Monday, June 15, 2009

The Imposter

Several Weeks Ago...
"Tell me about your problems. Surely a young, attractive, successful woman like yourself has no need of my services?"
"That's a laugh," replied the woman. "Though I should be at the height of my career right now, my 'Star client' is keeping me from reaching my pinnacle. Moreover, despite everyting I do to make her happy and to keep her in the public eye, it seems its never quite good enough."
The man scribbled notes furiously. "So you have feelings of inadequacy brought on by pressure from work?"
The young redhead turned and shot a look of pure venom into the man's eye. "WORK," she said in an irritated voice, "is FINE! What's not fine is the veneer of disdain I feel everytime I talk to her. Oh she tells me I'm doing marvelous work; that she couldn't do it without me. She''s referred to me as her best friend and more. But she never invites me into her life on anything more than a professional level. And I've no idea who she is behind that mask of hers."
"Mask? Who are we talking about, Melody?"
"My client. White Owl." she responded. The young woman breathed a deep sigh then began shaking.
"It was so incredible when she came into the agency, looking for a publicist," she sobbed. "And incredibly, she asked for ME. I was brand new at the time. But she said she didn't want someone with preconceived notions. And she'd read my graduate project at QCU! I didn't know White Owl had TIME for people if they weren't politicians or criminals."
The dark man said nothing, merely nodded. Melody sat awkwardly through the silence, then continued. "We were a great team from the word 'go.' White Owl would bag criminals, or save the city from disaster. I'd issue press releases and make sure she was in the limelight. The Queen City Examiner even did a seven part story on her one week. That was my doing and I'm proud to say it was all positive. White Owl's popularity crested then and hasn't decreased since."
"Something's changed though, hasn't it? Something is different now." The man shifted in the shadows. "She's no longer the vibrant heroine is she?"
"No, she's become petty, almost cruel. I finished setting up a series of publicity appearances recently, and showed them to her. Do you know what she said to me?"
"No I don't. Please enlighten me."
"She said, 'That's terrific Melody. I couldn't have done it better myself.' As if she could have pulled it off at all. She's been making all of my efforts seem like that, lately. It's almost as if she's making a plaything out of me."
The man in the shadows stroked his chin. "It does indeed. Tell me...Why haven't you stood up to her? Told her what you've just told me?"
Melody sat up and drew herself into a tight ball, knees tucked under her chin. "I...I'm afraid to. She's got superpowers and would snap me like a twig if I made her angry, I'm sure of it. Plus, I can't afford to lose her as a client. The Agency needs the prestige, and she's my sole source of income."
Melody whimpered again. "And if she leaves us, or if she dies, then I'm out of a job." She finally succumbed to the tears and sobbed heavily.
"What if she's replaced?"
Melody looked up, dumbfounded. "What?"
"What if she's replaced? What if someone were to take her place. What if YOU were to take her place Melody?"
"Bu..but HOW? I can't fly, I can't be heroic!" she protested.
"Nonsense. What you need is confidence." The dark man slid a long package toward the timid redhead. "Take this home and study White Owl's scheduled appearances for the next week or so. Find one she's likely to tell you no to. Instead of cancelling the appearance, YOU show up as White Owl. Wear this costume, become the heroine.
Melody took the package with shaky arms. Panic gripped her throat as she stumbled to the door. "I'll...I'll try," she stammered.
"You have to make that effort Melody. You have to learn to see that White Owl is no one more important or less important than you. When you begin to see her as human, then you can work on the Superhuman part."
Melody took the costume and went back to her office. she threw herself unwillingly into her work, and kept casting furtive glances at the box. Finally, she couldn't stand it any longer. She picked up the list of scheduled appearances--the ones White Owl had approved a day before. Scanning the list, she found a request from the Zenith Comic Convention. It was scheduled on the same weekend White Owl was to be in in Grayson City. Normally, Melody would e-mail an apology.
"But since she's going to be out of state," thought Melody, "then there's no way she could or would find out about this." Melody quickly entered the acceptance.
She had a good time at the comic convention. Melody was the center of attention. And since no one had any better information as to White Owl's actual cases than Melody, the audience bought her act; hook, line and sinker.
At the next session, Melody announced, "It was marvelous! Everyone thought I was her! To have all that attention--that adulation! It was intoxicating. I wish I could feel like that all the time!"
The dark man smiled. "You've taken the first step, Melody. And you can see now why White Owl doesn't want you to become any better. You actually WERE her for a few hours and everyone knew it. Moreover, no one though anything was different. You see how easy it was?"
"Oh, yes!" Melody's eyes twinkled with the fond memory. "I can see that I can be White Owl in public. But what about the real crisis? What then?"
"I've told you, I can help you with that. I want you to take White Owl's place forever, Melody. But in exchange, you have to help me as well."
Melody leaned forward, feeling the silky touch of her new costume up against her skin. She shivered in nervous anticipation. "What would I have to do?" she asked, her timid self rising slowly.
"Simply this. When I feel you're ready to become White Owl on a permanent basis, you will. Of course she may have a different feeling about it. So you'll have to fight your friend. Do you think you can do that?"
Melody glowered. "That witch is no longer my friend," she growled. "She's kept me down for too long. It's payback time."
The man in the shadows leaned back in his large leather chair. In the dim light Melody could see him steepling his fingers. "Excellent. Then here's the plan. For now, I want you to continue as you have been. Keep attending events White Owl shuns as White Owl. The more you think and act like her, the easier it will be to fool her. I also want you to remain close to her. Rekindle that friendship if you must. Be available to her. In fact, make her dependent on you."
He rummaged through a drawer and gave Melody two bottles, one large and one small. "Drink the large bottle, Melody, all of it."
