he said it
I laughed. "You're right though, Adam. Our paths aren't likely to parallel. But I hope they keep intersecting." He nodded at that. I gathered my luggage and slipped through security, waving as I headed up the concourse toward home.
The End
My memory raced as I struggled to remember this villain. Though our paths had never crossed my time with the Guild in Megametropolis and with VALOR at home had taught me the value of being prepared. Aurora..Aurora....
The only woman I could name was an assassin for hire. She worked in tandem with an Irish bruiser named Shillelagh, which seemed to be the case here. But Aurora had never manifested any superpowers.
"Before now," I muttered to myself.
"Owl? Are you all right?" I heard a muffled voice calling. I looked toward it. Across the metallic floor, I could see Dynaman trussed up against a similar plate. He was still nude as well. Except for our masks, a now seemingly silly convention.
"I'm fine, I think." I said. "What happened Dynaman?"
"Apparently, I needed to change the safe house sooner," he began.
"An opportunity you won't get now, Dynaman," said Aurora, as she breezed through a small door on my left. Shillelagh carefully closed the door behind her, as the red haired beauty strode purposefully toward Dynaman.
"You should thank me Dynaman, I've saved you from all the hassle of moving again. In fact, I anticipate the next move you'll be making will be to the cemetery. And I get to claim the million dollars for killing you." She reached up and caressed Dynaman's face, then traced down his neck and bare chest. The hero shuddered, as if repulsed, but stoically bore up.
But when Aurora grabbed his manhood and yanked it, Dynaman allowed a gasp of pain and shock to escape from his lips. "So nice and long," Aurora said smugly. "But I think it's going to be much smaller soon."
She leaned against Dynaman's groin and sighted down his erect penis at my crotch. Had I been able to, I would have squirmed more uncomfortably. Aurora strode the eight feet across to me and stared up into my face. "And here we have the happy accident; the unlucky heroine who was with Dynaman at the time. Completely without her powers now, too. You know dear, I could have given you so much more, you know. Tell me White Owl, what did you see in him?" She squeezed my thigh, licking her lips.
"More humanity than you'll ever have, witch," I muttered through clenched teeth. Aurora laughed and stepped to the middle of the chamber.
"As you may have deduced," she said with a tip of her head toward Dynaman, "you're in the car crusher at Autobusters. And since I have a contract to fulfill by killing Dynaman, then you can guess that you're about to be crushed to death."
"I doubt that Aurora," said Dynaman. "My assistants will find us, and put an end to your nefarious scheme."
"Oh if you mean the transmitter in your costume Dyna Dope, we left THOSE at your little love shack. If your assistants come looking, they'll just find empty suits." She eyed his engorged manhood again and smiled. "Though I'm certain you filled it rather well."
She laughed again, then turned toward the door. "Shillelagh, start the motor." Her goon disappeared inside, and I could feel the vibrations of the powerful pneumatic motor warming up.
Aurora blew a kiss at me and said, "I feel so guilty for breaking up your little soiree, that I felt obliged to allow you your moment of pleasure. I'm afraid it will be your LAST moment though. Still, Dynaman, you'll go out with a bang--and a cute one at that." She winked and disappeared through the door. My wall rumbled and I felt it lurch forward. Across the way I could see Dyanaman trying to say something.
"What?" I shouted over the whine of metal on metal.
"Can you break free?" He shouted.
I tugged feebly on the leather straps holding me tot he metal frame. Normally I could have ripped through them like wet tissue paper, but something was keeping me from breaking loose. I shook my head at Dynaman. "She took my powers," I said, fear rising in my voice.
Dynaman's visage grew grim. "That's impossible, White Owl. Aurora is a deadly killer and fighter, but she has no means of stealing or damping powers. What did she do to you?"
My thought hard, and suddenly remembered the purple beams. "The beams--she shot some sort of light into my eyes," I said.
"And what happened?" he prodded. The walls were closer now, perhaps four feet separated us. "Think White Owl, we have to get free."
"I...I lost my vision, then I got clobbered," I said.
"She didn't take your powers, White Owl. She can't. But she COULD take your confidence. Remember, right here, she said you were powerless. You believed her. Don't believe her, listen to me. You're White Owl. You took down General Harm! You still have all your strength, you just don't believe it. Trust me, and try."
I listened intently to Dynaman as the walls ground inexorably closer. The muscles in my arm bulged and I could feel my chest tightening from the effort. But one of the straps snapped like a rubber band. I looked at my arm in amazement.
"Don't stop there," said Dynaman. "Keep going!"
I pulled my legs and my remaining arm free in short order, then shot down. Holding back the walls with my back and legs as best I could, I ripped Dynaman's restraints free. The pressure on my spine was intense, almost more than I could bear. But I caught the falling hero and sped upward, landing together in a tumble on the pea gravel of the Autobuster lot. Behind us the walls ground hideous stop, shrieking the entire way.
"You can open your eyes now," said Dynaman, his arms still around my neck. I carefully opened one and smiled as he kissed me deeply. "My heroine," he said.
Dynaman then pushed me aside, and I rolled off, eager to follow and terribly aware of my own nudity. "We need to stop Aurora," he said. "Are you all right?"
"Just try and stop me." I trotted behind him to the control room door. We flanked the door and waited for it to open. As it did, Shillelagh approached first, followed by Aurora. Dynaman tackled the goon, and I took Aurora, yanking her by the red roots of her flowing hair.
The scuffle was brief and uneventful. Since we'd taken them both by surprise, they were unable to make much of a counter attack. I found a bumper and wrapped it tightly around the two felons, then shivered.
"Hey Dynaman! You might wanna cover up," came a pixielike voice. I looked up and saw Dynabelle standing on a pile of crushed cars. She tossed his costume in a bundle at his feet.
"I don't recall nude crimefighting being a part of the curriculum," laughed Dynamaiden, handing me my own leotard.
"How..how did you find us?" I asked in astonishment.
"Oh that was Dynaman's doing," said Dynabelle. "He managed to palm a Dynatracer onto the car that brought you here. We stopped by the safehouse first, and followed the tracer from there." She scowled at her mentor.
"Next time, though boss; try using OUR frequencies instead of yours."
Dynaman smiled sheepishly as he accepted his scolding from his assistant. He stepped behind the stack of crushed cars to slip into his costume, while I did the same. The girls watched our captives. As I slipped into the familiar Nu Silk, I sensed him looming behind me.
"I...I still don't know what to say," he stammered.
I whirled and touched a finger to his lips. "Don't. Don't say anything." Dynaman looked a bit shocked as I wrapped my arms tightly around him. "You need to know this. You're the bravest, most courageous man I've met. And I don't regret for a moment anything that happened. Except for the mask. Two people who shared love shouldn't keep secrets. " I leaned to whisper in his ear and he stopped me.
"I know who you are, Athena," he said frankly. "I wouldn't be much of a detective if I couldn't put White Owl and Athena Nikos together in my city at the same time. "
"All right then, Professor North." Dynaman looked up shocked. I smiled and said, "You both have the same cute butt." He blushed a deep red.
We took the criminals into custody, and the four of us made our respective ways back to Professor North's home. I was in the guest house packing, when I heard Clara call, "Anyone here?"
"Back here, Clara," I called. Clara came back to the bedroom, with Professor North in tow.
"Well well, to what do I owe this honor?" I asked.
Professor North hemmed and hawed for a moment, till Clara elbowed him. "I...un..I'm driving you to the airport, I think there's a lot to discuss."
I nodded.
Despite Adam's statement, the ride was relatively silent. Finally, I said, "I was afraid of you, you know."
"Afraid of me?" he asked.
"Not Dynaman, Adam North. You'd written some pretty nasty rebuttals to my articles, and I was afraid to meet you."
"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that Athena. After all, in the university life, it's publish or perish. You just reached different conclusions than I did. And since you did all the spadework, I would guess you're closer to accurate."
My jaw dropped in astonishment. Adam glanced sideways at me and smiled. "What? I can't be wrong occasionally?"
I smiled and felt the tension in the air lessen. "We need to talk about last night," I said.
"Nothing to discuss," he said. "We both felt it. I don't suppose I could get you to stay on here?"
"Not while Queen City still needs me. Any chance you'd move?" Adam shook his head.
"Then I guess this is goodbye?" I asked, my voice catching in my throat.
He put his hand on mine. "Not if you don't want it to be. It's not a long flight for me or you. And we'll always have Autobusters." His eyes twinkled as he said it
I laughed. "You're right though, Adam. Our paths aren't likely to parallel. But I hope they keep intersecting." He nodded at that. I gathered my luggage and slipped through security, waving as I headed up the concourse toward home.
The End
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