Melody looked at him, concern in her eyes. He smiled and nodded to her. She tipped the bottle up and swallowed the whole elixir in short order. She then looked at the dark man. "Wha....what was that?" she said.
"A variant on a super soldier formula from the second World War. It will make you White Owl's physical equal in a matter of days. Remember now, don't deviate from the plan. And when you finally defeat White Owl, bring her to me, in chains."
"Of course," smirked Melody. "When do I learn to fly?"
"After you've completed your part of the bargain. Now go."
Melody cackled as she stepped into the night. The dark man smiled, knowing that the super soldier formula had been abandoned because of the insanity it caused.

Following my weekend with Techno, I took a day off. It was a day to insure my accounts were stable, to reset passwords and get cards reissued. And it was a day to reconnect. I had come so close to losing everything in that battle, that I wasn't certain I should continue. I spent the morning getting my finances straight, and my afternoon in confession with Father Timothy.
"You do realize, Athena, that even though you've done a good thing and taken a menace from the world, you still have good to do here?" asked Father Timothy. His dark eyes twinkled under his thick beard and his beefy hand held mine across the table. "God wants us to always do good Athena. And you do as White Owl. But I think you need to consider the good Athena Nikos can do."
"But what can I do?" I asked.
"Why not use some of your wealth to help him? To provide doctors for him? And for Professor Stowe as well. If you did it anonymously, then I'm certain that would help appease your conscience."
I nodded at that, knowing it was a just solution, and it appealed to my Christian nature. I looked up at Father Timothy, and asked again, "But what about White Owl? Do I still continue in that role?"
He chuckled, stroking his beard. "Of course you do, my dear. It's an old saying, but true, that with great power comes great responsibility. And I can think of no one more responsible or jusicious with her powers than you. By all means you need to continue. One thing the world needs is a judicious application of wisdom." He pronounced a blessing on me, granting me God's peace, and abjured me to go and sin no more. I stood up smiling.
"Thank you Father Timothy, I needed your wisdom."
"Eh, I think you are better off than me. You hear from Athena as well as from the Most High. And Solomon said that wisdom is found after much council." He ushered me to the door of his study and I stepped into the dark sanctuary. I knelt and crossed myself and headed for the door.
I spent the night re-reading Chesler, and seeking again to locate a missing Amazon city in Turkey. I was close to pinning it down, but still wasn't quite certain enough to request permission to dig. I wondered if it might be close to Pergamum, but I was reluctant to make a full commitment. I stretched and crawled into bed, petting Daisy for a while , then finally dropping off.
Morning broke, and I rose smiling. The sunshine and the night's sleep had cleared away a lot of the cobwebs, and I knew Father Timothy's advice had been correct. I slipped into my costume, because I knew White Owl had some appointments to keep.
I flew to Police headquarters, and managed to meet Captain Winslow after the morning role call. His brow was furrowed, and a plaid sports coat was draped over his shoulder as he headed to his old Volvo. I landed behind him and tapped him on the shoulder.
"Well look who finally showed up," he said, without any preamble. "That was quite a busy night you had last night, Owl. I was beginning to think you weren't going to show up to press charges."
"What are you talking about, Captain? I didn't patrol last night."
"Well I got two muggers, one carjacker and three crack dealers who say otherwise. My guys showed up to find them all handcuffed at the various scenes of the crime. They all mumbled something about White Owl taking 'em down. If it wasn't you, I gotta turn 'em loose."
"I swear to you it wasn't me, Captain. I...I needed some down time."
He took a drag on his Camel, and nodded. "I know White Owl, I would've done the same. Still, it would've made my paperwork a lot easier." He shook his head and continued crossing the lot.
I stood flatfooted in surprise. Someone was impersonating me? Without my powers or training, she might be in for a hard time. I had to find her, and help her to see she could get hurt. I promised Captain Winslow I'd look for her. He nodded, yawning. He drove out onto Joe Louis Boulevard and headed north to Sylvania.
I heard the clock in City Hall chiming ten and realized I was running late. I flew to my publicist's and presented myself at the door. A few minutes later, I was shaking Melody's hand.
"I'm so sorry Melody," I said. "I wasn't planning on being late. Can I make it up to you?"
Melody looked up from her desk, and smiled. Her nose was freckled and her eyes twinkled as she looked at me. Her hand felt stronger and her body seemed a bit more sculpted than the last time we'd met.
"You're looking good Melody," I said. "Have you been working out?"
"Oh just a little weight lifting at the gym. Just trying to stay in shape you know Owl." She sat back behind the desk and shoved a bit of mail at me. "This is the week's mail, White Owl. I put the compliments, thanks and good comments on top. The requests and some of the jeers are at the bottom."
I read through a few of the comments, and stopped. "Here's one from the Zenith Comic Convention. I thought I skipped that one. " Melody loomed over my shoulder, reading the note.
"That's odd," she said. "I know I sent them a message declining your attendance."
I shook my head, confronted for the second time that day with the possiblility of a doppelganger. "This is too heavy for me to deal with here. Can I take you to lunch?" I offered.
Melody shook her head. "I'll take YOU. After all, I have an expense account to justify." I nodded and a few minutes later we were in a private booth in Papa Roni's pizza. As we ate, I told Melody about the apparent double out there. She dropped her fork in surprise.
"Don't worry White Owl. I'm sure you'll find her. But lets get down to business." We sat and for the next hour we munched vegetarian pizza and planned replies for personal appearances.
"I don't think I should commit to anything this weekend Melody," I finally said.
"But White Owl, don't you remember? You already committed to the Superthon Friday night."
I slumped back in the booth, covering my face. I smiled out from my interlaced fingers at Melody. "Yeah, I guess I DID forget that. Good thing I have you to help keep my life straight. Otherwise I'd be in worse shape."
"Er, the telethon won't be over until really early Saturday morning White Owl. Why don't you spend the rest of the weeknd with me? I make really good blueberry pancakes!"
I smiled. "Do you make pancakes for all your clients?" Melody giggled, a happy sound.
"Only for my very best ones. The ones I consider friends."
I smiled. "It's a deal. I'll see you Friday then Melody."
I left the pizzaria and flew into the afternoon.

I was excited and really looking forward to the upcoming Superthon and the sleepover at Melody's. She'd been the next best thing to a sister in a long time for me. My schedules as both Athena and as White Owl left a large gap in my life for anything approaching normal, and I loved the way Melody saw me as her friend first, and then her client.
I knocked on the door of her officesThursday afternoon and smiled as she opened the door.
"Hi Melody!" I said giving her a big hug. She looked behind me and saw a small shoulder bag.
"What's this?" she asked.
"My stuff for the sleepover!" I said excitedly. "I brought it here so I wouldn't lose track of it at the TV station tomorrow. I thought maybe you could take it over tonight. Would that bwe a problem?"
Melody's eyes narrowed and her brow dropped, but then she shrugged her shoulders and said, "No, not at all, Owl." I schlepped the bag in behind her and set it behind the client chair. Then I bent over and brought out the Macy's box.
"More surprises?" asked Melody. I grinned an offered it to her.
"This is for being the best friend a heroine could have," I said. "I hope I guessed your size right."
Melody opened the box warily. As she pushed back the tissue paper, I could hear the gasp in her throat. "'s lovely." she said, pulling out the cocktail dress.
"I wanted you to look extra special tomorrow Melody. I'll have one more surprise for you then," I said. She looked up at me with an apprehensive eye.
"Oh don't worry," I said quickly. It's nothing dangerous or illegal, I promise." Melody sat back with a hint of a smile on her face and nodded. I picked up the bag again, and slung it over my shoulder. "Are you sure this is no problem?"
Melody got to her feet in a hurry. "Let me take that Owl. I'll put it in the car." Her voice sounded almost panicked.
"I've got it," I said.
"I insist!" she insisted.
It was my turn to shrug. So I handed the duffel to Melody and followed her out to the parking lot. "I'll make sure it's all right here in the trunk, White Owl," she said. She looked at her watch. "I'm sure you have other things to do today, too. Like finding that imposter! I'll see you tomorrow at Channel 17, all right?"
I knew a brushoff when I heard one. I laughed, figuring Melody had a surprise for me in the trunk that she didn't want me to see. "All right Mel. See you tomorrow." I blew her a kiss, then flew out toward Kosterman Hill and the west side of the city.
Melody watched as I flew away, then opened the trunk of her Volvo. Inside, lay the boots, gloves costume of the very imposter she was speaking of. Melody lay the duffel bag and the dress box in the trunk and locked it. Then she went back into the office.
A few minutes later Melody was on the phone, with her mysterious counsellor. "I am getting FURIOUS!" she spat into the phone. "I don't know how long I can take all of this."
The dark voice on the other side was reassuring and silky in tone. "Calm my dear. You have only three more days before White Owl is no longer a problem in your life. Instead you'll see her for the fraud she is, and all her omnipotence witll become YOURS Melody. Wasn't I right about the power you feel now? Haven't you become stronger, faster and smarter?"
In an almost childlike voice, Melody squeaked, "Yes."
"Good," the soothing voice replied. "Now you remember I gave you two bottles? You drank the first one, right? Take the second one to the studio tomorrow night. I call it the Equalizer. It's odorless and tasteless, so no matter what the White Bimbo drinks tomorrow night, it will affect her."
"Will it kill her?" asked Melody, a rough edge rising in her voice.
"No. But it will throw her coordination off. It will make White Owl weaker, just as I made you stronger. You will be able to defeat her easily, because she'll be exhausted and uncoordinated, and you'll be powerful and strong! This way, you can protect your company's asset from any harm; and instead you can take her place as a more just heroine than White Owl ever thought to be. You're doing Queen City a favor, supplanting White Owl with someone worthy of the title Herione!"
Melody trembled a little. Deep down, she remembered White Owl when they'd been friends. She remembered White Owl holding her for what seemed like hours after Patrick had broken up with her. She remembered the happy woman who had just given her a gift for the telethon the next night. Then a dark thought entered her mind.
"It was all for show!" thought Melody with contempt. She was lauging at me the whole time. If she's so powerful, why didn't she hurt Patrick like he hurt me? Why didn't she bring me a designer original instead of something off the rack? She's not my friend and never has been."
Melody burned a moment at White Owl's last comments. "Treating me like some servant, trundling her bags over to my place early, eh. And that mystic comment about a surprise. I've got a surprise for her, too. One she's not going to like very well at all."
Friday sped past at work and I arrived at Channel 17 around 3 pm for makeup and some rehearsal. I looked around nervously, trying to spot Melody.
"Don't worry, it only gets harder from here," said the children's afternoon show's host, Jimbo the Clown. "Think of all them people watchin' you. 'Course the ol' saw about seeing them in their underwear works in reverse here. All those men out there, they'll be picturing YOU like that." He let out a hoot, then tried to pinch my butt. I danced gingerly away and shot him a withering gaze. Clowns and I have never been friendly, and Jimbo was the cause. But that's a story for another time.
Another hand tapped me on the shoulder and I whirled, anger buring in my eyes. "What do you want?" I started to shout, then stopped myself. Melody was standing there with a large water bottle. Her eyes grew big as saucers from fear. I reached out and grabbed her.
"I'm so sorry Melody," I said, hugging her tight. "I thought you were that creepy Clown. Still friends?"
"S...sure," she said, a little shaken. She held up the water bottle. "I brought you something to drink. And I packed the mini cooler with more. I know you're going to be thirsty tonight." I smiled and took the bottle.
"Thank you," I said, drinking a bit.
"We're going live White Owl, we need you on stage," a producer called. I nodded and held up a finger.
"I've got so many butterflies it's not funny Mel. Wish me luck!"
The band played, and I hustled to the wings of the stage. Behind me I didn't hear Melody's muttered, "I'll wish you luck White Owl, all of it BAD!"

The telethon continued into the night and with each hour I was pumped with excitement. But the grueling pace was beginning to take a toll on me in a way a night of crime fighting never had.
"Ladies and Gentlemen! It's 3 am in Queen City, and you've been magnificent! Our tally stands at $730,000 raised for the Children's Hospital. It's almost magical, the way you're stepping to the plate. And speaking of magic, here's Majesto the magnificent to entertain."
A puff of stage smoke crossed blew out of nowhere and behind it the elegant form of Majesto rose. Polite applause rose from the studio audience, and Majesto bowed. He smiled and crossed over to me.
"I want to make a donation, White Owl; but I'll need your help. You see I've forgotten my wallet," he said.
"How can I help?" I asked.
He reached behind my ear, and pulled out a Sacagawea dollar. The brassy coin shone in the stage lights. I put my hand over my ear and gaped in astonishment. "B...but..."
Majesto held up a goved hand. "Wait," he said. "I realize my dollar isn't much..."
"You mean MY dollar," I ribbed good naturedly.
"But when I put it into my multiplier..." Majesto pulled out a small box. It had a drawer on one end and a slot. He pulled the drawer out and let me look inside. It was indeed empty. Majesto put the dollar into the drawer and closed the box. He pressed on the sides, and a hundred dollar bill slid easily out the far side.
"My dollar, plus a lot of other dollars can do a lot of good." he said. The audience broke into loud applause.
"We need you, especially now in the wee hours of the morning, to help put us over the top," said Majesto. "The children's hospital of Queen City is an outstanding organization, to be sure, but we need your help in this building program. Otherwise..."
While Majesto had been talking, two silent assistants had wheeled a large box onto the stage. The box had a full length curtain. Majesto spun the box around to show it was solid and empty.
"White Owl? Would you do the honors?" said Majesto. I looked around hesitatingly. I've had bad luck with magicians in the past, but I knew Majesto's reputation to be impeccable. I got into the box and he closed the curtain.
"The Children's Hospital is a vital service here in Queen City. Some would say White Owl is too." This brought laughter. "But without support from you, (he tapped the box) the Children's Hospital would disappear as certainly as White Owl has." He pulled the curtain back and the audience gasped at the empty space.
I waited backstage for the next few minutes as Majesto continued his act. As a co-chairman for the telethon, his patter was well rehearsed. I found my water bottle and took a drink. Melody came up beside me and I gave her a thumbs up.
"How are you holding up, White Owl?" she asked, offering me a fresh water bottle.
I whispered back, "My legs seem a bit wobbly, but otherwise I think I'm all right. I'm probably just tired is all. Your guest bed will feel good when this is over, I think." I smiled at her and noticed Mel was wearing the dress I'd bought for her. "You look terrific," I said.
On stage, Majesto was just finishing his act. He spoke my cue and I slipped back into the box. The applause broke, signifying that Majesto had finished his act. As it died down, I spoke into my lavalier mike, "Hello? Majesto? ANYBODY?" I heard a titter of laughter then smiled as I heard Majesto return to the stage. I heard the two taps on the side of the bos and I stepped out from behind the curtain, this time to an even louder applause.
"We have to do this again, sometime," said Majesto, as he bowed once more, then stepped off stage.
The rest of the telethon zipped by in a blur. But eventually it was high noon on Saturday, when the final drumroll indicated that the Superthon had raised $1,723,000 for the Children's Hospital. As we came down to the final credits, I took a moment to say, "Ladies and gentlemen, we appreciate everything you've done for us. But there's an unsung hero here today. IN so many ways, she's MY hero; and I'm glad to call her my friend. Miss Melody Jamison!! C'mon out here, Mel."
Melody stepped into the spotlight, glaring at White Owl. Her face was worn, she was tired and did not want to face the crowd. As she got ready to speak though, the lights went out in the studio. "That's a wrap! Thanks, White Owl for all your help!" A camera man was winding up cable and said to Melody, you need to move miss, people working here. Melody broke for the studio door and sat in the lobby.
An hour later, I came out, wondering where Mel had gone. "Oh there you are," I said. "I can't' wait to get to your place. I was thinking a nap this afternoon, then we can stay up late. Is that ok with you?"
Melody scowled, and said, "Yeah Fine, Whatever." I followed her down to her car and climbed into the passenger seat. Stifling a yawn, I stretched, then buckled the seatbelt.
"I hope you're in better shape than me," I said. "I am SO exhuasted."
Melody seemed sullen on the drive and we didn't talk much. All my attempts to chat were deflected, so I finally asked, "What's wrong."
"I've never been so embarrassed in my LIFE!" she shouted. "All my work, all my efforts and they couldn't even put a stinking camera on me for two second. No, its always about YOU."
"Melody, I'm sorry. I didn't know they'd..."
"Never mind," she said, pushing her hair out of her eyes. "I'm tired too I guess."
We pulled up to her small split level and I stumbled, half asleep to the front door. She turned a key and we were inside.
"The guest room is downstairs," said Melody. I followed her down the steps to her den. A television sat in one corner, with a comfy couch in front of it. A tall shelf full of books lined one wall, with a computer hutch sitting opposite. A small hallway led back to the laundry room and a small bathroom. And finally, a small door opened into a guest room.
I stepped in and saw my overnight bag was already there. I sat on the bed and felt the soft feather bed underneath the sheets. "Oh this is nice," I said. I pulled my boots off and leaned back. I yawned again. "I can't understand why I'm so sleepy..." Within a few minutes I was unconscious, sleeping on the bed.
Above me, Melody smiled. "Sleep tight White Owl. You're never going to leave this place." She worked quickly, placing shackles on my ankles. She popped off the paintings on either side of the bed and I was soon manacled to the wall, with heavy chains attached to the hidden eye bolts.
"Now I can sleep safely," she said, dropping off on the couch in the den.

My head was pounding and as I moved my arm to try and massage the pain away, I came to the surprising conclusion that I was shackled to the wall. My fuzzy brain immediately came alert. Somehow one of my enemies had found me. I worried for my friend and called out "Melody?"
The sound of splashing water came from the bathroom and Melody emerged a moment later, with a large smile pasted on her face.
"Oh thank God you're all right, Melody." I held my wrists up to her. "Do you have something that can get through these shackles?"
"Now why would I want to do that, White Owl?" she said in a honied voice. "I went to a lot of trouble selecting those bracelets for you, and you're going to enjoy them. I insist!" My jaw dropped open in astonishment, and Melody laughed.
"How does it feel to be the weaker one this time?" she giggled. "You aren't so powerful and scary now, White Owl."
"What are you talking about Melody?" I asked in shock. "I've always been nice to you. You're my friend."
"Maybe once, White Owl," she scowled, "but not any more. Let me tell you a story." She sat on the edge of the bed; making sure the shackles on my ankles were as snug as my wrist restraints.
"You see, White Owl. I was a rising star at my job, almost certainly guaranteed a partnership. Unitl YOU came along. Because you were so prestigious to the company, I was given to your account. But my other accounts suffered, my work load was too much. I had to spin your goodness to the community; ensuring the world had positive thoughts of the mystery woman White Owl.
"Quite frankly, I was always afraid of your veiled threats, of your challenges to my sense of fashion, and of your conditional friendships." She paused for a moment and I could see the tears welling up in her brown eyes.
"My friendship was genuine Melody, how could you think it conditional?" I managed to ask.
"With all your powers, you never did anything nice for me. Instead of beating up Patrick, and helping him feel outside like I did inside, you just talked to him. You always turn down rewards; trips to Hub City, or the Bahamas, or even cash rewards. And all the while, you put yourself into danger. My great client, my sole means of supporting myself, and you put your life on the line, for what? Pure altruism? I don't think that plays well in modern society. If you turned up dead; or worse never showed up again, what would I do for a living? Even in the middle of out "friendly meetings" you always had ultierior motives."
"Wait, what do you mean by that Melody?" I was worried; she'd built me into a monster in her mind, and I knew that I had to tread carefully. I wiggled, trying to get more comfortable, and failed miserably. "I don't think I ever had ulterior motives."
"Oh no?" snorted Melody. "What about Thursday? You stopped by my office, just to drop off your suitcase so your porter would deliver it to your vaction spot. You gave me a dress, just because you thought I couldn't dress appropriately for a telethon. THEN, you had the nerve to bring me on camera just to show off your Pygmalion. And to top it off, even though I'd been working as hard as you had all night long, you had me DRIVE us over here, rather than flying us both. Then you collapsed on my bed, like a spoiled debutante. If that's friendship, then you can have it." Melody swept up the stairs and disappeared.
Her harsh words cut deep and I bowed my head, feeling the flush of embarassment. Had I been so callous? From her perspective I certainly could make that arguement. I pulled again at the chains; and heard them rattle weakly. I didn't understand it; normally I could have ripped the chains from the wall with minimal effort. From upstairs, I heard Melody call out, "Oh Owl, I think you need to know that during the night, I drugged your water. Nothing serious dear, but a nice muscle relaxant. I don't think you'll be able to pull your weight for some time."
As she finished speaking, Melody appeared at the top of the stair. She stepped down into her guest room and smiled. My eyes widened in astonishment. "Wha..what are you doing Melody?"
She was dressed in a white leotard and a costume similar to mine. "Well, White Owl, you asked me for help in locating your imposter. I didn't have to look very far." She stopped, then turned and looked over her shoulder at me.
"Not a bad impression is it? And who would know more about your exploits than me? Except for you maybe." She knelt on the bed over me, and grasped both my wrists in hers.
"Now I KNOW you're strong White Owl. And I know you've got a powerful healing factor too, which means the muscle relaxant will wear off before I get back. You might even be free from these chains; waiting for me. I can't allow that." I felt her fingers and thumbs pressing on opposite sides of my ulna.
"So I'm going to make sure you can't use your arms for a bit." She leaned in and kissed me as her powerful hands snapped my wrists, shattering the bones in both arms. Her kiss muffled my howls of pain. After I finished screaming, she sat back on her knees. She stroked my face, and my breasts as I whimpered in pain.
"Shhhhhhh, White Owl. I can't have you breaking free. After all, my master has a use for you. Tomorrow, I'll take you to meet him. But for tonight, I need to patrol. The world DOES have need of a White Owl. It's just that right now, YOU aren't her."
Through tear filled eyes, I watched as Melody took a long silk scarf, and knotted it through my mouth. It hurt to move and I lay perfectly still as she gagged me. The pain in my wrists was excruciating, and I felt sick at my stomach.
"Oh! One last detail," said Melody. She brought a vial of liquid and a fresh hypodermic syringe. "This is a hallucinogenic, White Owl. It won't ease the pain any, but it will make it seem bright." She filled the syringe, then stuck it into the fat of my thigh. My adrenaline was already rushing and I could feel the cool liquid shooting into my veins.
Melody trotted up the steps, blew me a kiss and said, "Ta ta, old friend. I'll be back soon!" I heard the door shut and I moaned into the gag. My arms felt like they were on fire and the first stirrings of the hallucinations started to assail my senses.

I don't know if Melody's hallucinogenic was a curse or a blessing. I lost all concept of time, and every movement brought an amazing light show that coincided with my pain. My arms were on fire, I could see the flames blazing on my once white gloves, and I marvelled at the fact that though I was ablaze, I wasn't burning.
Faces loomed before me, twisted and hideous. I saw the tragic remains of Black Ibis, the baffled and innocent look of Techno, the long dead Jackal. Together, with other villains, they performed a danse macabre celebrating my defeat and captivity.
"She saved so many people, but she can't save herself, can she?" The Jackal hissed in my ear. "Oh you used to be good for a while, but it looks like time has run out," giggled the Watchmaker.
It hurt to move, and so I tried to remain perfectly still. But even still, my arms jiggled as I tried to put out the flames. Or if I tried to move. I closed my eyes and felt myself drifting, melting into Melody's bed. Such a pretty bed, yet it was trying to engulf me. I stretched my neck and whimpered as the pain throbbed in my arms.
In my thrashing about on the bed, I managed to kick the remote control. Melody's TV swirled into view at that point, and I saw a hail of police officers, lawyers and baseball players. On the Nature Channel, the elephants were attacking the salespeople from HSC. I winced again at the pain, but could feel my healing factor working. But it was having to work overtime, fighting the sedative and the hallucinogenic; not to mention my broken arms. Slowly, my mind began recovering, I was able to follow the television's stories without effort.
The Channel 18 Early Morning news was just starting, and Juan Munoz, the weekend anchor lead off with ,"We all assume that White Owl is a gentle superheroine. Just last night, she hosted the telethon for the Children's Hospital here in Queen City. But that image recieved an extreme makeover tonight. Debbie Cowgill is standing by at Metro North hospital with the report. Debbie?"
"Thanks Juan. I'm here at Metro North Hospital, where seven young men, alledgedly loitering and violating a noise ordinance are recovering. These men say they were confronted by White Owl, who then administered a severe beating. Two of the men are suffering broken bones. Additional reports have filtered in concerning this rampage of anger from Queen City's premiere heroine. Police Captain Don Winslow, the QCPD liason to the metahuman community, had this to say..."
The picture shifted to Don and I nearly wept. He wouldn't believe the stories, surely. But would he realize I was missing? Captain Winslow said,"...don't believe at this time that the attacks were carried out by White Owl. The eyewitnesses give acompletely different description of White Owl than the one known to the police. At this time, QCPD is attempting to reach someone in VALOR or the Superhero Guild to assist with this new menace."
"Would you say the city is safe, Captain? And what would cause White Owl to act this way?"
"I do think the city is safe, Debbie. As to what would cause White Owl to act like this, I don't really know. It's almost like she's not herself. Our working theory is that this may be an imposter." A white boot came flying out of nowhere and smashed dead center into the screen, shattering it.
"IMPOSTER!" shouted Melody from the top of the stairs. "I'm not an imposter, I'm a successor. Where White Owl was too goody goody for her own good, too compassionate to be efective, I've taken her place! The world doesn't need a candy coated owl of purity and light, it needs a predatory bird, a Dark Owl, one who can penetrate the shadows of gray in society."
Melody stormed down the stairs and grabbed my chin in cruelty. She yanked my head toward her and hissed in my face. "You're nothing anymore White Owl, do you hear me? I'm taking over for you. And you, you're going to have a new career, short lived though it may be." She slammed my head back against the wall, and disappeared into her dressing room again.
I tugged at the chains, but my arms weren't completely healed yet. I mumbled into the gag in frustration. I tried drawing my legs up instead, and felt the bedframe creaking beneath me. The bedposts were groaning, then a sharp "CRACK" and my left leg broke free. I rolled to my side, attempting to break the other post. I was so intent on getting free, I didn't notice when Melody came back down.
"What do you think you're doing?" she asked indignantly. I didn't answer, still straining. If I could get the leg free, then...
I didn't get the chance. Melody jumped on me, tackling me and bringing my free leg into a cradle hold, bending it toward my back. "MMMMMPPPHHH!!!" I groaned as she drove her knee deep into my back. I struggled against her weight and almost superhuman strength, but she kept me held and I felt the jabbing of another needle into my thigh.
She held me for a moment, allowing the drug to work it's way in. "Its another muscle relaxant, White Owl. You'll be limp in a moment." I felt the control slipping away. My eyes closed in exhaustion and fear.
Melody was now dressed entirely in black--a shirt and pants, with high black boots. Despite her smaller size, she lifted me with ease and carried me to the garage. She bound my wrists and ankles with a heavy duct tape, then dropped me into the back seat of her small Mercedes. She then pulled a blanket over me.
"I'm taking you to see my friend, White Owl. He fixed me, made me better. And all he asked was you. I'm sure you'll like him, he said he's an old friend." I shuddered, afraid of what she'd say next.

Hellfire. The name echoed in my head and I felt my heart racing. I don't really know if I was still suffering from Melody's hallucinogenics, or if fear was driving my adrenaline. I was so lost in thought, I didn't even think to resist as Melody dragged me from the bed and threw a hood over my head.
I had good reason to fear the name of Hellfire. Shortly after my return from Greece, I embarked on my second career as a crimefighting heroine. Early on, it was fun, scaring would be muggers, carjackers and robbers. But the first arson I saw drilled into my head that there were those who were intent to create harm and chaos in a beautiful and (mostly) orderly world.
It had been a warm summer in Queen City. With half an ear cocked to the readiom, I knew the Gems had lost another baseball game, miring themselves with another lackluster season. But it was a date I'll never forget. I looked out the window of my Victory Park apartment, and saw the sky lit up near the stadium.
"That's odd," I said. "They only do fireworks when the team wins." Frightened, I dressed in my costume and jumped into the night. I soared toward the city, feeling the blazefrom the parking garage. Despite the intense heat, I worked with the Fire Department to rescue those I could from the blaze.
"We can't get to 'em all, Owl. This blaze is too hot," said Chief O'Brien. "In fact, it's burning hotter than any building has a right to. There's something funny about this blaze."
My keen gray eyes picked out a figure in the center of the blaze, laughing hysterically. "BURN QUEEN CITY!!!!" he shouted.
"I think I've found your firebug, Chief." I dove into the blazing garage, eager to stop this problem. He saw me coming, and threw a ball of flame at me. "Have a little fire, bitch!"
I dodged the firebrand, and swooped left. The figure followed, and to my surprise, I learned he could fly. "All right," I said. "Let's take this outside." I flew out of the parking garage, just as the groaning supports began to buckle. But he followed me, drawing the heat and flame from the garage. The temperature in the fire zone dropped rapidly and the firemen were able to stop the fire, saving most of those still trapped in the garage.
I learned all this later, of course. I was focusing on the man's blazing bullets, zipping to my left and right. I noticed, though, that as I flew closer to the Ohio, he shied back, almost like an excess of water would.... "Of Course!"
I flew back at him, diving right under him, and raking him with the claws I no longer use. He howled in pain and unleashed a pillar of fire from his hands straight at me. I barely twisted away, but tucked and ran, flying east, back toward Victory Park. He was, dare I say it, hot on my heels as I flew away from the river. The burning man drew nearer as we topped a cliff in the park. I banked left, over the conservatory, and noted the time in the floral clock. I had to be accurate.
I skimmed low to the ground, with Hellfire in tow. he was practically on top of me when I stopped short. He wasn't expecting that and flew backwards into the reflecting pool and fountain in the center of the park. With a whooshing hiss of steam and smoke, he sat in the water, unable to summon his blaze.
I wrapped him up quickly and left him with the police and fire investigators. But I got his name before I left, and he swore he'd get his revenge on me. I smiled and flew home.
Hellfire didn't know it, but he'd already gotten his revenge. One of the dead in the parking garage had been Dimetrios Nikos; my father. At his trial, he'd been put away for life. How in the world had he gotten free? How had he found Melody? My mind raced with these and other questions.
I'll be honest. Hooded, bound and covered by a blanket in the back of Melody's car, I lost all track of time and direction. Was I even in the city any more? Where was she taking me. All I knew was when I got there, the meeting would be even more unpleasant. I felt the car slowing, then turning, then braking. Wherever she was taking me, we'd arrived.
Two sets of hands grabbed at my bound and flailing form. I reminded myself that Melody had grown phenomenally strong and I already knew what Hellfire could do. I heard the crunch of gravel beneath me, then smelled dust and warm air as we entered wherever it was. I was slammed upright against a pillar, and I felt heavy chains wrapped around my wait and chest, my wrists were restrained behind me as well.
The hood was torn away, and I blinked in the dim light. My eyes struggled to adjust to the dim lighting, and I heard a rough voice, "I've been waiting a long time for this White Owl." A light flared in a palm, and I could see the image of Hellfire, limned in his own light.
Summoning my courage, I asked, "What are you doing here. Weren't you sent away for life after killing all those people?"
He smirked; not a pretty sight. "You'd think so wouldn't you. But I have a pardon, thanks to Uncle Sam. I was taken from prison and made a part of a special dark operations team. They think I'm dead, or at least MIA." He grinned, and patted Melody like an obedient dog.
"You did well, Melody; or should I call YOU White Owl?"
Melody stuck a finger in her mouth and made a gagging noise. "Like I'd EVER want to be that dull. I'm the Dark Owl now, Hellfire." He chuckled at Melody and thanked her.
"I'm sure there's more crime to be destroyed in Queen City. You need to go avenge it." And like the obedient thing she'd become, Melody left. As I'd listened to the exchange, I looked around. Something about my surroundings seemed familiar.
"It's St Joan's, White Owl. Do you appreciate the irony? I'm going to burn it down, with you at the stake. And no one will ever know. His hand touched a pile of old hymnbooks in the corner, and I saw the flames licking hungrily at the old paper. Hellfire looked back at me and blew me a kiss, then shouted at me over his shoulder as he left out the back entrance.
"So long White Owl. Remember, you play with Hellfire, and you're going to get burned." His laughter continued to echo in the hall as the flames grew around me.

The smoke swirled around my legs, and rose slowly and sinuously from the floor. The heat had just begun to build; along with my fear factor. I pulled on the chains, listening to them clink behind me and feeling nothing of my old strength. With my legs trembling, I accepted that I was going to die.
I trembled with fear, sweat breaking out on my back, and on my face. I wasn't sure where my strength had gone. I knew Melody's drug had drained me of my abilities, but I also knew that my healing factor would eventually overcome her drugs. Yet I was as weak as when she first injected me. And she'd beaten me so readily. Did I deserve to remain as White Owl? I'd also failed to see all of her insanity, to see her friendship slip away from me.
Maybe Athena had withdrawn her wisdon from me? I hadn't been contacted by her in a long time. Had she switched her alliances to Hellfire and Melody?
I shook my head, and coughed. The smoke was getting thicker, and dark. The flames were leaping onto the curtains. The walls were ablaze and I could feel the intensity of the heat against my face. I refused to give Hellfire the pleasure of hearing me scream. I had no doubts the firebug was lingering at hand as arsonists tend to be.
The flames swept across the carpet and suddenly the pews in front of me began burning. All around me the flames licked closer, hungry to roast this fowl. My knees buckled and I sagged weakly into the chains. "You can't give up, Athena," I told myself. "You've got to try..."
But again the chains failed to yield. What was wrong--I had been able to flip cars, I should be able to break chains. Or were my powers gone for good?
In the midst of the glowing embers I watched as the wood popped on one of the pews. the sparks didn't disappear though. Instead they swirled and shimmered, corralling and shaping the smoke into an image. A familiar image to me. The glowing smoke took the form of a woman, a woman in a Greek helmet with a shield on her arm and an Owl on her shoulder.
"Grey Eyed Athena," I croaked through the smoke. "Why have you withdrawn your gifts from me? "
"I haven't my child, you are as you have always been since receiving my gifts."
"Then why can't I break these chains. I am certain to die in the flames."
"You cannot break the external chains until you break those holding your mind in check, namesake." The glowing embers blew out with a soft whoosh and like a dream she was gone.
Was this a true theophany? Had I been hallucinating? Somehow I didn't think so. I knew what the goddess had said; I'd been wallowing in doubt and despair. But I was White Owl, the herald for Athena on earth. I was wise, I was powerful I was STRONG!!!
I leaned back into the pillar and gazed upward. As an archaeologist I have knowledge of a lot of things, including building structure. The pillar Hellfire had bound me to was not a bearing pillar; it was decorative. And thant meant...
I pullued my shoulders forward and leaned into the chain. Summoning my flight ability, I felt myself moving slowly upward and forward. The chains clanked and stretched to their limit, halting my motion. I strained, feeling the sweat from both the heat of the fire and the stress coating my skin. The chains seemed unyielding, but I could hear the groan of the stone pillar as the combined stresses affected this heretofore immoveable object.
"" I shouted about the roaring flames. "And I WILL be FREE!!!" The chain snapped, just one link but it was enough to spring me free. I flipped forward, regaining enough balance to tumble over the nearest flames and hit the ground with the soles of my boots. I dove upward, swooping above the fire, looking for a way out. The blaze was everywhere, blocking all the doors to the outside from the sanctuary. But above? I rose, covered my eyes and burst through the rose window above the altar.
I dove back to the parking lot, gasping in the fresh air around the blazing church building. I could see the flashing lights of the Sylvania fire department rushing toward the church when another fireball slammed the ground in front of the truck. The fire engine exploded, throwing equipment and firefighters willy nilly across the roadway.
"Hellfire" I glared. I wasn't as concerned about his personal vendetta with me, but endangering innocents was something I would not tolerate. I rose over the treeline and landed hard into his back, slamming him to the gorund with a hard elbow and shoulder.
Hellfire had been caught by surprise and tumbled to the ground, plowing up a patch of someone's lawn with his chin. He rose to his knee, staggered by the swift attack and was turning to look at me when I hit him again from the side, driving him into a Pontiac, parked by the curb. I landed near and was charging toward him.
Hellfire raised his hands at me. "YOU! You're dead! You just don't know it yet." I saw the glowin his hands and hit the air. Just as he released the flames from his hands, I hit him, hard, in the waist, throwing him back toward St Joan's.
"This is your doing," I shouted. "A place of worship, a holy place. And you're destroying it!"
"Oh please White Owl, I'm offering it to God in a sacrificial rite. Look at the way the fire dances." His hands cluched at either side of my Nu Silk costume and he caught the leotard on fire. I dropped Hellfire and dove to the earth, rolling until I was out. Getting up, I began looking for the blazing villain. Instead I heard a cackling laugh and felt a pair of hands grabbing my waist and lifting me into the air.
"Gotcha Owly!" laughed Melody. "Naughty thing, trying to get away." I squirmed in futility, Melody's strength matched mine. She shook me like a rag doll, but I wasn't really hurt. Still I could see Hellfire rushing toward us, using his own control of heat and flame to fly at me.
I closed my eyes and threw my head forward, ducking his fist. I heard the solid crunch and felt Melody's arms relax, as she drooped unconscious to the ground. I scrambled to my feet, searching for Hellfire.
He found me, wrapping his arms around my waist, just like I had a moment earlier. "I can take the flames, White Owl, can you?" he said, diving us back into my broken rosette window. The blaze in the building was higher now--an inferno, another Pompeii. The heat was intense and threatened to destroy us both.
"Are you insane?" I cried. I slammed both elbows into Hellfire's back and was rewarded with a groan of pain. He released my hips, and I swooped up, then straddled his back, like a prize bull. Hellfire bucked, and flashed his hands back at me, trying to dislodge me with fire. In his anxiety, He rammed a wall head on. I jumped free just a split second before hand, grazing the wall and doing a backroll. I caught Hellfire just before he fell into the flames and flew back out the rosette. I dropped him into the church's fountain, which had been filled with water from the recent rains, and heard him sizzle out.
"That should hold him until the police get here," I said swooping back to where I last saw Melody. The ground was empty; she was gone. I flew back to the fountain in time to see the bomb squad and Captain Winslow putting Hellfire into a special suit. He'd be sent to a special facility in Louisiana, I knew. I sighed deeply, and flew home, wondering when or if I'd meet Melody again. I cried myself to sleep at the loss of a clsoe friend, possibly forever.
The End

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